Crime, mystery, suspense, legal, action-adventure
Aug 15th, 2023, 1:02 pm
Old School Cozy Mystery Series (1-3) by Andrea C. Neil
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.7MB | Retail
Overview: Andrea lives in Oklahoma but grew up in Southern California—and the latter will always be home in her heart. In 2016 she left a job in finance to pursue a career in anything other than working for somebody else. She has been freestyling it ever since. With age comes wisdom, or at least a few more stories to tell, and in 2018, Andrea began self-publishing quirky novels with the intention of brightening her readers’ day. When she’s not trying to get her own words onto a page, Andrea edits other people’s writing, teaches a little yoga, and starts knitting projects that sometimes get finished.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller

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#1 - The Blingsters
Grandmas. Good Times. Grand theft?

Griffin Beckett is pretty sure her grandma Marge's "canasta team" is up to no good. Newly unemployed and unhappily married, Griffin heads to the seniors' Florida beach house to extract G-ma and bring her home—and ends up with more than she bargained for.

Marge doesn't want to leave ... and why is there a huge diamond buried in the carpet?

When her crafty grandma gives her the slip at the airport and the "canasta team" turns out to be a ring of jewel thieves, Griffin realizes she's in way over her head. Desperate for help, she calls on her other grandmother, Delphine, who might be a retired super spy.

But local police detective Roland Magnusson is also on the case, and he's determined to get his man. Or grandma!

With the clues stacking up against Marge and her friends, their retirement looks set to end behind bars. Meanwhile, Griffin has a dilemma of her own. Is everyone as innocent—or guilty—as they seem?

#2 - The Big Cheese
Ballroom Dancing. Bandits. Bad Brie?

All Delphine Lougheed wants to do is enjoy a quiet retirement from her super-spy career. But someone is about to kick up a stink...

After an entertaining evening of ballroom dancing, Delphine is accused of a most heinous crime—cheese smuggling! But this is no ordinary case of lactose larceny. When she and her former partner Kenji uncover a connection to an old intelligence operation, they realize Delphine could be framed for more than fromage.

The only way to clear her name is to find the real culprit and solve both cases. But who is friend and who is foe? The one person she can trust is Detective Roland Magnusson—and he's less than thrilled to be on the case.

Roland and Delphine must put their animosity aside to brave the Los Angeles cheese underground. And unless they can sniff out the true criminal soon, Delphine could lose more than her reputation.

Because the wheels of justice turn slowly, even when they're wheels of cheese.

#3 - Gone Grandpa
Retired super-spy Delphine Lougheed is nothing if not gracious, especially when family comes to town. So when Marge Flanders—the mother of her son-in-law and possible former jewel thief—announces she and her new boyfriend Willard are visiting Southern California for a trip to Disneyland, Delphine offers to pick them up from the airport.

But Willard disappears without a trace right after deplaning, and Marge's vacation turns from fun to frantic quicker than you can say "giant diamond." Delphine would rather skip it all and go ballroom dancing, but now she must use the skills she honed during decades of espionage to help track Willard down. She enlists the help of friend and fellow former super-spy Kenji Yamamoto, and the three of them set off for the not-so-seedy underbelly of Orange County.

In the process of tracking down Willard, the trio discovers the love of Marge's life may not be who she thought he was. Worse, if they can't locate him, she'll end up having to pay—literally—for his transgressions. On the lookout for senior swimsuit influencers, inept bookies, and alimony-seeking biker ex-wives, Delphine, Kenji, and Marge search for their missing person. But they just might uncover far more: the realization that it's never too late to find adventure ... and lifelong friends.

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Aug 15th, 2023, 1:02 pm
Last edited by polkapatti on May 21st, 2024, 1:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Jan 23rd, 2024, 2:44 pm
Added: Book #2 - The Big Cheese
Jan 23rd, 2024, 2:44 pm

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May 21st, 2024, 1:38 pm
Added: Book #3 - Gone Grandpa
May 21st, 2024, 1:38 pm

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