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Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:24 am
New stenciled edges edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone coming this fall


For fans of the beloved Harry Potter series, Scholastic is releasing a special new printed edition of the novel that started it all – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This re-issue will feature colorful stenciled edges on the pages, adding some vibrant magical flair to the classic book
The cover art will be the recently unveiled 25th anniversary edition artwork featuring Mary GrandPré’s iconic original illustration. Her depiction of Harry has become instantly recognizable to Potter readers around the world.

This stenciled edges version offers collectors and diehard fans a fresh way to experience J.K. Rowling’s phenomenal debut novel. The first book charts Harry’s journey from an unloved child living in the cupboard under the stairs to his admittance into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where his destiny truly begins.

Readers will be able to add this special printing to their shelves when it releases on October 1, 2024, just in time for the holiday gifting season. The paperback edition will carry a suggested retail price of $14.99 in the U.S. Nearly three decades after its original publication, the magic of Harry Potter shows no signs of diminishing. This newly enhanced edition gives fans yet another reason to revisit the wizarding world.

src: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2024/ ... this-fall/
Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:24 am

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Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:31 am
April 22, 2024 / 2:10 PM
Medical workers ask bite victims to stop bringing snakes to hospitals
By Ben Hooper

Healthcare workers in Queensland, Australia, are urging members of the public to stop bringing venomous snakes with them to the hospital. File Photo by Bill Greenblatt/UPI

April 22 (UPI) -- Medical experts in Australia are pleading with snake bite victims to stop bringing the offending serpents with them to the hospital.

Dr. Adam Michael, director of emergency medicine at Bundaberg Hospital in Queensland, said a suspected snake bite victim came in earlier this month with a highly venomous eastern brown snake in a poorly secured plastic container.

"The staff got a fright and the serious consequence of that is it delays people's time to treatment," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. "We want people to be able to get seen and assessed quickly and having a live snake in the department slows up that process."

Dr. Geoff Isbister, a clinical toxicology researcher at the University of Newcastle, said he has heard of several cases where snake bite victims brought the snake with them when seeking treatment.

"It's pretty dangerous because no one in the hospital will be able to identify it," he said. "If that snake gets out in an emergency department, that becomes a huge disaster."

He said hospital staff are not trained to identify snakes, but they can perform tests to determine whether a bite victim needs antivenom.

"We can determine if you need antivenom and if so, what antivenom you need based on clinical signs, blood tests and also the snake venom detection kits that we keep here at the hospital," he said.

Professional snake catcher Jonas Murphy said he has been called out to Bundaberg Hospital on multiple occasions to relocate snakes brought in by patients.

"You are risking a follow-up bite and you're putting everyone around you in danger as well," he said. "Snakes are one of those things that scare a lot of people, we definitely don't want them in the hospital."

The Wide Bay Hospital & Health Service, which operates Bundaberg Hospital and other Queensland facilities, offered snake bite advice on social media including avoiding washing the area and firmly bandaging the wound.

"Applying a tourniquet, cutting the wound, sucking the venom or bringing the snake with you to emergency are not recommended," the post said.
Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:31 am
Apr 23rd, 2024, 12:16 pm
Forget Little Green Men – Alien Life Is Probably Mostly Purple
Knowing the color to look for increases our chances of finding it.


The best chance to find life on another planet is not to seek out a pale blue dot, nor worlds of forest green, a new paper argues. Instead, we need to be looking out for purple planets, the argument goes, because that is the shade life is likely to show for the longest time.

If asked to think of a planet supporting life, most people will probably imagine a world like our own, with oceans, forests, and grasslands. However, even though life has been present on Earth for most of the time since it formed, the jungles and savannahs are new. For around three-quarters of Earth’s history, life existed in the form of single-celled organisms. If biology exists on planets in our patch of the galaxy, the odds are it’s in this form.

With rare exceptions, the chlorophyll in plants gives their leaves the familiar green color. Many phytoplankton have a similar shade. However, in environments that are low on oxygen, the dominant lifeforms can be purple bacteria, and according to Cornell University’s Dr Lígia Fonseca Coelho, this is the most likely environment on an alien planet.

“Purple bacteria can thrive under a wide range of conditions, making it one of the primary contenders for life that could dominate a variety of worlds,” Coelho said in a statement.


It will be a long time before we can see planets beyond our Solar System clearly enough to make out a purple disk. Considerably sooner, however, we may be able to detect what Coelho calls a “light fingerprint” in the spectrum we detect, showing the planet is brightest at certain wavelengths.

“We need to create a database for signs of life to make sure our telescopes don’t miss life if it happens not to look exactly like what we encounter around us every day,” Professor Lisa Kaltenegger added.

To identify the dominant colors in a low-oxygen world, such as existed for most of Earth’s history, Coelho and colleagues went hunting for organisms where such conditions persist. This includes deep-sea hydrothermal vents, marshes, and even a stagnant pond handily located on the Cornell campus.

“They already thrive here in certain niches,” Coelho said. “Just imagine if they were not competing with green plants, algae and bacteria: A red sun could give them the most favorable conditions for photosynthesis.” That’s important, because so many of the nearby Earth-like planets we have found orbit red dwarfs.

The dominant life forms they found are known as “purple bacteria”, but actually come in a variety of colors, including fetching shades like yellow and red. The two main classes (purple sulfur bacteria and purple non-sulfur bacteria) both favor longer wavelength light than most plants, much of it beyond the spectrum we can see.

Such diversity appears to offer little chance to distinguish planets with life from those without. However, after modeling the likely mix under different conditions, the authors found the bacteria’s name is not a misnomer. Although brown is common, enough of the bacteria are genuinely purple that this would be the color to look out for – one seldom found in lifeless rocks.

It’s a lot easier to get excited about intelligent aliens, or even forest worlds filled with strange animals, than organisms that require a microscope to see individually. However, Kaltenegger, who literally wrote the book on the current state of astrobiology, argues finding worlds like this is crucial.

Detecting purple planets in the near future will still be difficult, and if we find even one it will almost certainly mean that life is common. If so, the nearest world with more advanced organisms may be too distant to spot just yet, but we can be confident it is there to find.

“We are just opening our eyes to these fascinating worlds around us,” Kaltenegger said. “Purple bacteria can survive and thrive under such a variety of conditions that it is easy to imagine that on many different worlds, purple may just be the new green.”

The study is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

https://www.iflscience.com/forget-littl ... rple-73920
Apr 23rd, 2024, 12:16 pm
Apr 23rd, 2024, 2:11 pm

I sometimes get REALLY DEPRESSED reviewing the news these days.
It's always about a global pandemic threatening life as we know it,
protests around the world, stupid politicians, natural disasters,
or some other really bad story.

Welcome to The mobi weekly news magazine

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Here is your chance to become an "ACE REPORTER" for our weekly news magazine.
It is your job to fine weird, funny or "good feel" stories from around the world and share them with our readers in our weekly magazine

How do you play?
Just post a story that you have come across that made you smile, laugh, feel good...
BUT NOTHING DEPRESSING :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Naked sunbather chases wild boar through park after it steals his laptop bag
A naked sunbather was seen chasing wild boar through a park after it stole his laptop bag.
Amusing photographs from Germany show the man running after the animal to try and claim the plastic bag back.
But the cheeky boar and its two piglets appear to be too quick for the sunbather, who can't keep up with their speedy little trotters.
As the incident unfolds, groups of friends and family sat on the grass watch on and laugh.
Heads are seen turning in surprise and amusement in the hilarious photographs.
The incident happened at Teufelssee Lake - a bathing spot in the Grunwell Forest in Berlin, Germany.

Each Edition of IN OTHER NEWS will be open for 7 days...
You can post as many stories as you like, but you will only get paid for One Story in any 24 hour period
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Each news day will start when I post announcing it
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3:00 PM GMT (UTC -0)

on those days I space out and forget to post or can't due to Real Life :lol:
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If you post multiple stories on any given day, you will only earn 50 WRZ$ for the first story of the Day
All payments will be made at THE END of the weekly news cycle.
Special Bonus - Each week I will award "The Pulitzer Prize" for the best story of the week
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It's just my personal opinion, so my judgement is final

So help bring GOOD news to the members of mobi, and join our reporting team...


Apr 23rd, 2024, 2:11 pm

Apr 23rd, 2024, 2:14 pm
Dog's UK reunion after being lost in Australia

A dog has been reunited with his owners in Wales after a "month-long nightmare" that saw him stranded and lost in Australia.

Milo, a Jack Russell cross, escaped from an airport handler as his owners boarded a flight to the UK on their way home to Swansea.

Jason Whatnall said it had been "extremely concerning and upsetting" to find out from the pet handler company that his dog was lost.

Jason Whatnall says he "burst into tears" after being reunited with Milo

Aeropets, based in Melbourne, Australia, has been asked to comment.

"It feels amazing to have him back," said Mr Whatnall after collecting Milo at Heathrow Airport in London on Friday.

"We can get on with our life... with our little man by our side."

He said Milo "bolted" from a pet handler at Melbourne Airport and spent the next 17 days on the loose in the city.

Milo spent 17 days on the loose in Melbourne

An online campaign to find Milo was started and he was spotted numerous times.

But he was also "extremely fast", said Lenny Thomas from Petraveller, another pet handler company in Melbourne that helped to find him.

Milo was eventually lured into a trap set by an animal rescue charity.

"We stepped in then to take care of Milo and to ensure the safe relocation from Australia to the UK."

Jason Whatnall says he and his partner Nick Rowlands can get on with building their life in Wales now they have their "little man" Milo

"He jumped right up into my arms," Mr Whatnall said of the moment they were reunited.

"He was squeaking and making all kinds of noises," he said. "I think he'd been looking for us for a long time."

He thanked Petraveller for "restoring his faith in pet travel".

But he criticised Aeropets, the company that lost Milo.

"It’s expected that when you’re paying a lot of money to a travel company that they take the utmost of care with your pet," he said.

"To find out that he was lost, and they really didn't know where, was extremely concerning and upsetting."

As for travelling with Milo again, he said: "Never... he's like my baby."
Apr 23rd, 2024, 2:14 pm

Apr 23rd, 2024, 3:43 pm
Taco Bell Manager Revives Lifeless Baby that Pulled Up to the Drive Thru: ‘The EMT Said my CPR Saved his Life’


At the Richboro Taco Bell, outside of Philadelphia, manager Becky Arbaugh wasn’t working the lunch rush, but was around nevertheless.

She heard a scream coming from the drive-through window, followed by the harrowing words ‘call 911 the baby isn’t breathing!'”

The phone would have to wait, as Arbaugh threw off her headset and rushed to see the situation. Just outside the drive-through window, she saw Natasha Long holding the lifeless blue body of her 11-week-old son Myles.

“The mom was panicked,” Arbaugh told Good Morning America. “I told her to give him to me and I performed CPR. I was trying to calm her down and comfort her and reassure her that he will be fine.”

“The baby finally started to breathe. The ambulance came pretty quickly and then they took over,” Arbaugh said. “The EMT said I saved his life.”

The circumstances could not have been more fortunate for Myles, because Arbaugh, a mother to four children herself, has already restarted the heart of her daughter a few times owing to medical complications.

In an emailed statement to ABC News, a spokesperson for Taco Bell said: “We are incredibly proud of Becky for her heroic act earlier this week. We are getting in touch to express appreciation for her quick actions and kindness.”

As for her “Taco Bell family” GMA said that store members and those in other locations have showered her with messages of appreciation, while mother Natasha spoke with Arbaugh on the phone the next day to express what the mothers reading can only imagine would be heartfelt gratitude.
Apr 23rd, 2024, 3:43 pm

Twitter: Fatima99@fatima99_mobi
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:08 pm
Mesmerizing Photo Shows Gardeners Perfecting a Maze at 625-Year-old British Castle

Head gardener Jason Haslip and woodsman Mike Hanslip, maintaining the maze at Bolton Castle, North Yorkshire – SWNS

Beautiful aerial photos captured gardeners perfecting a maze of garden hedges at a Six-Century-old British castle.

Pruners were hard at work trimming the box hedging around the medieval maze following wet weather at Bolton Castle, near Leyburn, North Yorkshire.

The impressive stone labrynth was commissioned by Sir Richard le Scrope, Lord Chancellor of England to Richard II, and finished in 1399, reportedly at a cost of 18,000 marks.

Today it remains in the private ownership of one of Sir Richard’s descendants, Thomas Peter Algar Orde-Powlett, the ninth Baron of Bolton.

And the impressive gardens are now open to the public, with thousands flocking to the well-preserved estate each year, including its bowling green and rose arbor.

The castle is also occasionally used as a filming location, with Channel 5’s ‘Anne Boleyn’ shot on its grounds back in 2021.

SWNS photo
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:08 pm
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:10 pm
Nicotine pouches are the ‘new, trendy thing’ — but minors are getting hooked

As the fight against vaping continues, a new nicotine product is becoming increasingly popular with young people and parents will not be able to tell if their child is using it because they are basically invisible.

Nicotine pouches — called Zyns, snus or little lip pillows — have become fashionable thanks to social media.

They look like tiny tea bags filled with nicotine, with flavors including mint, bubblegum and mango.

Placed discretely between your lip and gum, the nicotine is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Matilda, 18, and Jacob, 20, have both tried pouches.

“In high school, a lot of people were doing it and that’s where I initially tried them,” Matilda told A Current Affair.

Jacob said pouches could be pulled out discretely.

“People don’t really blink an eye at it, rather than seeing puffs of clouds coming out,” he said.

“A lot of my mates, especially at uni, they’re doing it a fair bit.”

University of Sydney associate professor of public health Becky Freeman, who has been studying vape use among teenagers, says she is worried about the pouches.

“The whole goal is that it’s discreet, smells good and gets you addicted to nicotine,” she said.

“Pouches keep getting mentioned by kids in the focus groups.

“They’re buying them from tobacconists, that they’re buying them online that they’re sort of the new trendy thing.”

She said they were not legal products in Australia.

Chewing tobacco was banned in Australia in 1991.

Like vapes — which are now banned from being imported and illegal to sell — pouches fall in the same category.

But tobacconists who, along with still selling vapes, say nicotine pouch sales are booming.

“It’s mostly online, so anyone can sort of get it online, but we brought it into stores because a lot of people are asking,” one worker said.

In fact, two of the largest tobacco companies, Philip Morris and British American Tobacco, have created their own brands.

In 2022, the Therapeutic Goods Administration seized less than 110,000 units of nicotine pouches.

Last year, it was almost 3.5 million units.

So far this year, the federal health department said about 5.1 million units were under assessment for seizure, as well as 168,000 tins of pouches already seized.

University of Wollongong chemical toxicologist Jody Morgan will soon launch a study into the pouches to learn more about their toxicity.

She said a medium-strength nicotine pouch contained about 10mg of nicotine.

An average cigarette contains about 12mg of cigarette, but smokers only inhale some of it.

“You only absorb about 1.5 mg of that because most of it is actually burnt when you light the cigarette,” Dr Morgan said.

The Federal Health Department is determining how to respond to the dramatic increase in nicotine pouch sales.

Since the market is unregulated in Australia, pouches with 20 times the strength of a cigarette have been found.

“Long-term use of these can cause some gum problems, particularly ulceration of the gum, you can get some open sores that don’t heal,” Dr Morgan said.

“It can cause quite a burning sensation.”

Philip Morris, which makes Zyns, is facing a lawsuit in the US over claims the product is addictive and harmful to young people.

The Federal Health Department said the government was “both aware and concerned about the rising profile of nicotine pouches being advertised and supplied in Australia”.

“The targeting of children is particularly concerning given the risks of nicotine to population health,” a spokesperson said.

https://nypost.com/2024/04/22/lifestyle ... ng-hooked/
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:10 pm
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:17 pm
Milan poised to ban ice cream, pizza and more after midnight after new proposed law

After a failed attempt back in 2013, Milan is once again trying to get late-night ice cream eaters off its streets - with local government proposing a new law that could come into effect next month.

Pic: PA

Milan is proposing a new law to ban ice cream after midnight in an effort to protect the "tranquillity" of residents.

For many, a late-night gelato is a part of Italian culture, but this is in danger under a new law being introduced in the city.

A legislative starting paper has been filed by the city's local government, and if passed it could see late-night ice creams banned as soon as next month.

Covering 12 districts, the proposal would ban all takeaway food, including pizza, and drink after midnight in an effort to clamp down on noisy groups crowding on the streets of the Italian city, keeping local residents up.

Marco Granelli, deputy mayor, said: "The goal is to seek a balance between socialising and entertainment, and the peace and tranquillity of residents."

The proposal would be effective from "mid-May" and last until November.

It would kick in at 12.30am on weekdays and 1.30am on weekends and public holidays, applying to outdoor tables only in an effort to clear the streets.

Citizens have until early May to appeal and suggest changes to the law.

The proposal would apply in the following areas: Nolo, Lazzaretto, Melzo, Isola, Sarpi, Via Cesariano, Arco della Pace, Como-GaeAulenti, Porta Garibaldi, Brera, Ticinese, and Darsena-Navigli.

However, this is not the first time Milan has tried to ban ice cream after midnight.

Back in 2013, the then mayor Giuliano Pisapia tried to implement similar measures but after a fierce backlash, including a reported 'occupy gelato' movement, he U-turned.

He was reported as having said after backtracking: "People can eat ice cream day and night, anywhere they like."
Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:17 pm

Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:21 pm
Missouri Couple Marries After Tornado Blows Roof Off Their Venue Just Days Before Wedding

“Nothing was going to stop us,” groom Kyle O'Driscoll said of the wild weather event


Not even Mother Nature's worst could stop one determined couple from saying "I do."

On Thursday, April 18, Taylor Jonas and Kyle O’Driscoll were in the middle of their wedding rehearsal at Brookdale Farms in Eureka, Mo., when an EF1 tornado suddenly swept through, tearing the metal roof off their venue space, according to KMOV.

“We didn’t really know what was happening,” Jonas told the local news outlet. “But we knew something was.”

The couple and their guests sought shelter, with some ducking under the bar and others hunkering down in the bathroom.

“Next thing we knew, the roof was flying off,” O’Driscoll told KMOV. “We went kind of pure chaos.”

After the storm, structural engineers came to the site to assess the damage. While the tornado caused considerable destruction to one of the farm's storage buildings, the wedding venue was determined to be sound apart from the hole in the roof.

Brookdale's general manager, James Vavak, assured the couple that the venue would do everything in its power to make it possible for the wedding to proceed as planned on Saturday, April 20, per KMOV.

“We want to make sure the building is safe to be occupied. But at the end of the day, we want to make this bride’s wedding a reality,” Vavak told the outlet ahead of the wedding.

“The staff has said all week that we are all really vested in this. We feel like part of the family now,” he added.

Early on Friday morning, a team of roofers got to work repairing the event space, and Brookdale staff cleaned up the storm debris from the grounds and set up tables and decorations for Jonas and O'Driscoll's wedding.

By Saturday, the farm appeared mostly back to normal, and Jonas and O'Driscoll fulfilled their wish of exchanging vows with their family and friends looking on.

“Nothing was going to stop us,” O’Driscoll told KMOV of the wild weather event.

“We were always going to have a wedding, whether it was in a parking lot or a barn or a tent,” agreed his now-wife.

The couple, who first met on a dating app three years ago, told KMOV that the true priority for them was having their loved ones there to witness their nuptials. “We have all our people,” Jonas said. “That’s the most important thing.”

“At the end of the day, I have the most amazing woman by my side," O'Driscoll chimed in, adding, "She’ll still be there through natural disasters."

Apr 23rd, 2024, 4:21 pm

Apr 23rd, 2024, 5:03 pm
At just 15 years old, this entrepreneur owns a scrapyard in one of N.L.'s busiest industrial parks


Teenagers looking for their first job often lean toward fast food or big box retail stores to earn their first paycheques, but 15-year-old Ryan Easton of Mount Pearl scrapped that idea for a different one.

He opened Ryan's Recycling in 2021 in his parent's backyard — a business that has since exploded into an operation that befits its current location in a 10,000-square-foot storage yard, with a 700-square-foot scrapping facility, in the middle of Donovan's Industrial Park.

Ryan, who is in Grade 9, scraps cars, recycles appliances, metal and e-waste, and rents dumpster services. He then sells the scrap to bulk buyers.

He picked up the skills to run his venture on YouTube.

"People are posting videos about how to do stuff, and I kept learning more, and more and more," Ryan told CBC News.

His parents were supportive but initially unsure about what he was doing, like bringing home a microwave and meticulously breaking it down.

Now they're all in.


Viola Easton, Ryan's mom, said it took a little while for the public to catch on.

"People are getting used to him now but it was really funny when he was at our house and he'd have people coming by selling metal, selling wire and that kind of stuff and they're looking for my husband," he said.

"And he comes to the door and my husband's like, 'Nope, it's not me you want to talk to, it's him.'"

Business savvy
The teenager has a vision for his business and is making smart moves to get there.

He said he reinvests every dollar, which led him to the warehouse and the storage yard.

Easton said she thought her son was getting in over his head, until he demonstrated his level of knowledge of the business. Between August and the end of last year he processed about 300,000 pounds in scrap steel, she said.

"His financial savvyness is pretty impressive, too. I don't question his numbers anymore," she said.

"I remember the first time he bought a load of copper wire or copper pipe or something it was, and he spent a couple of hundred bucks, and we went to another yard to sell it and I'm on pins and needles thinking he's going to lose his shirt. He comes out and says, 'I doubled my money.'"


But now inside his own facility at 17 Dundee Ave., Easton is planning for his third annual Earth Day free e-waste event.

That's happening Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. People can drop off their e-waste, including televisions, monitors, computers, laptops, big and small appliances, cars and car parts.

"Most people, if they have to pay for it they'll just throw it in their garbage bucket and let it go on down to the landfill," he said.

"You got to remine all those new materials again and it's polluting the Earth."

Easton has a few employees on his roster so far — his mom and dad and a couple of friends.

He's also using his business as an opportunity to educate the public on what they should recycle.

"I'd like to keep growing it and get a couple of locations out of town because there's not recycling out there, especially for electronics," he said.
Apr 23rd, 2024, 5:03 pm

Apr 23rd, 2024, 5:09 pm
Funko Celebrates ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ With 8 New Pops

From an injured Draco Malfoy to Hermione holding Crookshanks, bring home your favorite witches and wizards with these new Funkos.
Funko Pop has released new collectibles in honor of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, including a vinyl figure of Draco Malfoy sporting an arm sling from an attack he deservedly received from Buckbeak. Aside from the Golden Trio, the Harry Potter franchise would have been less compelling without its villains. From Lord Voldemort to Dolores Umbridge — both of whom are pure evils with nothing but vile intentions — the series is full of bad guys, then comes Draco Malfoy, the misunderstood villain. Having been raised by narcissistic parents, it comes as no big surprise that his behavior is most of the time akin to that of his father and that his foul demeanor can lead to him insulting a hippogriff.


The newly released Pop figure is inspired by the scene in the third movie, in which the Slytherin bully insulted Buckbeak and had his arm injured after an attack. Funko's new Harry Potter-inspired collection also includes Pops of The Boy Who Lived riding his Nimbus 2000, Knight Bus conductor Stan Shunpike, Remus Lupin with Marauder's Map, and Hermione Granger with Crookshanks. All the mentioned collectibles, including Draco Malfoy with a broken arm, retail for $12.00. Meanwhile, the Rubeus Hagrid in his usual animal pelt outfit costs $25.00, while the other Hagrid figure and the deluxe Albus Dumbledore with Podium retail for $30.00.

Earlier this month, Draco Malfoy actor Tom Felton spoke with Collider's Maggie Lovitt about his time in the franchise as well as to promote Kinder Joy's brand-new Harry Potter collection. The actor also candidly shared the "deep friendship" he was able to build with the entire cast. He said:

"Every time I say it, it sounds really cheesy, but it's genuinely true. We are all a family. Days on set would only usually be 10% filming and 90% either hanging out or going to school. So not only do I consider them all family, I think I can speak for the entire cast when I say we feel a deep, deep friendship with each other, as well, as the years have gone on, and that's only got deeper and deeper."

src: https://collider.com/harry-potter-funko-collection-prisoner-of-azkaban/
Apr 23rd, 2024, 5:09 pm

Twitter @HgwrtzExprss
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Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:18 pm
The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple's App Store
Developer Riley Testut finally brings his polished Nintendo emulator to the App Store.
Source: The Verge

Riley Testut

The Delta emulator is officially available on the Apple App Store — for free. You should be able to find in Apple's official store in many countries outside of the European Union. If you live in the EU, it should be available in the new third-party AltStore PAL app marketplace that just went live.

The app marks the first significant and officially sanctioned game emulator for the iPhone since Apple began allowing them, with wide-ranging console emulation from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Nintendo 64 (and even the Sega Genesis, for when you want to play those games that Nintendon't).

Delta developer Riley Testut told The Verge via email that the app is identical to the version debuting with AltStore PAL. The app features on-screen buttons that change their layout and appearance to match whatever system you're emulating.

Delta can turn your iPhone into a pseudo Nintendo DS or GBA.
Riley Testut

It supports Bluetooth controllers like Xbox One Series S or PS5 controllers, too, and the app lets you customize their layout or set extra buttons for things like quick save states (essentially letting you pause a game whenever you want and load it up from that point later) or fast-forward through an old-school game's all-too-often unskippable cutscenes or endless stream of startup logos.

Delta even works with some of the quirkier Nintendo input methods, like the gyroscope in WarioWare: Twisted! or the microphone controls in Nintendo DS games like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ("OBJECTION!").

Delta has other touches, too, such as automatically grabbing the box art for your games and the ability to customize that art using its built-in database or your own custom images, and users can import controller skins or make their own. It also supports multiplayer for the NES, SNES, and N64 (up to four players) as well as AirPlay streaming.

A small number of other emulators beat Delta to the punch, including one called iGBA that directly ripped off Testut's GBA4iOS code and an NES emulator called Bimmy. Both were short-lived, though, with Apple taking down iGBA over spam and copyright App Store rule violations and Bimmy's developer getting cold feet in light of Nintendo's recent crackdown on emulators.

Notably, Testut's app isn't new. He released the 1.0 version of Delta in 2019 alongside his original AltStore alternative to jailbreaking. That means the app has already been through five years of feature and bug-fixing iterations, so it will likely be one of the most polished emulation experiences on the iPhone for a while.
Apr 23rd, 2024, 6:18 pm
Apr 24th, 2024, 4:44 am
You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000
Thermonator, the first "flamethrower-wielding robot dog," is completely legal in 48 US states.

Benj Edwards - 4/23/2024, 2:27 PM

The Thermonator robot flamethrower dog.

If you've been wondering when you'll be able to order the flame-throwing robot that Ohio-based Throwflame first announced last summer, that day has finally arrived. The Thermonator, what Throwflame bills as "the first-ever flamethrower-wielding robot dog" is now available for purchase. The price? $9,420.

Thermonator is a quadruped robot with an ARC flamethrower mounted to its back, fueled by gasoline or napalm. It features a one-hour battery, a 30-foot flame-throwing range, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for remote control through a smartphone.

It also includes a LIDAR sensor for mapping and obstacle avoidance, laser sighting, and first-person view (FPV) navigation through an onboard camera. The product appears to integrate a version of the Unitree Go2 robot quadruped that retails alone for $1,600 in its base configuration.

The company lists possible applications of the new robot as "wildfire control and prevention," "agricultural management," "ecological conservation," "snow and ice removal," and "entertainment and SFX." But most of all, it sets things on fire in a variety of real-world scenarios.

Back in 2018, Elon Musk made the news for offering an official Boring Company flamethrower that reportedly sold 10,000 units in 48 hours. It sparked some controversy because flamethrowers can also double as weapons or potentially start wildfires.

In the US, flamethrowers are legally unregulated in 48 states and are not considered firearms by federal agencies. Restrictions exist in Maryland, where flamethrowers require a Federal Firearms License to own, and California, where the range of flamethrowers cannot exceed 10 feet.

Even so, to state the obvious, flamethrowers can easily burn both things and people, starting fires and wreaking havoc if not used safely. Accordingly, the Thermonator might be one Christmas present you should skip for little Johnny this year.
Apr 24th, 2024, 4:44 am
Apr 24th, 2024, 6:42 am
A Newt's Midnight Feast Wins Close-Up Photographer Of The Year Water Challenge

Behold the stunning winners of the 2023 CUPOTY Challenge: Water

"Between the Stars" was the Overall Winner of the CUPOTY CHALLENGE: Water.
Image credit: © Tibor Litauszki | cupoty.com

The winners of the 2023 CUPOTY Challenge: Water have been revealed, with this year's top prize being swooped by Hungarian photographer Tibor Litauszki for a beautifully lit image of a newt enjoying a midnight feast of frogspawn.

“In Germany, where I live, there are many clear and slow-flowing streams that provide excellent habitat for alpine newts. I have been following their lives for years, and last year was no exception. A few days after the frogs lay their eggs, at dusk, the newts appear and feast on the spawn all through the night. I wanted to capture this moment underwater,” Litauszki said in a statement seen by IFLScience.

Along with the usual CUPOTY (Close-up Photographer of the Year) competition that runs each year, the organizers hold an annual challenge focusing on a different theme. “Water” was the chosen motif this year – and the entries did not disappoint the judges.

“We asked photographers to show us work on a Water theme. Our callout was answered with images of seahorses swimming through kelp, flowers bejeweled with rain, and insects drying out their wings before taking flight, among so many other things. As usual, looking at all the entries was both educational and inspiring,” noted Tracy Calder, co-founder of CUPOTY.

"Poppies Tiarella in Ice" was awarded 2nd prize.
Image credit: © Ian Gilmour | cupoty.com

Second place was awarded to British photographer Ian Gilmour for a vibrantly colored shot of flowers in ice. Gilmour explained: “I submerged some wild poppies in water with tiarella flowers and froze them overnight. I then placed the frozen block on a lightbox and photographed them using my Venus Laowa super macro lens.”

Sebastien Blomme of France got third place for an image of a damselfly using the water surface tension to catch a quick break. Explaining his process, Blomme said: “One day, I settled in the water at a spot where I had noticed a damselfly regularly returned to rest. I waited patiently for its return. At each appearance I fired my camera in burst mode, hoping to capture the moment when its wings would be spread in all their glory. After a hundred attempts, I finally managed to obtain the image I desired.”

"The Ice Skater" was awarded 3rd place.
Image credit: © Sebastien Blomme | cupoty.com

Claudia Gaupp | Sparkling Crown

Gabi Swart | You See Better With Four Eyes

You can check out all the winning pictures and the stories behind them here.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, the CUPOTY competition will open for entries in May 2024, so get snapping!
Apr 24th, 2024, 6:42 am