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Apr 19th, 2012, 11:23 am
Time Raiders series by Cindy Dees, P.C Cast, Merline Lovelace, Parker Blue, Delilah Devlin & Jocelyn Kelley (books, 2-4 & bonus bites)
Requirements: .ePUB or .MOBI reader | 2.62 mb
Overview: Cindy Dees started flying airplanes while sitting in her dad’s lap at the age of three and got a pilot’s license before she got a driver’s license. At age fifteen, she dropped out of high school and left the horse farm in Michigan where she grew up to attend the University of Michigan.

After earning a degree in Russian and East European studies, she joined the U.S. Air Force and became the youngest female pilot in the history of the Air Force. She flew supersonic jets, VIP airlift and the “C-5” Galaxy, the world’s largest airplane. She also worked part-time gathering intelligence. During her military career, she traveled to forty countries on five continents, was detained by the KGB and East German secret police, she got shot at, flew in the first Gulf War, met her husband and amassed a lifetime’s worth of war stories.

Her hobbies include professional Middle Eastern dancing, Japanese gardening and medieval reenacting. She started writing on a one-dollar bet with her mother and was thrilled to win that bet with the publication of her first book in 2001
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Prequel: The Seduction by Cindy dees: Dr. Athena Carswell is on the brink of making time travel possible--until the Department of Defense sends Colonel Peter Grafton to oversee her work. The hot young officer is a serious distraction, especially when his psychic abilities reveal their mutual attraction!
However, there are others interested in Athena's work, too--people who will use any force necessary to get their hands on her research. But when it comes to protecting Athena, nothing will stand in Peter's way...not even time itself.

2. The Slayer by Cindy Dees: Because of her uncanny ability to find lost objects, Tessa Marconi has been given the dangerous task of time-jumping back to the Persian Empire and ancient Greece to locate a precious medallion fragment. Trouble finds her in Xerxes' court - and so does the most beautiful man she's ever seen, Rustam of Halicarnassus. There's only one problem: he's a Centauri spy whose sworn duty it is to stop her.

Tessa has never felt such magical strength - or sexual prowess - as she feels in Rustam's presence. And as the conflict that grips Persia and Greece explodes, it becomes clear that their auras are strangely intertwined. Separately, they are powerless. But together, they just might save the world - and themselves.

3. The Avenger by P.C.Cast: For Alexandra Patton, the Time Raiders project sends the reluctant psychic back to 60 AD Briton -- a world where she can barely understand the accents, let alone its culture of brutality and superstition. Armed only with her "freakish" ability to talk to the dead, Alex must use all her gifts to entice Caradoc, a savagely sexy Druid warrior, into helping her succeed in her mission.

What they discover along the way is pure passion.

Now, torn between duty and the man of her dreams, should Alex return home if given the chance? Or dare she risk everything to begin anew in this strange and mystical land?

4. The Protector by Merline Lovelace: Two Time Raiders in the guise of a Viking warrior and a captive Irish slave travel back to a time of intrigue and silken sensuality as they race to find the fourth fragment of a medallion that will bring Earth one step closer to freedom.

Max Brody's body tingles with danger when he meets Cassandra Jones, the mission specialist with whom he'll jump back to seventh century China. Petite and guarded, Cassie may look like someone who needs protection, but her essence whispers to him of untamed talents that could destroy as easily as seduce.

Yet Cassie's powers and passion, if properly awakened, might be their only safeguard. For amid the splendor and intrigue of the Imperial Court of Empress Wu Jao, they will confront a formidable enemy -- and an unstoppable force of nature that's beyond their control....

The Greek Lover by Jocelyn Kelley: The first thing Zoe Rousakis sees after traveling through time to ancient Greece is a naked man. Drakon, a servant of Poseidon, has a body to rival the gods and a kiss that commands her to surrender every part of herself to him. When she's with him, Zoe's psychic powers fill her mind with enticingly erotic images. But her abilities have already cost her one mission, and she can't risk being distracted by a man this time.
Yet how can she keep Drakon at bay when his own dark visions show him that Zoe is in danger—and that is his destiny to save her?

The Healer’s Passion by Parker Blue: Captain Téa Callas, M.D., agreed to a risky time travel mission to get away from Special Forces Commander Rick Walters, not spend more time in close proximity to the irresistibly masculine soldier. They had shared a brief but passionate fling months ago…until Téa put an end to their affair.
In medieval Italy, Téa's traitorous body still remembers—and craves—his touch. His strong sense of honor entices her ever more, though he is haunted by nightmares of war. Can Téa heal his inner wounds with her paranormal gifts…and find her way back into his arms?

The Warrior’s Touch by Delilah Devlin: Lieutenant Farideh Kalani expected her time-traveling assignment in ancient Scythia to be difficult, but fitting in with Amazon warriors is easy compared to being partnered with Sergeant First Class Caleb MacAvoy. The Texan soldier is infuriatingly smug and undeniably sexy. Then with one kiss, he awakens all Farideh's desires. Now she'll have to keep an eye on her mission and try to resist her attraction to Caleb. Because he's the one man who might be able to breach the walls she's built around her heart….

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P.S. Some of the chapter markers in the Slayer have been removed on the original copies I had.

Apr 19th, 2012, 11:23 am

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