Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Nov 15th, 2017, 2:46 pm
5 Novels by Lucy Vine
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 11.2 MB
Overview: Lucy Vine is a writer, editor, columnist and author of bestselling novel Hot Mess. Her second book, What Fresh Hell is out 8 March, and she's currently writing her third. Wish her luck.
Genre: Romance, Contemporary | Chick Lit

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Hot Mess: Hot Mess [n.] - someone attractive, who is often in disarray.

Ellie Knight is just like you. Her life isn't turning out the way she thought it would. Some people might say she's a hot mess but then who really has their s**t together anyway?

It's Valentine's Day and Ellie finds herself eating Nutella in the bar stockroom after a no-show date.
But single doesn't have to be the loneliest number, does it?
She goes back home to her flatshare and weird flatmates.
It's ok there's black mould everywhere, right?
With a hangover from hell, she goes to the office job she thought she would have quit by now.
Doesn't everyone hate their job?

Maybe Ellie isn't following the *official life plan* but perfect is overrated. For fans of Fleabag and Girls, this is a fresh and funny coming-of-age story with a single-girl heroine that everyone will relate to - a modern Carrie Bradshaw meets Bridget Jones.

What Fresh Hell: What do you get if you cross a dozen drunk hens with one shiny Butler in the Buff? Meet Lilah Fox. She's on the hen do from hell. Then she gets a message (44 of them, actually) from her best friend with big news: she's getting married in six months. Oh, and Lilah's her maid of honour. Which means she just got signed up for:

- A military schedule of wedding fairs and weekly planning meetings
- Excel spreadsheets and endless hen emails
- All the enforced, expensive fun you can imagine...

What fresh hell is this?

Bad Choices: Two friends. Two decades.
One big mistake...
Nat and Zoe have always shared everything.
Hopeless crushes, emergency tampons, messy sex stories, work triumphs, those days where you can't stop crying in the loos, those days where you can't stop dancing on the bar. They even share the same birthday, FFS. The struggle is real, but they'll always have each other.
Except best friends forever is a hard promise to keep...
Eye-wateringly hilarious, tender and true, this a story about growing up, falling apart, and the friendships that hold us together.

Seven Exes [AU/US]: Esther is out with her two friends, bemoaning her lack of relationship, when she finds a magazine from the noughties. Seeking comfort – and a laugh – she turns to the dating advice only to find an article that feels a little too close to home. According to the journalist, there are seven people a woman will date before finding the one:

The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Friend with Benefits, The Overlap, The Missed Chance, The Bastard and The Serious One.

Her friends laugh but Esther realises each of her exes fits these roles perfectly. Deciding that she’s mistaken her true love in the reject pile she decides to contact each of her exes to find out which is the one that got away...

Date with Destiny: Ginny is about to turn 32. It’s a year she’s been thinking about for a long time. Sixteen years ago she crossed paths with a psychic who made some key predictions about her thirty-second year…
Three bad things: A heartbreak, a loss of independence, and a death.
Three good things: A life-changing trip, reconnecting with someone, and meeting her soulmate.
The issue is that Ginny is due to get married in a month… but it’s all nonsense, obviously. But when some of those pesky predictions start coming true she starts to wonder what might happen next…

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Nov 15th, 2017, 2:46 pm
Mar 11th, 2018, 8:30 am
Added: What Fresh Hell
Mar 11th, 2018, 8:30 am
May 24th, 2023, 6:42 pm
Added: Seven Exes [AU/US]
*US Edition added June 20, 2023.
May 24th, 2023, 6:42 pm
May 12th, 2024, 1:02 pm
Added: Date with Destiny
May 12th, 2024, 1:02 pm