Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Dec 2nd, 2022, 3:12 pm
A Boss in a Billion Series by Serenity Woods (1, 3-4, 6-9)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 3 mb
Overview: Serenity Woods writes hot and sultry contemporary romances with a happy ever after, set in the sub-tropical Northland of New Zealand, where she lives
Genre: Romance


1. Talking Dirty with the Billionaire Boss - He could have any woman he wanted. But for some reason, he wants me…
When billionaire CEO Mack Hart demands I come to his office, I’m convinced it’s because he’s caught me on security camera taking photos of his files when I should have been cleaning.
He’s young and sexy, he has a doctorate in Computer Science Engineering, an IQ of 172, and a bank balance containing nine zeroes. Nine! I can’t remember the last time mine wasn’t in the red. His research is so important that his rival will pay big money for it, and I desperately need some of that cash.
Terrified, I expect to find the police waiting there with handcuffs, ready to whisk me off to prison. Instead, the surprisingly young, gorgeous entrepreneur seems more interested in the piece of paper I accidentally dropped the night before. It contains a poem. A very explicit poem I wrote about my perfect fantasy man. I’m sure he thinks it’s about him, which isn’t surprising considering how accurately he fits the bill.
Mortified, I explain that I write steamy romance, but that it’s just a hobby, and I don’t have much experience in the real world. I wait for him to show me the door. Instead, he asks me to be his date at a party that evening.
He could easily have any woman he wanted. He says he finds me fascinating, but I think he just wants to see whether I can talk as dirty as my poem suggests.
Embarrassed, I try to turn him down. But Mack Hart is a man used to getting his own way.
If I give in and have a one-night stand with him, maybe then I’ll be able to escape and forget how close I came to going to prison.
I’m not agreeing because I want to sleep with the hot young billionaire.

3. Faking Love with the Billionaire Boss - Faking love with your brother’s gorgeous best mate is never going to end well…
When Titus Oates calls to ask me if I’d do him a favor and accompany him on a visit to a potential investor in the UK, I hyperventilate and have to breathe into a brown paper bag.
Ever since I was sixteen and he kissed me at a birthday party, I’ve had a huge crush on him, so I’m not going to pass up on the chance to spend some time with him while he’s here. The wealthy investor owns a stately home in Devon, and the week promises to be great fun, with a murder-mystery night and even a fancy ball, so I’m excited to agree.
Titus intends for us to go as friends, but the problems start when the investor immediately assumes we’re a couple. Flummoxed, I don’t correct him, and we end up in that awkward situation where we can’t break the charade without embarrassing ourselves. So we decide the easiest option is to pretend to be an item.
Unfortunately, when we end up sharing a room, the sizzling attraction that’s always been between us inevitably turns faking love into making love. Titus is going back to New Zealand after his visit. And I work in the UK. We can’t possibly have a future together. But a short-term fling seems like a great idea, until it’s time to part…

4. Cinderella and the Billionaire Boss - A one-night stand with a sexy stranger seems like a great idea, until he turns out to be my new billionaire boss…
When the gorgeous guy I meet in the bar on my last night in Auckland asks if I’d like to go back to his hotel room, I have to think about it.
For a whole second.
Tomorrow, I’m leaving the city.
I’m finally escaping my calamitous life.
So I throw caution to the winter wind.
There’s no downside to a one-night stand with a hot young businessman, right?
After the most intense and passionate night of my life, I do my Cinderella act and slip away.
I’m disappointed to leave him behind, but desperate to start over.
Unfortunately, disaster is determined to follow me across the country.I can’t find a permanent secretarial position in the whole of Wellington and have to resort to temping.
The one room available for rent in the city is damp, the size of a matchbox, and beneath a herd of elephants.
And my no-strings-attached fling results in a complication I’m totally unprepared for.
Convinced I’ve reached rock bottom, I begin a new temp job.
I walk into the office, and bump straight into my mystery man.
The odd thing is that he doesn’t recognize me.
He seems determined to act as if we’ve never met.
And then he reveals he’s the CEO, and my new boss…

6. Beauty and the Billionaire Boss - How to seduce your brother’s best mate in six easy steps…
Just between you and me, my brother’s best mate is hot as.
I’d never admit how I feel about him to my brother, Alex, because he warned me years ago never to go near his friends.
I’ve never admitted it to Damon either.
Even though he’s only six years older than me, he’s very much a man, so different from the boys I’ve dated over the past few years.
Just the way he calls me ‘ma belle’ is enough to make me melt.
But he treats me like his kid sister, which irritates the hell out of me.
Then Alex asks Damon if he’ll pick me up from university in Wellington and drive me home to Christchurch for the Easter break.
We have eight hours together with nothing to do but talk.
He’s smart, bossy, arrogant, and so frickin’ sexy I could explode.
By the time we’re halfway home, I want him more than the air I breathe.
For the remainder of the journey, I flirt with him. Tease him.
And then when we get home, I tell him I want him.
He pins me up against the wall.
Informs me he would never sleep with his best mate’s little sis.
He says he’s not sweet, and he’s not gentle.
And he insists a good girl like me should steer clear of bad boys like him.
OMG. Now I want him more than life itself.
So I invite all my friends around and ask them to tell me their best tips for seducing a man.
We whittle it down to a list of six they insist will definitely work.
Now, I just have to put them into practice, and see if I can bring him to his knees…

7. Mistletoe and the Billionaire Boss - All I want for Christmas is a grumpy Santa in my stocking…
Despite having the misfortune to be called Mistletoe, I love everything about the festive season – from dressing the tree to baking the cake to wrapping the presents, even though I can’t afford half the things I know my ten-year-old son, Finn, wishes for.
When the primary school where I work asks me to find someone to play Santa at the Christmas fair, I’m happy to oblige. Suddenly, though, every person I know is conveniently busy. The only guy available has the least amount of festive spirit of anyone I’ve ever met.
Alex Winters is the grumpiest man alive, but he is helping Finn to walk again, so I’m willing to overlook his grouchy temperament. It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s the most gorgeous guy ever to wear a Santa suit. Unfortunately, though, he seems to find my sunshine personality more irritating than attractive, which is why, when he asks me to sit on his knee and tell him what I want for Christmas, I refuse to comply. But then he calls me a brat and threatens to put me over his knee, and suddenly I’m getting festive tingles in all the right places.
Finn hero-worships him, so as a special treat for my wheelchair-bound boy, and a secret present for myself, I invite Alex in for a drink after the office Christmas party. He turns out to have a heart of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that makes me melt. And his revelation of what he really thinks about me is a gift I never expected to get.
The twelve days of Christmas turn out to be a magical mystery tour that leaves me longing for more. But Alex is hiding a secret that’s going to turn my world upside down…

8. Aroha and the Billionaire Boss - Would you marry the most arrogant man you’ve ever met for a million dollars?
Marrying one of the richest, most eligible bachelors in New Zealand sounds like something out of a fairy tale, right? What girl could possibly say no if I proposed?
Aroha Wihongi, that’s who.
Marriage has never been high on my list of priorities, but my sister’s recent death has literally left me holding the baby—my four-month-old niece. Although having kids wasn’t on my list either, I have no intention of letting her absentee lowlife of a father within a mile of her. My lawyer says my chances of adopting her will improve vastly if I can ditch my reputation as a womanizer and stand before the court a respectable married man. So I’ve bought the ring, and now all I need is the right girl.
Aroha’s perfect. She’s a nanny, so she’ll be able to look after my niece, because, let’s face it, I don’t know the first thing about babies. And she’s gorgeous, so nobody will have trouble believing that I fell in love at first sight and proposed immediately. Unfortunately, though, I’m not her favorite person, having dozed off while making out with her after we got drunk at a Christmas party. When I get down on one knee, she tells me to shove the ring where the sun doesn’t shine.
But I remind her that I’m offering a business proposition. She’ll have to live with me, and outwardly, for the court, we’ll need to pretend to be madly in love. But at home we’ll have separate bedrooms, and after I get custody of my niece, we can start the two-year separation that we’ll need in order to divorce.
She’ll get six months or so of living in my mansion, visiting five-star hotels, and eating in top restaurants. I’ll even buy her a brand-new Range Rover. I know her family is desperate for money, so I add a little something to sweeten the deal. One million dollars in exchange for a ring on her finger.
Surely she won’t say no to that?

9. Juliette and the Billionaire Boss - I’m pregnant by one man. And in love with another.
I’m in ten kinds of trouble.
I’ve always had a secret crush on Henry West.
He’s my kinda guy. Tall. Big. Quiet.
Gentle, but with muscles that tell you he could wrestle a bear for you if he had to.
I met him when I was twenty-one, but he was engaged, and I was with Cam.
So nothing has ever happened between us.
Despite the fact that we work together.
That when he thinks I’m not watching, he looks at me as if he’s picturing me naked.
As if he’s debating what position to take me in.
As if he’s thinking about how I might taste.
Fast forward seven years.
Henry was unable to give his wife the children she wanted so badly, and now they’re divorced.
My miserable relationship with Cam has crumbled to dust.
And, on Midsummer Eve, Henry and I finally give into the desire that’s been brewing between us for so long.
It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.
But now I’m pregnant by one man. And in love with another.
Cam wants to get back together for the child’s sake.
He says we owe it to the baby to try and make a go of it.
So I tell Henry I need time to decide what to do.
He says if I expect him to sit back and let me go, I’m going to be disappointed.
He says he wants me, and he’s going to have me if it’s the last thing he does.
Oh holy sh!t! What am I going to do?

Download Instructions:
1, 3-4, 6-8

9. Juliette and the Billionaire Boss

Trouble downloading? Read This.
Dec 2nd, 2022, 3:12 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 10th, 2024, 3:07 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Mar 17th, 2023, 3:17 pm
3. Faking Love with the Billionaire Boss
Mar 17th, 2023, 3:17 pm
May 5th, 2023, 3:15 pm
4. Cinderella and the Billionaire Boss
May 5th, 2023, 3:15 pm
Sep 29th, 2023, 4:01 pm
6. Beauty and the Billionaire Boss
Sep 29th, 2023, 4:01 pm
Dec 8th, 2023, 3:10 pm
7. Mistletoe and the Billionaire Boss
Dec 8th, 2023, 3:10 pm
Mar 8th, 2024, 3:08 pm
8. Aroha and the Billionaire Boss
Mar 8th, 2024, 3:08 pm
May 10th, 2024, 3:08 pm
9. Juliette and the Billionaire Boss
May 10th, 2024, 3:08 pm