Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
May 19th, 2024, 8:18 pm
Eldritch Files series by Phaedra Weldon (Books 1-3, 5-7, 9)
Requirements: ePUB reader, 4.5MB
Overview: Born in Pensacola, Florida, Phaedra is the eldest of four children. She began writing in notebooks with her best friend in middle school.
After leaving college for a job in the Graphic Arts industry, Phaedra continued her love of writing in her spare time and was lucky enough at a writer's conference to meet Dean Wesley Smith, who later became her writing mentor, along with his wife, the bestselling mystery/fantasy/romance/science fiction writer, Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
Phaedra lives in Atlanta, Georgia. When not writing, she and her daughter spend their time playing games, letterboxing, or watching anime.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Elemental Arcane
Samantha Hawthorne lives a rather curious life in New Orleans running a magic and herb shop. As an Elemental Witch in the Big Easy and owner of a wolf Familiar as well as the head of a former Faerie Queen, curious is as quiet as it gets for Sam.

Until children start turning into blood-thirsty Changelings and attack their parents.

When one of these children shows up in front of her shop, Sam and her friends are determined to find out where they’re coming from and where the exchanged children are being kept and put a stop to it. But will they succeed when they find themselves pitted against ninja ghouls, one of the oldest and darkest enemies of the mortal world, and a secret from Sam’s childhood that could unravel her magic?

2. Elemental Shadows
Something is rising in the city as reports of ghost sightings and evil shadows increase. Faced with a lingering fear her own use of Arcane Magic has tainted her in some way, mounting pressure with the threat of a warlock from the Clerics, and suspicion that the evil that escaped lingers, Samantha calls upon her friends to weave their unique magic together to stop the rampage of Elemental Shadows.

3. Elemental Moon
Adjusting to the news her wolf is more than just a Familiar while lobbying the Witch's Parliament to remove her recent warlocking, Samantha Hawthorne is approached by an Alpha Werewolf. Two of his pack are missing and he asks Sam to help find them.
Before she can answer, the Alpha marks her with a bite in order to guarantee her assistance, and to declare her his mate should she fail.
Now it's a race against the Alpha’s venom to find the missing pack members while battling Ceremonial Magicians, revenge-seeking Clerics and Sam’s Arcane power that has suddenly acquired a voice of its own!

5. Elemental Soul
Time is running out...

It's the calm before the storm, and Sam knows Dionysus is coming for her. Spirit is the only way to defeat him - the one Element she hasn't mastered.

6. Elemental Storm:
Secrets are like our past. They always come back to screw up our future. As the French Quarter drags into the Summer heat, Elemental Witch Samantha Hawthorne makes plans for her future, which includes getting through her imposed stint as a Cleric and pinning down a date for her wedding. All plans disappear when her Air Elemental makes a rash decision that tips the balance of power out of Sam's favor. Will Sam and her friends be able to mend her shattered power while being investigated for the murder of a local mambo, a churning storm, the spirit of a cursed ring and the appearance of her fiancé's ex, whose power is even greater than his own?

7. Elemental Blood:

Sometimes the road to revenge is filled with sorrow...and sometimes, it's filled with death. Sam's hunt to find her mother's killer ends in Oregon when she and Bastien are confronted by an Elf asking the Elemental Witch's help in finding his lost King. Even as she and Bastien agree to help, more Elves invade Sam's shop making demands to see the Elemental Witch. Does the disappearance of this King coincide with the discovery of stone bodies in the city's park? Returning to New Orleans is easy—mending bridges isn't. As Sam and Bastien bring their Coven and Pack together to stop innocents from dying from an Elven Quest, they discover things are not what they seem, and the Dragon of Dreams returns in the ultimate showdown against Sam, and the Dragon she loves.

9. Elemental Dreams
Lady Darksome!
Thought I was gone, didn’t you? So did I. But apparently slipping into that good night wasn’t my plan.
I just wish I’d have left myself a note. Or a Facebook message. Hell, even a Snapchat…chat. That way I could have prepared everyone, including me, for what was to come.
And I could have saved my love from so much heartbreak.

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