Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 14th, 2024, 1:20 pm
The Beasts of Greenstone College series by Ellie Meadows
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 984 KB
Overview: A little heat, a touch of flame. Sometimes, a blazing five alarm fire. Ellie Meadows writes spicy, fast reads and dark suspenseful romances with just enough danger to get your heart pumping. Every now and then, Ellie writes something with a bit more soul and a little less **winks suggestively**.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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One Reckless Little Lie (#1)
One little lie changed everything.
And now the leader of the most depraved trio on campus only has eyes for me.

My new stepfather, Warren Greenstone, is rich. Connected. Loved by all. Head of an elite college. He’s the answer to my mom’s prayers. But he isn’t what he seems. And neither is the prestigious Greenstone. Behind all the perfects, there’s a twisted secret. A deviant club that only accepts the most elite students. The Stone Society. I’m thrust into a world of intrigue and power, tested to the point of breaking.

As if that’s not terrifying enough, I’m being targeted by someone who wants me to leave Greenstone. Leave or die.

All I want is to gain the attention of one boy. One desperately gorgeous, terrible boy.

So, I tell a lie.

Now he believes I’m Warren’s illegitimate daughter, but that’s better than being from the wrong side of the tracks with an alcoholic daddy who abandoned me. And I’m delicious to him, because the Beasts of Greenstone like nothing more than mixing pain with pleasure, especially when the object of their desire is just like them—Children of affairs. Bastard boys. Never quite good enough.

To survive Greenstone College, I’ll need the Beasts on my side…even though I hate two of them with a passion.

I can only hope that their barks are worse than their bites. And I live through the worst the Stone Society has to offer.

Two Ruthless Little Dares (#2)
Dare to love him.
Dare to hate him.
Which man is actually the beast?
Finding out might cost Mabel her life...

I have everything a person could ever desire now, or so it seems to outsiders. Yet, all I truly possess is a gilded cage, courtesy of my wealthy stepfather and his deep pockets. I have no real home anymore; maybe I never did. My mother is a changeling. I don't even recognize her anymore. Hell, when I look in the mirror, I sometimes don't recognize myself. The only thing keeping me sane is the certifiable insanity that is Bastian Banks. My own personal darkness.

Bastian is Greenstone College's resident bad boy who doesn't do relationships. Thanks to my lie, he's marked me as his own. If they had their way, his two best friends would claim me too. It started as prey and predators, but it's something more now, something beyond lust and loathing.

God, I'm just trying to survive.

Survive a stalker. A stepfather I don't trust. And a secret society sending me challenges that seemed silly at first, but are quickly spinning into something spine-chilling.

Life was easier when I had nothing. When I was nothing. I'd give anything to go back to that...

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May 14th, 2024, 1:20 pm
