Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jun 17th, 2022, 1:53 pm
Bachelor Cowboys Series (2 & 7) by Lisa Childs
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.4MB | Retail
Overview: Bestselling, award-winning author Lisa Childs wrote her first book when she was six, a biography...of the family dog. Now she writes paranormal and contemporary romance. The youngest of seven siblings, she holds family very dear in real life and her fiction, often infusing her books with compelling family dynamics. She lives in west Michigan with her husband, two daughters, a twenty-pound Siamese cat and a five-pound Chihuahua.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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#2 - The Cowboy's Unlikely Match
This cowboy keeps his distance
Until home beckons...
Cowboy mayor Ben Haven decided long ago to never fall in love. Unfortunately, his tough-as-boots matchmaking grandmother isn't getting the message. Ben returns to Ranch Haven for his orphaned nephews only—not for their lovely teacher, Emily Trent. Especially since Emily's convinced that Ben's just another charming, no-good heartbreaker. But love has its own lessons to teach...especially when it comes to stubborn cowboys.

#7 - The Rancher's Reunion
If she confesses her secret, will he stay...
Or run for good?
Veterinarian Cash Cassidy and single mom Becca Calder have been each other's best friend through everything, including raising her young daughter, Hope. But Becca has been keeping a secret from Cash. Now he's insisting on truth from everyone in his life, and Becca knows she'll have to confess. Can Cash move past his old wounds and see that the loving family he desires has been there all along?

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Jun 17th, 2022, 1:53 pm

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May 21st, 2024, 2:43 pm
Added: Book #7 - The Rancher's Reunion
May 21st, 2024, 2:43 pm

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