Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
May 10th, 2024, 8:26 pm
5 Novels by Tim Curran
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Overview: Tim Curran is an American author of horror fiction from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He is married with three children. Recently translated into German and Japanese, his works include the novels Skin Medicine, Hive, Dead Sea, Resurrection, Skull Moon, The Devil Next Door, and Biohazard.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Charlie Petty is a man known for having ice water in this veins. He never backs down and is never shaken but unfortunately stirred up into the wrong crowd. As a degenerate gambler, his luck has run out and his debt has now come due. Charlie is offered a chance to clear his tab: simply stay alone on a ship overnight to prove to its owner and potential crew that it's not cursed nor haunted. Never mind the ship's history of suicide, violence, mutiny and murder. Or how the ship's past crews have gone missing or insane. The fact that no one has set foot on deck in darkness for years doesn't phase Charlie one bit. It sounds like easy money to bust up a superstition or two. Charlie thinks his luck is returning. Little does he know it's about to run out completely.

In the deepest, darkest jungles of Indochina, an ancient evil is waiting in a forgotten, primeval valley. It is patient, monstrous, and bloodthirsty. Perfectly adapted to its hot, steaming environment, it strikes silent and stealthy, it chosen prey: human. Now Michael Spiers, a Marine sniper, the only survivor of a previous encounter with the beast, is going after it again. Against his better judgement, he is made part of a Marine Force Recon team that will hunt it down and destroy it.

The hunters are about to become the hunted.

Hag Night
Nearly 200 years ago they turned Cobton into a graveyard.
They rose from the darkness and drained it dry, feeding off its citizens, one by one by one, their terrible thirst sparing no one. The village was shunned as cursed ground, its tall, narrow houses fell to decay.
The Resurrection.
Now the haunted ruins of Cobton have been rebuilt as a tourist trap. A TV crew descends on it one cold winter night and is trapped there by a howling blizzard that shuts them off from the world. And in the subterranean, charnel darkness below…the evil is reawakening, ancient hungers renewed.

Skin Medicine
An unspeakable evil is stalking the Utah Territories in 1882. Civil War veteran and bounty hunter Tyler Cabe, who is tracking a merciless killer, must find a way to battle something beyond the imagination of living man.
Tim Curran goes hell-bent for leather in this supernatural thriller set in the Wild West, and he scores a big, bloody bulls-eye. Writing in the rich language of a Dark Angel on hell-brewed whiskey, Curran gives us the scariest beasts ever to fork legs over a horse. Skin Medicine is a wild ride into the Dark Frontier. --author of Bad Juju

Toxic Shadows
Cut River, Michigan. Population: 0. The town the Devil built. Once it was a sleepy backwater town and once there were people in it. Then a lurking pestilence ate the flesh from its bones. A pestilence born in the smoldering graveyards of nameless, forgotten battlefields. And now there is only a shifting darkness in Cut River, a darkness populated by hideous shadows that pretend to be people. Seven strangers will arrive. If they can stay alive until dawn, they'll survive. But to do that will mean engaging in a bloody war of attrition against the things that crawl and hunt in the night, things that wear the faces of men, women, and children. Welcome to Cut River. Welcome to the graveyard. War is Hell.

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