Keep yourself informed!
Jan 26th, 2021, 10:10 pm
Some of you may have gotten a PM from RobertRef that looks like this:
This is an automatically generated message notifying you that you have received a special VIP invitation from one of your colleagues or friends.
Note: You are ONLY receiving this because they submitted your email address.
Please only click the link if you are interested making your first $1M with 90 days using our proprietary money system.
It's FREE to use and you can receive your first commission payment within 24 hours.

Needless to say this is spam. While we can't delete PMs that have already been sent, we can add a text filter that replaces the URL at the end of the PM and takes you to this topic instead. ;)
Jan 26th, 2021, 10:10 pm
Jan 17th, 2022, 8:20 am
This is rather a side question as i dont know where to ask.

I'm getting express vpn ad after the said content at the end.
Is this normal?
Like it's everywhere.
Jan 17th, 2022, 8:20 am
Jan 17th, 2022, 10:28 pm
Rex02 wrote:This is rather a side question as i dont know where to ask.

I'm getting express vpn ad after the said content at the end.
Is this normal?
Like it's everywhere.

Yes, Mobilism has some ads.
Jan 17th, 2022, 10:28 pm