Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jul 10th, 2023, 9:42 pm
Midnight series by H.M. Darling (#2-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.1 MB
Overview: H.M. Darling is a multi-genre indie author that lives and burns in Arizona. She writes new adult books in the fashion of dark fantasy, contemporary romance, and paranormal. She has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Creative Writing.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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2. When the Night Breaks: Love is easier in the dark… isn’t it?
Willa has lost everything. Her family. Her home. Her love. Even her life. But, if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s picking herself up and starting again. On a rainy night in November, Willa finds herself back on the streets of Paris where she died, determined to find a reason to smile again.

After a car accident stole his life, Wren wakes up every morning and falls asleep each night hating the monster death made him. When Willa finds him on the edge of the Seine, ready to drive a stake through his own heart, she finds something familiar in his eyes… loneliness.

For each step Willa takes forward, Wren takes one back. It seems like the only time they truly belong together is in bed. If only Wren would open his mind to the life he could live… if only Willa would let herself be happy in one moment instead of worrying about the next… if only the night was enough to hide their secrets.

3. A Heart Bleeding Gold: A heart to break, a heart to bleed - one last chance to love.
Sophie Hawthorne considers herself an expert at goodbyes. In her two hundred years of life, she has lost nearly every person she’s ever loved. While her new life in Paris promises a new start with her best friends and her brother, Sophie can’t help but worry about the next time her heart gets broken.

When Eliza stumbles into her life, Sophie is left reeling by the cold-hearted American girl. However, after a drunken night out, Sophie discovers Eliza has been a vampire for thirteen years, and it’s time to say goodbye to the human life she knew - and it’s tearing her apart.

For the first time, Sophie’s centuries of experience with heartache could do some good, if only Eliza would let her in. But if Eliza never faces her pain, her harsh words and cruel actions could drive Sophie away… and they both could lose the best thing that’s ever happened to them.

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2. When the Night Breaks:
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3. A Heart Bleeding Gold:

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Jul 10th, 2023, 9:42 pm
May 21st, 2024, 7:39 pm
Added: 3. A Heart Bleeding Gold
May 21st, 2024, 7:39 pm