GPS applications, rather than GPS navigation software.
Aug 28th, 2009, 5:46 pm
GeoCorder v1.0.3
Requirements: iPhone
Overview: GeoCorder is great for geotagging your photos. You are recording you movements directly to a database so nothing is lost if you get a phone call or quit the app. You can continue any recording. That is also useful if you need to stretch battery life and to have a single track to mail for all your photos.


All this is as simple as possible with GeoCorder. Push the Plus, start the recording. A sensitivity graph gives you visual feedback how accurate your recorded GPS data is. You can even lock the screen and GeoCorder continues to record.

Finally you can e-mail your tracks to any address in your address book. The GPX data is fully complete and in addition to the coordinates it also includes timestamps, altitudes and even horizontal and vertical accuracy of measurements.

What's new:
Removed redundant code that would load and save tracks in a seperate file in addition to the trackpoints written directly to a SQLite database while recording. This could cause timouts on program exit and long loading times at program start for people with lots of recorded trackpoints.

More Info:
Code: Select all

Download Instructions:
Aug 28th, 2009, 5:46 pm

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Aug 28th, 2009, 6:04 pm
15 WRZ$, category: gps.
Aug 28th, 2009, 6:04 pm

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