If it does not belong anywhere else and has to do with Android post it here.
Mar 11th, 2022, 3:52 pm
I would like to root the indicated phone. Others I got easy with android 8 and less this is android 10

can you point me to a program
or direct me to the link, manual on how to do it

Just as they ensure a copy of how it is now in case it fails to restore from the PC

I see that there is nothing on this topic, it would be nice to open a section on rooting android

pueden indicarme algúnprograma
o dirigirme a link, manual de como realizarlo

Asi como aseguran una copia de como esta ahora por si falla poder restaurar desde el PC

veo que de este tema no hay nada, estaría bien que se abriera un apartado sobre rotear andoid
Mar 11th, 2022, 3:52 pm