Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
May 13th, 2024, 8:48 pm
Ship Wrecked Saga by Mark Wayne McGinnis (Books 1-3)
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Overview: Mark Wayne McGinnis is a full-time author (coming from a filmmaking background). Mark's ultimate intent for writing his SciFi and Thriller novels is simple ... provide fun escapism for his readers! Mark grew up on both coasts, first in Westchester County, NY, then in Westlake Village, CA. Mark lives near Boulder, Colorado with his wife Kim and three dogs, Rika, Zoey, and Sammi.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Ship Wrecked: Stranded on an alien world
A wicked snowstorm had blown in from the north and the roads were a mess. Recently split from his one-time girlfriend, there was now nothing holding Cameron Decker here in the little backwater mountain town of Larksburg Stand. Time to get back to college, back to Stanford. Seeing a guy knee-deep in slush at the side of the road, he pulled to the curb and waived him over. He smacked his head getting in—knocked his watch cap askew. Only then did Cameron notice—noticed that the stranger couldn’t possibly be human.

Cameron decided to help his stranded passenger—a decision he’d soon come to regret. Along with his rust-bucket of a pickup truck, he was soon heading deep into space aboard an interstellar spacecraft. When the vessel is crash landing onto an alien world, he’ll have to contend with a murderous droid and a slew of strange alien life forms. But it is the forty-five-foot tall killer beast—a Minal Loth—that will impact is life the most. Marooned, Cameron must keep his wits to survive long enough to find a way to return home—back to that little mountain town, and that girl, who he should never have left in the first place.

Ship Wrecked II
It was a hard sell, but Cameron had convinced Heather to return to the exoplanet Sang-Morang—where he had hoped they could experience the wonder of this majestic corner of the universe, together. The spacecraft Primion was flight-ready and the immense creature—the Minal Loth—seemed content to follow him wherever he went. And he still had the old Ford pickup truck, gassed up, and ready to explore more of that alien landscape.

But Cameron’s well-intentioned plan turns out to be amongst his very worst. No sooner has the Primion set down on Sang-Morang, than they are ruthlessly attacked. Heather is abducted. The Loth is gone. The Primion destroyed. Cameron, once again, is alone and shipwrecked.

While Cameron is somewhat accustomed to surviving alone—being self-reliant—Heather has little concept of such things. Forcibly abducted up into space and a prisoner of ill-intentioned beings, she will have to dig deep beyond her limited life experience as a mere hostess at the Drake Café back in Larksburg Stand to confront both her inner and outer demons.

Light years apart, it quickly becomes apparent to them both that there is little hope they will ever see each other again. Soon, they will each be forced to endure their own version of hell—and do so alone.

Ship Wrecked III
Finally, Cameron Decker is reunited with Heather—the love of his life, now a fellow galactic traveler in her own right. Each has survived their own hellish experiences. Now onboard their new starship, they settle in for the journey home to Earth—or what’s left of it. News is not good: the massive, tentacled Loths are multiplying at an astounding rate, and much of humankind has either perished, succumbing to the rampaging beasts, or moved on to other worlds.

But soon, the starship is critically damaged, requiring extensive repairs before the journey can continue. Even their immediate survival hangs in the balance. Heather decides to take a pair of escape pods and head to Earth with a motley crew, while Cameron stays back with his Loth and his alien friend, Joe, who are too large to fit. They set down on the nearby planet Volegare, but the plan for repairs quickly becomes a nightmare—not only is Volegare full of hostile lifeforms, it’s plagued by constant volcanic eruptions.

It seems that nothing will go as planned for either Cameron or Heather. As their separate adventures play out, placing them and their friends in mortal danger, this time reuniting may not be in the cards. And there may not even be a home world for them to return to . . .

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