Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Mar 31st, 2024, 4:41 pm
3 Fantasy Books by Eric Vall
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 325 KB
Overview: I'm just a normal dude like you who couldn't find the kind of books I wanted, so I decided to write them. Now I've written over 100 novels and am the best selling author in the genre.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Werewolf CEO
When my parents tragically died in a plane crash and left me their very successful pharmaceutical company, I thought my biggest obstacle would be figuring out how to fill their shoes and be a good CEO.

But it turns out my parents had been keeping a lot of secrets.

Mainly about the fact that their company makes drugs not just for humans, but for werewolves, too.

Oh, and apparently I’m a werewolf as well. And not just any werewolf.

I’m the Supreme Alpha.

2. Dangerous Girls
Life was simple, but it was good. I kept to myself, ran my gaming shop in the town I’d grown up in, and business was pretty good.

That was until bizarre things started happening. I could have sworn I heard something breathing in my basement right before I woke up in my bed with no memory of the time between. My high school crush suddenly comes back to town, and hot but crazy women are coming into my shop like never before.

What is happening in Wormwood, and what’s it got to do with me?

3. Castle Coeds
Being the maintenance man at the college I’d graduated from wasn’t the most glamorous life, but it paid the bills.

Today was supposed to be an average day of work followed by a night camping in the woods. But my whole world got turned upside down when the entire building was suddenly transported to some crazy fantasy land, with me and five beautiful college coeds still inside.

Now they’re all looking at me to keep us alive in this insane and dangerous new world filled with creatures beyond my wildest imagination.

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Mar 31st, 2024, 4:41 pm

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May 19th, 2024, 10:40 am