Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Feb 13th, 2024, 3:50 pm
Rom-Com Reboot series by DJ Jamison (1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.6 mb
Overview:DJ Jamison writes romances about everyday life and extraordinary love featuring a variety of queer characters, from gay to bisexual/pansexual to asexual. DJ worked for more than a decade in the newspaper industry before chasing her first dream to write fiction. She's spent a lifetime reading and continues to devour her fellow authors' books each night. She lives in Kansas with her husband, two sons, one snake, and a sadistic cat named Birdie.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


1. Sexless in Seattle - My life is no rom-com movie...
Ever since my parents died, I've had one priority, and it isn't romance. Raising my younger brother is a full-time job.
I don't have time for a personal life, and I've accepted that I'll be the world's oldest virgin by the time Eric no longer needs me.
But when my younger brother decides to post on a Seattle social media site and play matchmaker with one of the responders, everything changes.
Suddenly, my life is full of sweet text messages, scary choices, and romantic rendezvous--all courtesy of one stubborn little brother determined to see me find love.
I don't know whether to hug him or ground him.
Maybe I'll do both.
Right after I watch Sleepless in Seattle again, and wonder if maybe there could be a leading man for me after all.

2. You've Got Male - My friends are all about the romance. Me? I've got other things to worry about.
Carrying on my uncle's little record store--his legacy--means everything to me.
Too bad a big entertainment store is opening across the street. The owner, Chase Fox, is too friendly, too smooth--too annoying. He knows I'm straight, and his competition besides, and still he flirts with me.
My only comfort is the new friend I met on the SeattleLife site. We never exchanged real names, and I don't know if they're a guy or a girl, but there's a freedom in that. I can say anything to them without holding back.
But as time goes on, I get more curious. And more confused.
Could my online pal be more than a friend? Even if they're not a woman?
And why are Chase's flirty smiles suddenly giving me flutters and making me wish for the impossible--that my business rival and my closest online friend might actually be the same guy.
A guy meant to be mine.

Download Instructions:
1. Sexless in Seattle

2. You've Got Male

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Feb 13th, 2024, 3:50 pm