Books in audio format
Sep 27th, 2010, 1:29 pm
Sensation, Perception, and the Aging Process by TTC
Requirements: MP3 Player | 178 MB | 32 kbps
Overview: Course No. 1546 (24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Taught by Francis B. Colavita
University of Pittsburgh
Ph.D., University of Indiana
1. Lecture 1: Sensation, Perception, and Behavior
2. Lecture 2: Sensation and Perception—A Distinction
3. Lecture 3: Vision—Stimulus and the Optical System
4. Lecture 4: Vision—The Retina
5. Lecture 5: Vision—Beyond the Optic Nerve
6. Lecture 6: Vision—Age-Related Changes
7. Lecture 7: Hearing—Stimulus and Supporting Structures
8. Lecture 8: Hearing—The Inner Ear
9. Lecture 9: Hearing—Age-Related Changes
10. Lecture 10: The Cutaneous System—Receptors, Pathways
11. The Cutaneous System—Early Development
12. The Cutaneous System—Age-Related Changes
13. Pain—Early History
14. Pain—Acupuncture, Endorphins, and Aging
15. Taste—Stimulus, Structures, and Receptors
16. Taste—Factors Influencing Preferences
17. Smell—The Unappreciated Sense
18. Smell—Consequences of Anosmia
19. The Vestibular System—Body Orientation
20. The Kinesthetic Sense—Motor Memory
21. Brain Mechanisms and Perception
22. Perception of Language
23. The Visual Agnosias
24. Perception of Other People/Course Summary

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Sep 27th, 2010, 1:29 pm
Sep 27th, 2010, 2:14 pm
Nice release stokey, 1 x 10 10 WRZ$ reward. Category : Audiobooks.
Sep 27th, 2010, 2:14 pm