Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 10th, 2024, 12:31 pm
Notorious Ladies of London Collection: Books 1-3 by Scarlett Scott
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Overview: A deliciously wicked collection of steamy historical romances from bestselling author Scarlett Scott, featuring books 1-3 in the Notorious Ladies of London series together for the first time...
Genre: Fiction > Romance Regency


Lady Calliope Manning is determined to punish the man she holds responsible for her beloved brother's death. She will do anything in her power to destroy him. When rumors swirl that the Earl of Sinclair requires a wealthy bride to rescue himself from dire financial straits, she seizes the opportunity to ruin him at last.

Justin "Sin" Vaughn, Earl of Sinclair, needs to marry an heiress, and he needs to marry one now. But the sudden, anonymous publication of salacious memoirs rumored to be his obliterates his chances. With polite society convinced he is a murderer, he has only one choice: find the person behind his supposed memoirs and get his revenge.

Callie never expected Lord Sinclair to discover she wrote Confessions of a Sinful Earl. Or to abduct her and demand restitution in the form of her own hand in marriage. She definitely did not expect to find him so difficult to resist...

Sin is about to teach the beautiful, perfidious Lady Callie a lesson in ruthlessness. One scorching-hot kiss at a time.

Lady Jo Danvers has declared war on her humdrum life. Armed with a list of ways to be wicked, she will step out of her role as never-been-kissed wallflower and experience passion. With the right gentleman, of course. She just has to find him.

Mr. Elijah Decker, the handsome businessman she cannot stop thinking about, is definitely no gentleman. And he is decidedly all wrong. Unfortunately for Jo, she has unwittingly given him her list.

When Decker discovers Jo’s list mistakenly tucked between the pages of a pamphlet for the Lady’s Suffrage Society, he is intrigued. And after she realizes her error and storms his office demanding he return it, Decker agrees on one condition: that she accept his aid in crossing off each scandalous act.

What begins as a lark quickly sizzles into something deeper and unexpected. But Decker’s dark side may tear them apart before Jo’s sinful quest is complete…

Lady Helena Davenport is desperate to avoid the odious betrothal her father is forcing upon her. The only way out is to orchestrate her own ruin. Everything is unfolding according to plan, her escape finally within her grasp. But there is just one problem when the moment of scandal arrives: the rake she selected for an assignation is nowhere to be found. In his place? The man she secretly loves.

Gabriel, the notoriously proper Earl of Huntingdon, is outraged when he discovers his best friend’s innocent sister, Lady Helena, has decided to give herself to a scoundrel. His impeccable sense of honor will not allow such a travesty to occur. When Gabe confronts Helena, the last thing he expects is to find himself tempted to commit wickedness.

Fortunately, Gabe is strong enough to resist. He already has a betrothed of his own. However, he is now tasked with the unhappy duty of following Lady Helena to keep her from committing further folly. And the more time he spends with the infuriating minx, the more impossible it is to resist her.

Helena is running out of time to save herself from an unhappy marriage. With the Earl of Huntingdon haunting her every move, her hope is dwindling. Until she settles upon the one certain means of securing her freedom, even if she risks making Huntingdon hate her forever…

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May 10th, 2024, 12:31 pm
