May 25th, 2013, 10:18 am

I walk in with a bunch of my Elf friends . Our aura of purity dispells all of kartpai's dark enchantments . Dumbfounded and finally realising the folly of underestimating Elves , kartpai and his goons run away crying 8)

I then invite Voldemort over to guard the Hill while I go party with my Elves .

My Hill , My Elven Green Hill !
May 25th, 2013, 10:18 am
May 27th, 2013, 4:03 am
Voldemort and me are old buddies we were in the class of 'taking over the world' taught by Prof.Z. I sent him off with a warning not to get involved with elves, Frankly he is scared of me i beat him in magical power. Anyway I ask my pet 50ft dragon 'Junior' to look after the hill while i am away hunting elves. I shapeshift into a huge wolf and am off hunting enie minie elves they make nice chewing toys ehjehehejehheheh MY HILL
May 27th, 2013, 4:03 am
Jul 2nd, 2013, 10:30 pm
Better than Voldemort everyday of the week is my friend Hermione, who gladly helps me to make a potion that will put the little wolf and the dragon to sleep like Cinderellas after breathing it, while I use a breathing mask not to fall for it of course. When the sweeties are sleeping I call my fairy good mother and ask her to send them both to their previous homes and wake them up after a week. By then I'll have built defenses (with Hermione's wonderful assistance again) to protect my beloved hill. So here's my hill 4ever and ever taken care of! (btw I'm not an ungrateful bitch so I decide to share it with Hermione and the good mother :lol:)
Jul 2nd, 2013, 10:30 pm
Jul 12th, 2013, 12:05 pm
Everyone knows Hermione loves Elves . Sure , I'm not a House-Elf . But an Elf nevertheless . She thought that royal and noble Elves like me can inspire House-Elves to get over their subservient nature . We had some discussions about it and then she curtsied and left the hill with the good mother knowing there's no stopping the Elf Queen .

I then put on my Hood of invisibility . This way , no one can know where I am and won't be able to make any plans against me . I can sense anyone approaching the Hill , upon which I can temporarily become visible and defeat them . None can prevail against me .

My Hill . My Elven Green Hill Image
Jul 12th, 2013, 12:05 pm
Jul 13th, 2013, 9:37 am
Actually, according to you Hermione and the good mother left. Hermione I would understand, but not the good mother (She´s my grannie and family prevails :lol:) And you didn´t say anything about me (grave mistake), you sadly forgot I´M STILL ON THE HILL and I´ve got spells (previously prepared) to alert me of your presence, invisibility or not considered. So I´ll make you sleep as well, and considerate creature than I am I´ll call the good mother to transport you in a second from the hill to your kingdom, cottage or actual residence allowing you to leave us in peace . This is still my hill, elf. Beware ;)
Jul 13th, 2013, 9:37 am
Jul 14th, 2013, 8:01 am
Ah , but by my invisibility strategy , you'd be the first one I'd sense and defeat . Besides , your little spells won't work on me 8) As for your fairy god mother , she's the godmother of quite of lot of people too . Doesn't mean she'd go around fullfilling all their every wish . Add to that the Fairy Queen Titania and King Oberon are my dearest friends . The fairy god mother knew displeasing me , The Elf Queen , would be displeasing them . So of course she left .

Now that I got bored of being invisible , I leave on other adventures while inviting my dear old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi over to stay in my Hill . Being strong in The Force , he can sense anyone approaching with evil intent and then say "You do not want this Hill" using his Jedi Mind Trick and cause everyone to leave .

I forgive the little W@sp for her dark hallucinaions and continue to keep . . .

My Hill . My Elven Green Hill !
Jul 14th, 2013, 8:01 am
Nov 27th, 2013, 9:54 pm
All the elves fall asleep when the winter comes...somewhere in the grizly's lair, in its deepest, darkest and warmest corner. Sweet dreams, dear Queen of Elves, there is no more Green Hill of yours, but there is The White Hill, The Hill of Snow and Ice.

So, I built my army of snowmen. They can stab with their eyes because their eyes are made out of the hardest flint. They can blind with their cruel smile because their teeth are made of the purest icicles. Who will dare to approach them and poke them in their carrot noses?
Nov 27th, 2013, 9:54 pm
Feb 12th, 2014, 1:40 pm
i walk in with my good pals Ra and Apolo. you might've heard of them from greek mythology. jusbt one is a supernova on his own. just imagine what two would do. they bring with them eternal summer. really hot summer for my enemies and spring aummer for my followers. all of this summer is too much for siluasap's snowmen army. they helplessly melt into puddles creating a giant cool water pool. after my victory i throw a grand winners pool party and invite the losers too. every one loves it so much that they swear eternal fealty to me and vow to defend me and my newly re-aquired hill espeacialy againt the weird mosquito (read: siluasap) and the evil elven queen (read: LockHood) :D :D

My hill. from now and forever. this is my hill!!!! :D
Feb 12th, 2014, 1:40 pm
Feb 15th, 2014, 5:28 pm
Everything went well with theduchessa until Ra came across this post and noticed she'd refered to him carelessly as a Greek god when he's Egyptian . Like he didn't matter , like Egyptian gods aren't famous enough and had to be bundled along with the Greeks of all people . He ignites in furious anger and burns everything . Apollo could understand Ra's feelings and wisely left . Ra has now locked theduchessa in a very hot and uncomfortable solar panel .

I waltz in to the now empty hill , work my magic and it is once more my green hill . I build an invisible energy field around my hill so no one can enter without permission . If they try , they'll get deflected to the very ends of the world .

My Hill ! My Elven Green Hill !
Feb 15th, 2014, 5:28 pm
Feb 17th, 2014, 10:04 am
After he came across my post, Ra in fact did get mad and locked me in a very hot and uncomfortable solar panel. But after my imprisonment he seriously contemplated "theduchessa is my wisest and closest friend. she cannot possibly forget to mention that I am Egyptian and not Greek since she has been studying Egyptian mythology since infancy. something must be afoot." so he hired a hacker and asked him to look into my computer to check whether i indeed wrote that post. the hacker told him that my original post said "Egyptian and Greek mythology" but someone very evil and conniving and even he cannot tell who that hacker was who hacked into poor theduchessa's account and edited her original post. Ra consulted Osiris and Osiris told him that was indeed true. Ra could not hold his anger and demanded to know the name of the evil fiend who framed theduchessa. after much diving Osiris came up with the name. "it was the evil Elvin queen name LockHood. it was that devious creature that has blamed our most trusted theduchessa." Ra's anger knew no bounds at this point. he wanted to punish Lockhood so that she would never hurt any innocent (like theduchessa) ever again. But Ra could not do it. seeing as the evil Elvin queen had surrounded herself an invisible energy field that even he could not enter. At that point he had an idea. Next day the evil Elvin queen sat atop her hill laughing at how her evil plans had worked. when suddenly she spotted some just outside of the invisible energy field. she could not believe her eyes. it was none other than her unrequited love of ages. LEGOLAS!!!! she made the invisible energy field disappear and ran to him, for only for him to shout "STOP PRETENDING TO BE ONE OF US YOU EVIL LOCKHOOD!!". he captures LockHood easily because she is so stunned and puts her in the same hot and uncomfortable solar panel that was previously my prison. Ra had contacted his childhood friend Legolas and told him of the evil Elvin queen and her evil plots. together they liberated me, captured and imprisoned LockHood and returned me to my rightful place on top of the green hill. they also promised to give me full support of the Egyptian, Greek and true Elvin forces forever and ever.

MY HILL!!!!!!!! My Egyptian, Greek and Elvin protected Hill!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Feb 17th, 2014, 10:04 am
Apr 13th, 2014, 3:05 am
Seeing that the hill is guarded by Egyptians, Greeks, and Elves, I proceed to gather: Carter and Sadie Kane (see The Red Pyramid), Percy Jackson (see The Lightning Thief), and Sophie Foster (see Keeper of the Lost Cities) to help me befriend the Greeks, Egyptians, and Elves. Since they are now my friends, they decide to allow me to trespass upon theduchessa's hill. Once I'm there I discover theduchessa has an evil plot to take over all of the hills in the world! Thankfully my Greek, Egyptian, and Elvin friends decide to help me capture and contain theduchessa in my secret prison far from any civilization, allowing me to claim the hill!

Apr 13th, 2014, 3:05 am
May 16th, 2015, 6:22 pm
:shock: :o I was so surprised by the happenings on the Hill that my jaw fell down and my mouth opened wider and deeper than the big black hole. The center of gravity moved towards me and all the universe rushed into my mouth, down to my stomach! In went the Hill and Egyptians and Greeks and Elvins, in went Star of Day, theduchessa and LockHood. I'm so full! And the hill is mine :-D
May 16th, 2015, 6:22 pm
Jun 30th, 2015, 4:09 pm
I brought out my secret weapon... a fly swatter with an extendable handle. While siluasap was half comatose with indigestion from the massive meal, I swatted them repeatedly until they were a tiny squished patch of dead fly on the ground.

Jun 30th, 2015, 4:09 pm
Aug 8th, 2015, 6:13 pm
spiritofchaos was happily jumping around on the hill , doing her perpetual giraffy dance . The hill was now grass-less and flower-less , being constantly stomped upon . She had had the Hill for long enough , I decide .

So I plant a wooden post in front of the hill that said 'The Hill : Home of the Pink Giraffe' . She did not notice until everyone began to call her Pink . She then spent all her time educating her neighbours about her Purple reality , oblivious to the real threat . One fine morning the folks from the local zoo came over and packed a sleeping Spirit into their van , happy to take the rare purple giraffe for her preservation and protection . Last I heard , spirit is quite happy there . They let her dance all she wants in her cell and her name tag says 'PURPLE Giraffe' .

I make the Hill GREEN again , planting along with everything else a certain Elvish herb , such that its scent now pervades the Hill . This will dispell all negative thoughts from any who approaches the Hill - now they'd rather have tea with me than take over !

Aug 8th, 2015, 6:13 pm
Sep 6th, 2015, 2:05 am
Very sneaky! Not terribly effective against Daleks (who are well known for having no sense of smell).

With cries of "Exterminate!", "Eviscerate!", "Discombobulate!" and "Defenestrate!", the Dalek war machine rolls forward, exterminating, eviscerating, defenestrating and discombobulating all in their path.

This hill now belongs to the Emperor of Skaro.

Long live the Emperor!
Sep 6th, 2015, 2:05 am