Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jan 25th, 2024, 3:31 pm
Mulligan's Mill Series by Robin Knight (1-2)
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Overview:Robin Knight is the author of gay fiction novels, novellas and short stories, ranging in genre from gay adventure, gay romance, gay suspense and gay comedies.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


1. The Invention of Wings - MITCH
‘Wings’. That was the nickname they gave me in the lead-up to the Winter Olympics. I was ready to take home the gold for figure skating, ready to make all my dreams come true… all but one… the dream of finding true love. That dream ended the night I lost the only man I ever wanted, betrayed by fear, by doubt, by him. It was a moment that led to my downfall on the ice rink and the ultimate humiliation. And so I did what any broken spirit would do… I fled my hometown of Mulligan’s Mill, determined never to return.
That is until I get the call from Doc Morgan, letting me know that my sister Maggie’s hoarding habit is getting out of control. Now it seems Mulligan’s Mill is calling me back… back to face the past. Is it possible for a fallen hero to find his dignity once more? Is it possible for a man to return home and not make the same mistakes twice? Is it possible to pretend the past never even existed… or was I destined to re-live it all over again?
He was the rising star of the ice-skating rink. I was the captain of the hockey team with my eyes on an Ivy League scholarship. We had everything… promise, potential, each other. Then one night I freaked out, I pushed him away, and nothing was ever the same again. In the years since Mitch had left Mulligan’s Mill, my life was turned upside-down by a family tragedy. Now, as the sole carer of my niece Ginny who relies on a wheelchair to get around, I spend every waking hour working part-time jobs to keep the roof over our heads. I barely get a minute to think about my shattered dreams of becoming an ice hockey star… but I still think about him… every single day.
When I find out that Mitch is returning to Mulligan’s Mill, the news triggers a wave of excitement and regret. Was what we had real, or just a foolish young fling? Would the flame re-ignite once more if we saw each other on the street, or would he turn around and walk away like we never met? Would I finally find the courage to talk to him again, or would fear get the better of me just like it did on the night I broke both our hearts?

2. The Blooming of Bud - BUD
With my secret lifelong dream about to blossom into a reality, I’m ready to open my flower shop Bud’s Blooms and turn over a whole new petal. But when a new arrival in Mulligan’s Mill—fancy French pastry chef Pascal Dupont—decides to open a new patisserie right next door, I find myself more than just a little distracted by the grumpy, gorgeous Parisian chef.
I’ve never been attracted to a guy before. Hell, I’ve never been attracted to anyone. But there’s something about Pascal that gives me tingles and drives me kinda crazy. The only problem is, I have no idea how to win him over. Maybe, with a little help from my friends, I’ll get all the love advice I need to become the smooth, suave, sophisticated gentleman that Pascal might notice. If only stupid Cupid can get his aim right.
Sacre bleu! How the hell did I find myself in a place like Mulligan’s Mill, a white-picket, tiny-minded, tin-can town that couldn’t be further than my glittering, glamorous Paris if it tried? But there’s a secret hiding somewhere in this small American town that will save my reputation and send my culinary career soaring. And so I’ve been forced to buy the old bakery and search for the clues that will bring me the buttery magic I so deserve.
Of course, I knew that finding the answer to my secret wouldn’t be easy. What I wasn’t expecting was the distraction of my hot, hunky, American neighbor. He’s sweet, he’s smiley, he’s as dumb as a daisy and just as pretty. Who knew I had a type? But I’ve been working so hard on my career, even I didn’t know how much a man like Bud would make my heart bloom.
Now the question is, can I solve my mystery, save my career and win the heart of my American-pie sweetheart without setting the temperature too high and burning my chances of finally finding true love?

Download Instructions:
1. The Invention of Wings

2. The Blooming of Bud

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Jan 25th, 2024, 3:31 pm
May 14th, 2024, 3:35 pm
2. The Blooming of Bud
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