Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 21st, 2024, 7:24 pm
What It Was by Grayce Rian (Off Ice Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: What happens when the hot-as-sin boy next door returns home for the summer, and he finally sees me as more than just his little sister’s best friend?

It was my last chance for a hot girl summer before I left to play college volleyball. But when my best friend’s older brother decided to come home from college, my plans quickly shifted.
Griffin Turner was a divinely sculpted hockey player who had held my heart for as long as I could remember. It only took one summer for us to fall fast and hard.
When tragedy struck, Griffin shattered what was left of my already broken heart, leaving me to face a future that was far from what I had envisioned. Two years later, I’ve picked up the pieces and built a life I’m proud of. That is until my brother’s first NHL game, where I am forced to watch as my past, present, and future collide.

It’s been two years since I walked away from the love of my life, and since then, I’ve worked my ass off to become the best forward in the NHL.
When McKenna Wilder's aquamarine eyes connect with mine once again, the overwhelming emotions hit me like a slapshot to the chest.
I wasn’t the man she deserved when I walked away from her—I’d become only a shell of the man she once knew. But I’ve poured everything I have into overcoming my demons. And now that I’ve discovered the truth, I’m determined to prove I’ll never let them go.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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May 21st, 2024, 7:24 pm