Crime, mystery, suspense, legal, action-adventure
Jul 7th, 2022, 6:08 am
2 Novels by S.R. Masters
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: S R Masters grew up around Birmingham in the UK. After studying Philosophy at Cambridge University, he worked in public health. He currently lives in Oxford with his wife and children.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller

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The Trial (aka The Drug Trial): Would you sign up to a medical trial if you didn’t know the possible side effects?
It seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. An all-inclusive luxury trip abroad, all you need to do is take a pill every day and keep a diary.
Except you don’t know anything about the drug or what its side effects might be.
The headaches start, a dull ache at first. Every day worse than the last.
Then a body is found.
Everyone is a suspect. Anyone could be a killer. Even you . . .

How to Kill With Kindness: Welcome to the kindest village in the country. If you follow their rules, you’ll be ok. If you don’t, they’ll make you pay…

The brand new psychological thriller for fans of T.M. Logan, Gillian McAllister and Lisa Jewell.

The village of Nether Appleford calls itself ‘England’s Kindest Village’. Overseen by the Kindness Committee, this close-knit community strives to live their lives with kindness at the heart of everything they do.

Just Be Kind. It’s as simple as that.

But what is kindness? Is it doing something to help someone else? Is it giving up your time to help your community? Or, perhaps it’s something a lot less obvious…

What if the kindest thing you could do meant hurting someone? Then what would you do?

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The Trial (aka The Drug Trial):

How to Kill With Kindness:

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Jul 7th, 2022, 6:08 am
May 11th, 2024, 1:57 pm
Added: How to Kill With Kindness
May 11th, 2024, 1:57 pm