Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jun 28th, 2022, 3:35 pm
Fast Break Series by Becca Seymour (1-4)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 3.8mB
Overview: Becca lives and breathes all things book related. Usually with at least three books being read and two WiPs being written at the same time, Becca’s life is merrily hectic. She tends to do nothing by halves so happily seeks the craziness and busyness life offers.
Genre: Romance MM


1. Rules, Schmules! - It’s not my milkshake that brings Kieran Kendall to my yard. Okay, maybe it’s a little bit my milkshake. But I also like to think it’s my dazzling personality and my magical… uhm… you get the idea.
Since meeting Kieran, my first, second, and admittedly third impressions of him have changed radically. Not surprising, since he was a prize D during at least two of those encounters. What I should be doing is running from the college basketball star who checks so many of my dream-guy boxes. But do you know how hard it is to find a hot guy who’s as smart as he is talented?
And I’m not just talking about his talent on the basketball court. Heck no.
It’s easy to get distracted by him, because of him, yet as far as he’s concerned, I’m the one who’s a distraction and throwing his carefully constructed plans out of whack.
I should be sorry. I should also be better at guarding my heart.
But Kieran Kendall is under my skin, and getting him to break his rules is far too much fun.

2. Facts, Smacts! - It’s not my agility that catches basketball player Tyron Channing's attention. It can’t be when he found me grazed and hurt after an embarrassing slip. But my oh my, his breath-catching growls and him hauling me off my ass with a question that makes my head spin: Who did this to you? — make me dizzy with want.
Between his intensity and his sweetness, he turns me into a melted puddle of goo, which isn’t as gross as it sounds. And who knew I liked my men to wield facts like they’re as essential as oxygen, all while being so smart that sometimes his brain-to-mouth function has no filter?
There’s something else you need to know about Tyron. He’s all in and holds nothing back from our new friendship. Because that’s totally what this is, right? Carrying my bag to classes, handing me my favorite coffee when I least expect it, being my defender, and introducing me to his teammates... they’re all normal actions when people become study partners. I’ll keep telling myself that—anything more with Tyron seems impossible
That doesn't stop me from fantasizing or holding out hope that one day, Tyron will see me as more than the geeky math nerd who just happens to have caught his attention.

3. Regular, Smegular! - A cheesy game of spin the bottle grabs my interest, but it’s the hot guy with sexy piercings and delectable ink who keeps it.
Have I kissed a man before? That’ll be a no.
But I’m definitely interested, and by the way Tiller can’t take his gaze off me, he’s hoping the bottle lands on him.
Spoiler alert: it does.
And holy crap, it’s the hottest kiss I’ve shared with anyone.
Now there’s one slight problem.
That I’m bi isn’t the issue. I’m embracing that new development with eagerness.
It’s the fact that Tiller is my basketball coach’s son that makes my attraction complicated. Add in how Tiller’s joined the coaching team and is instructed to work directly with me, and it’s quite possible there’s going to be nothing regular about this college season.
This book was previously available in the BABE Charity Anthology for three months. This new version is now a full-length novel—doubled in size—with a brand-new conflict, scorching-hot scenes, and more from your loveable Brixham U college basketball team.

4. Easy, Schmeasy! - There’s a lot in life that comes hella easy for me. Turning heads with my stellar looks, strutting like a peacock with my smooth moves and adorable charm. Heck, need ideas for party shots or fresh recipes to make your friends jealous? I’m your guy.
It’s not even a front—my epic modesty—but that doesn’t mean I’m not a lying liar who lies.
What is definitely not easy is holding so much of myself back from my friends.
Or from myself.
It’s a truth that sucks.
But I can’t do that anymore, and it’s absolutely 100 percent my best friend’s fault.
Since our first college basketball practice, Bentley’s been by my side. He’s sweet, understanding, supersmart, and absolutely smoking hot. What’s more, he’s too good for me.
What I should do is keep our friendship platonic, but apparently patience isn’t my strong suit. Go figure.
Cue me starting something with him that I find impossible to stop, walk away from, or admit aloud.
But loving him… heck if that doesn’t become the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I just need to find a way to be worthy of his love and for him to stay patient as I pull my head out of my ass and give him the world he deserves.

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Jun 28th, 2022, 3:35 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 21st, 2024, 3:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.