Feedback or requests for help with the site.
Dec 10th, 2022, 7:20 pm
First huge shout out to those who created this site and run it. All admins & moderators as well as the many contributors. Truly grateful to you all.

That said I have books from Kindle & Audible I'd be willing to upload, but I do not know how to do so, if they'd be wanted, or how to convert them to other files. I have calibre but most of my kindle files have been deemed unable to convert due to the protection codes amazon puts on their files now. I tried downloading older versions of kindle and and what not but couldn't figure it out. I apologize. If it is more work than it is worth to explain/teach me please just comment that to me and I'll at least know I tried lol. If there is a simple way I can attempt to pay it forward with books I have I'd be happy to.

Thank you,
Dec 10th, 2022, 7:20 pm
Mar 22nd, 2023, 2:17 pm
When i first came i got acclimated to the site by helping out in the request forums
well i did do 3 post right out of the gate , that was not a good idea LOL
I don't remember who the mod was but she really did her best :lol:
Mar 22nd, 2023, 2:17 pm

I am slowly updating all my post to M4B. Lemme know if that's what you are hoping for in reup request
If you want me to even look at you request post please at least add a link to the book and covers are a bonus