Assorted books or authors in one topic
Jan 24th, 2014, 7:07 pm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer series - 13 novelizations/books by various authors
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Overview: Buffy novels have been published since 1998. Originally, under the Pocket Books imprint of Simon & Schuster they are now published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment which launched in 2004. Authors who have written original novels include Yvonne Navarro, Christopher Golden, and Nancy Holder.
Genre: Fiction | Fantasy | Media Tie-In


#1 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Richie Tankersley Cusick: A novelization of the upcoming feature film starring Luke Perry follows Buffy, a high school girl bearing the mark of the coven, as she uses the physical and mental powers new pal Merrick has given to her to fight L.A.'s vampires. Movie tie-in.

#2 - The Harvest by Richie Tankersley Cusick: Something's wrong in Sunnydale, California...something more than the usual bad hair day. As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world to find them where they gather and stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. In this generation, she is Buffy Summers, 16 years old and a new student at Sunnydale High. Her experiences at her last school persuaded Buffy to try to resume the life of a normal teenager. But it is no coincidence that Buffy has come to "this town at "this time. The area is a center of mystical energy, and all the signs point to an iminent, crucial upheaval. Once in a century comes The Harvest: a night when the Master Vampire can draw enough power to break free and open the portal between his world and ours...unleashing havoc. With the help of new friends and a new Watcher, Buffy's back in business....

#3 - The Angel Chronicles, Vol. 1 by Nancy Holder: After a century of killing without a care, the vampire Angelus was cursed with a conscience and eventually fled to Sunnydale, where he restricted his feeding to blood banks.

Until 16-year-old Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer, arrived in town to battle vampires, demons and the Forces of Darkness. First, he has to convince her not to kill him. Then, he has to convince himself not to fall in love with her.

Now, collected for the first time, are three stories from the cult-hit TV series chronicling the beginning of this star crossed love story.

Can Buffy and Angel survive life, death...and beyond?

#4 - The Angel Chronicles, Vol. 2 (The Angel Chronicles #2) by Richie Tankersley: The course of love in Sunnydale never runs smoothly, especially for Buffy Summers the Vampire Slayer and her boyfriend, Angel the Vampire. They're going through the usual early stages of a romantic relationship--dressing to impress, going on coffee dates, and saving the world.

When Buffy tries to be more like the girls from Angel's distant past, she succeeds a little too well--becoming helpless in the face of real evil.

Carrer week at school finds her future as the Slayer--and all the relationship baggage that title comes with--until an unexpected ally gives new insight into her calling. And when Angel is taken hostage by an old acquaintance with sinister plans, Buffy realizes she must draw on all her passion to save the one she loves.

Now collected for the first time, are three stories from the hit-TV series chronicling Buffy and Angel's growing romantic relationship.

#5 - The Xander Years, Vol. 1 (The Xander Years #1) by Keith R.A. DeCandido: The argument started when Cordelia saw what Xander was wearing. He had only just walked into the Bronze when Cordy started in on him. My God, what is that outfit? It's called 'clothes.' No, I'm wearing clothes. You are wearing rags. Xander, do you even know what it means to accessorize? Shaking his head and rolling his eyes at the same time, Xander replied, Yeah. To accessorize. A verb deriving from the noun accessory. Loosely defined as, 'Caring way more about what you're wearing than necessary for simple human interpersonal contact.' Gesturing as if she were pleading with Xander to not jump off a high ledge, Cordelia said, Xander, clothes are what define who you are to the world. They put out a message that says, 'I'm cool' or 'I'm a jock' or 'I'm a computer geek or in your case, 'I'm a loser with no redeeming social value.' It went downhill from there, at least up to the part where they made up by necking near the restrooms.

#6 - The Angel Chronicles, Vol. 3 (The Angel Chronicles #3) by Nancy Holder: For Buffy the Vampire Slayer, birthdays aren't all parties and cake -- hers tend to involve a life-or-death battle with a big evil. Her seventeenth celebration isn't an exception. While Buffy's friends organize a festive gathering in honor of the special day, Spike and Drusilla are planning their own surprise party for the Slayer -- with a devastating demon as the grand finale.

But a passionate night with Angel changes everything. Suddenly, Buffy must deal with "two" forms of ultimate evil: the almost-indestructible Judge -- and the legendary vampire Angelus, who is determined to exact his special brand of revenge on the young woman who showed him true love.

#7 - The Willow Files, Vol. 1 by Yvonne Navarro: "I like you. You're nice, and you're funny and you don't smoke, and okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to he around, either." -- Willow When Buffy the Vampire Slayer arrived in Sunnydale, she befriended a bookish, insecure girl named Willow. As a Slayerette, Will uses her computer prowess for good, hacking into electronic government files and researching obscure rituals on the Web. But Willow's love life is severely lacking, consisting of an unfulfilled crush on her friend Xander and a short-lived fling with a deadly demon she met over the Internet. Through her often life-threatening experiences with the Slayer, Willow gains the confidence to just be herself in the peer pressure-filled world of high school. And when her first real boyfriend, Oz, turns out to be a his own right, Willow is just the girl to prove that love really is blind...and a little scary.

#8 - The Xander Years, Vol. 2 (The Xander Years #2) by Jeff Mariotte: Most teens have trouble finding themselves now and then, but when you're living on a hellmouth, "trouble" is an understatement?especially if you're Xander Harris. He has never been very popular, and has never had much luck with women, but he is uniquely Xander.

After a Sunnydale High field trip to the zoo, Xander becomes obnoxious and aggressive. Giles thinks it's typical adolescent male behavior, but Buffy knows better. And when he finally scores "cool" points by making the Sunnydale High swim team, he's thrown into the middle of something, well...fishy.

Still, once Xander is excluded from the Slayer's most recent anti-apocalyptic campaign, he finds himself battling his own private evil?and saving Sunnydale High from a fate it never imagined.

#9 - The Willow Files, Vol. 2 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Novelizations #9) by Yvonne Navarro : Since the self-proclaimed "science nerd" had the odd luck to fall in with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow Rosenberg has come into her own. As a member of the Scooby Gang, Willow used her skills as savvy 'Net girl to help save the world on more than one occasion. But as time passed, Willow's powers evolved from Web surfing to the limitless realm of magic. And with that change came some difficult life lessons. Willow has always longed for more parental guidance, but when Sunnydale's adults are swept up in a witch hunt, Willow finds that her mother's judgment really "bums." And who knew that her forays into the black arts would bring her literally face-to-face with an alter ego "Old Reliable" never imagined existed? Ultimately, though, when it comes time to take charge of her future, Willow realizes that whether it be as a computer hacker or Wicca extraordinaire, she can go further than she had ever staying right where she has been all along.

#10 - The Faith Trials by James Laurence: "A Slayer's life is simple. Want. Take. Have." Sometimes, it's gotta be a drag to be the Chosen One. Occasionally a girl would rather be at the mall, talking on the phone, or even doing homework than saving the world from unstoppable evil. Fortunately, Buffy Summers has always had a support system of friends and family to help her cope. But what if she hadn't? She might have been just like Faith. Faith, the "shadow-self" Slayer, is strong, sexy, and willful. When she first arrives in Sunnydale, Watcher-less and fancy-free, Buffy has doubts about the tag-team approach to patrol. As time goes on, though, she learns to find the fun in synchronized slayage, and appreciates Faith's zest for life...Until Faith's impulsive attitude toward her calling takes her one step too far, and her inability to cope with consequences eventually pushes her over the edge...

#11 - The Journals of Rupert Giles by Nancy Holder: Buffy Summers is hip, modern, and pop culture savvy. Rupert Giles, her Watcher, is a stuffy Brit whose idea of bliss is a good book and a strong cup of tea. Odd as the duo may be, though, they have managed to avert their fair share of apocalypses. Plural.One thing they can't seem to conquer, however, is Buffy's bad birthday luck. At eighteen, Buffy is subjected to a Watcher's Council Cruciamentum, a test of her own non-physical wiles -- and of Giles's attitude toward both his charge and his calling, as well. And when the Slayerettes throw a surprise party for Buffy's big 1-9, Giles finds himself feeling useless and out-of-the-loop-y. But it is at the Slayer's twentieth birthday gathering that both Buffy and Giles are forced to re-examine the nature of blood ties and the definition of family -- or risk losing a mutual loved one more important to them -- and the fate of the world -- than either ever imagined....

#12 - The Cordelia Collection by Nancy Krulik: "Being popular is not just my right, but my responsibility, and I want you to know that I take it very seriously." -- Cordelia Chase Fashionista and leader of the pack, Cordelia Chase is known throughout Sunnydale High for her irrepressible blend of tactless maxims as much as she is renowned for her beauty. Most students -- even the members of her anti-fan club -- either want her or want to be her. Popularity proves a tough cross to bear, though: First, Cordy is stalked by an invisible being fueled by envy, and later she is deemed an ideal mate for a onetime Sunnydale football star -- problem is, he's currently deceased. But her most dangerous challenge is the race for Homecoming Queen. Forget the dance -- Queen C will be lucky to escape with her life!

#13 - Chosen by Nancy Holder: The First has come to Sunnydale and set its sights on taking down the Slayer. On the side of the White Hats: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Spike, Faith, Angel, and an assortment of young, innocent, untried Potentials. In this season-spanning storyline, Buffy Summers will learn about the primeval origins of her own strength, and have the opportunity to train those would succeed her. And as the forces of evil find their way back to the Hellmouth -- where it all began -- the Slayer will uncover what being the Chosen One is all about: Power.

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