Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Apr 5th, 2022, 3:33 pm
Dragon Core Chronicles by Lars Machmüller (1-3, 5-6)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 4.4 mb
Overview:Lars Machmüller lives in Denmark with his wife and three kids. Family comes first, and as such, he spends a lot of time perfecting the art of packed lunches, cleaning food off the floor and delivering kids to and from school, kindergarten, playdates and whatnot.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Master of the Hoard - A new world of magic and violence. One crazy starting bonus. Major downside: No thumbs!
Carl was a regular construction foreman. Not the worst, not the best, and definitely not the thinnest. Even so, he didn't deserve that heart attack! He really didn't deserve being reborn into a magic-filled, dog-eat-dog world as a dragon.
To be fair, it’s nice to be at the top of the food chain. Now Carl just needs to learn how magic works, which monsters are safe to eat, and why his hoard is so important to him. Dealing with everything changing is hard enough, but he has enemy dragons incoming, hostile environments, and foes constantly trying to get bragging rights by taking down a dragon.
At the end of the day, Carl needs to learn how to build a life worth living in a world where might makes right.

2. Master of the Mountain - One deadly competition. A mountain of dragon dungeons. Participation is mandatory.
Through clever usage of construction techniques as well as ham-fisted applications of force, Carl survived being reborn as a shadow dragon inside the Scoured Mountain. The future is looking bright for him and his band of trash-tier minions, and they’ll have ample time to decide exactly which kind of society they want to build in this violence-filled world.
There’s just one tiny problem. Only one dragon gets to be in charge, and every single other dragon from his clutch survived as well. Now that they’ve gotten to this point, they need to play a little game. The prize is survival, and a questionable promotion. Carl's already ahead of the competition because of the questions he gets to ask the mysterious, glowing human trapped inside his domain.
He's going to take every advantage he can get.

3. Master of Dragons - The game is on. Time is ticking. Somebody is rigging the deck.
Carl and his bottom-scraper minions were a success story from any perspective. Against all odds, they managed to defeat all of Carl's dragon siblings and kill the filthy Soul Carver. Now, all that is left for him to do is take up the comfy place as the rightful ruler of the Scoured Mountain. With that out of the way, Selys the dragon matriarch can retire and go do whatever she feels like.
Small issue: ‘whatever Selys feels like’ turns out to be world domination. Even though Carl isn't native to this world, unleashing fiery wings of doom upon the world seems impolite. There's no such thing as a free lunch, especially in this world. If he wants to be the true ruler of the Scoured Mountain, Carl will have to fight to earn his keep. If he survives, there is still the question of a questionable magical oath to be sworn to Selys.
The situation is spiraling out of control for Carl and his people. A crossroads looms ahead of them: choose guaranteed survival… or pick a fight they're destined to lose.

5. Master of the Skies - Sword versus claw. Shield against fire. The knight rises to challenge the wild dragon.
Carl and his armies of non-humans barely managed to fend off the human army attacking the Scoured Mountain last time. That’s how it’s supposed to go, according to the stories. It’s supposed to be Man-o-a-dragon-o. Only… the Nefren Empire never got that memo. Now the bloody two-legged smooth skins are back, with reinforcements.
Until now, the forces of the mountain have always been divided. Either by species, belief, or just plain mentality. All of that has changed thanks to Carl. He has managed to gather all the large bestial groupings under his banner, and the human armies are going to run face-first into a united mountain. The full might of the human empire, pitted against a multitude of monstrous beasts backed by a Blessing of the goddess Deyra.
It would appear to be a fair fight. If only there weren’t so many blasted humans.

6. Master of the World - Humanity on the march. The battle lines are drawn. Time to dragon up.
Carl and his monstrous allies find themselves pressed against the wall — facing certain death if they defend the Scoured Mountain fortress. The human Empire, with its endless ranks and relentless pursuit, is closing in. It's not just a battle; it's survival, and the only option is to make a break for it.
But Carl isn’t worried about escaping: he’s already plotting out his counterattack. The key is finding a way to earn a new Blessing, a power-up which could tilt the scales back in their favor and grant them a fighting chance to push humanity back. The local humans know the monsters are growing fast, and are doubling down to rid the world of the monster infestation before it’s too late.
As the humans throw everything they have against Carl’s forces, the dragon himself has simple and straightforward priorities. Forget about fate, the end of the world, and overtime regulations…
All that matters is his people being the ones still standing when the smoke clears.

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Apr 5th, 2022, 3:33 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 21st, 2024, 3:05 pm, edited 14 times in total.
May 10th, 2022, 3:22 pm

2. Master of the Mountain
May 10th, 2022, 3:22 pm
Jun 14th, 2022, 3:16 pm
3. Master of Dragons
Jun 14th, 2022, 3:16 pm
May 21st, 2024, 3:06 pm
6. Master of the World
May 21st, 2024, 3:06 pm