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Apr 27th, 2024, 5:16 pm
Dragon Eggs (#1.5-5) by Emily Martha Sorensen
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 978KB | Retail
Overview: Hi! I'm Emily Martha Sorensen! I have a wonderful husband, seven kids who are often a handful, a madcap eccentric swarm of characters in my head, and I'm a devout Christian who always prioritizes loving God and loving my neighbor. I write fantasy and science fiction that is full of whimsy. I like clever characters who charge straight through my plot and spend it spinning wildly off the rails. (Those brats.) I like magic systems with strict rules and surprising limitations. I like plot twists that will make your jaw drop. I like romance after the happily ever after. That's where the relationship starts! I like darkness that exists only to help characters grow towards greater light. I like . . . Wait, where did those uncooperative protagonists put the plot THIS time? They just ran off with it, cackling maniacally! Well, I hope they'll leave you grinning.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult | Fantasy


#1,5. Dragon's Dawn
Tomorrow is her wedding, and Rose is really scared. She's about to marry a man she barely knows so that they can become parents to a baby dragon.
An optional short story set after the first book in the Dragon Eggs series.

#2. Dragon's Hope
As their wedding day fast approaches, Rose's nerves hit their peak. More and more, she finds herself drawn to the other dragon eggs, pleading with them to hatch so that she won't be the only mother to a baby dragon in New York City.
But when one of other eggs finally does awaken, the second dragon bonds with someone Rose would never have expected . . . and who does not seem suitable as a parent.

#3. Dragon's First Christmas
Virgil didn't mean to sneeze and burn down the Christmas tree. But it was hot, and bright, and pretty!
His parents, Rose and Henry, are exasperated. Raising a baby dragon is hard enough; now they have to worry about their safety.
Can they solve this problem in time for Christmas?

#4. Dragon's Fire
When Rose decided to correct an arrogant woman about her wrongheaded belief that dragons were not intelligent, it resulted in an unexpected complication: now that woman wants a dragon egg of her own.
Hearing the news that two new eggs have awakened, Rose rushes with her dragon son to the museum in hopes of preventing such a catastrophe.

#5. Dragon's Song
Rose really wants her son to have more playmates, but the fourth egg hasn't hatched yet. Then she learns that the newest egg has parents . . . who haven't stepped forward to claim her yet. And she's refusing to hatch until they do.
What in the world is going on? And what will happen when the new dragon's parents do claim her?

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Book #1 & 6: Here

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Apr 27th, 2024, 5:16 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.
