Nov 23rd, 2023, 1:29 pm
Seven Minutes in Eternity with the Aftermath by William Dudley Pelley
Nov 23rd, 2023, 1:29 pm
Nov 24th, 2023, 12:09 pm
I Went On An Adventure And All I Got Was This Barbarian Orc: Chapter 1 by Jennifer Cody
Nov 24th, 2023, 12:09 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

Nov 24th, 2023, 9:16 pm
Fear the Truth by Sally Rigby
Nov 24th, 2023, 9:16 pm
Nov 27th, 2023, 2:45 am
I'm currently in between books TBH but I'm leaning towards starting Under the Oak Tree by Suji Kim
Nov 27th, 2023, 2:45 am

Please click "reupload" if any of my links expire. Thank you.
Nov 27th, 2023, 10:24 pm
This one (holds book up to show everyone the cover).

Nov 27th, 2023, 10:24 pm
Last edited by Scunzero on Nov 29th, 2023, 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nov 28th, 2023, 1:10 am
Old Secrets, by R.J. Blain. Final book in the Balancing the Scales trilogy.
Nov 28th, 2023, 1:10 am
Dec 6th, 2023, 11:28 pm
What's Hidden in the Cellar by Graham Masterton.
Dec 6th, 2023, 11:28 pm
Dec 7th, 2023, 1:17 am
Trying to read War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton. It's an older book, and I'm not fond of how women are portrayed in it. I don't know if I'll finish.
Dec 7th, 2023, 1:17 am
Dec 8th, 2023, 12:29 am
Dendra wrote:Trying to read War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton. It's an older book, and I'm not fond of how women are portrayed in it. I don't know if I'll finish.

The series didn't really get any better. I read the first 10 books waayy waayy back in mid-70's and gave up because it was just plain awful. I discovered another series around the same time called The Destroyer by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir (gads, I'll have to add that to my favourite authors/books list). They were a lot more interesting and didn't take themselves too seriously. Worth, at the very least, having a look.

The movie Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins which came out in 1985 and centres around the backstory of Remo Williams meeting Chuin is a fun action/comedy and still pretty much holds its own almost 40 years later.
Dec 8th, 2023, 12:29 am
Dec 16th, 2023, 4:50 am
The Bee Sting by Paul Murray
Dec 16th, 2023, 4:50 am
Dec 17th, 2023, 2:46 am
Scunzero wrote:
Dendra wrote:Trying to read War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton. It's an older book, and I'm not fond of how women are portrayed in it. I don't know if I'll finish.

The series didn't really get any better. I read the first 10 books waayy waayy back in mid-70's and gave up because it was just plain awful. I discovered another series around the same time called The Destroyer by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir (gads, I'll have to add that to my favourite authors/books list). They were a lot more interesting and didn't take themselves too seriously. Worth, at the very least, having a look.

The movie Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins which came out in 1985 and centres around the backstory of Remo Williams meeting Chuin is a fun action/comedy and still pretty much holds its own almost 40 years later.

I finished the book, and have no intention of reading any more. The 'hero' had his reasons for going on a vendetta, but IMHO he was an a**hole. I am SO glad I got it here and didn't pay for it.

I tried to wash that out of my head with Where the Shadows Beckon by Gillian Grant because it had good reviews and is new to me. I finished it, but the pacing and inner monologue of the main character wandered and didn't make sense at times. Just not my cup of tea.

So I re-read The Wicked in Me by Suzanne Wright and felt much better afterwards. The heroine Wynter is so much fun to read that I do so every few months. The next book in the series comes out in mid-January and I can't wait! :)

I remember the Remo Williams movie! I watched it on HBO and got such a kick out of Joel Grey's character. I definitely have fond memories, and wish it had turned into a franchise.
Dec 17th, 2023, 2:46 am
Last edited by Dendra on Jan 2nd, 2024, 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jan 1st, 2024, 5:00 am
Prince For Sale (Thrall Prince #1) by Caroline Gibson
Jan 1st, 2024, 5:00 am

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

Jan 2nd, 2024, 10:18 pm
The Royal Curse (Twilight Mages #1) by Eliot Grayson
Jan 2nd, 2024, 10:18 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

Jan 4th, 2024, 9:36 pm
At last started "The Imago Sequence and Other Stories" by Laird Barron.
Jan 4th, 2024, 9:36 pm
Jan 9th, 2024, 6:59 pm
I'm slowly working my way through the World of Warcraft series. I'm on The Shattering currently, and it's one of my favorites so far.
Jan 9th, 2024, 6:59 pm