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Mar 17th, 2023, 7:55 am
Hello i asked for payout via bank transfer
Got rejected because minimum payout ,today i loged in my account. The same amount first time canceled and now say paid i dont have got any payout from them since today bank transfer usually take 1 to 7 day but for me this is clearly scam how first time canceled and second time paid lol no sense this make me think is scam.
And when i try to contact them in the contact form i get this error below .

Suggestion? Idea anyone got paid
Thank you


Software error:
Attempt to reload MIME/ aborted.
Compilation failed in require at Modules/ line 3.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error
Mar 17th, 2023, 7:55 am

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