All fulfilled requests will be stored here. Paid rewards will appear as locked topics.
Feb 3rd, 2021, 2:07 pm
Name of app: Airfoil for Windows
Version: 5.7.0
WRZ$ reward: 2000 WRZ$
Code: Select all

I'd appreciate if somebody can get this app for me.
Since it is retired it is not possible to buy it.

(If anybody knows of an alternate app for windows able to cast at the same time to sonos and google audio please msg me.)

Be aware that you have 21 days from when the request is fulfilled to donate your reward or you will face a penalty and possibly a ban.
Feb 3rd, 2021, 2:07 pm

Feb 3rd, 2021, 5:18 pm
Here you go:

You can keep the WRZ$ :)
Feb 3rd, 2021, 5:18 pm

All the softwares are tested.
Some patches/keygens are detected by the antiviruses as false positives.
Always use virtual machine to test the softwares.