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Feb 25th, 2022, 11:10 pm
Many of you don't know this since it's not relevant to the functioning of Mobilism, but I am Ukrainian. Mobilism also has Ukrainian servers (among others), Ukrainian coders, and is obviously home to many of my fellow compatriots. You're all currently using a Ukrainian site.

Ukraine has been invaded by a country that feels no remorse for dead civilians or human suffering, and is beholden to the whims of a tyrant and his pursuit of imperial glory. We are fighting valiantly and will continue doing so. We will not give up an inch of Ukrainian soil without a fight. We will stand as Europe's shield against the land that for the past ten years we've referred to as Mordor.

To clear up misconceptions:
Russia claims that they are not targeting civilians: so far, Russian shelling and bombing have hit hospitals, ambulances, kindergartens, universities, and tens of thousands of homes; a Russian tank drove over a car with the driver (an elderly civilian) still inside. So, if they are claiming they only target the military, then either their aim is even worse than we thought, or they are blatantly lying, like they have lied for weeks about their intentions for Ukraine.

Putin claims Ukrainians are Nazis and his goal is to de-nazify Ukraine. Ukraine is the only country in Europe whose head of state is Jewish (elected with 73% of the vote). In the last election, a coalition of all far-right parties won 2.15% of the popular vote, and since that didn't meet the threshold of 5% failed to gain any parliamentary seats. What's more, I'm Jewish, as are my wife and many of our Ukrainian friends. One of the bomb shelters a part of my family is using is a gay club in downtown Kyiv. The only likeness Ukrainians have to Nazis is that we are now at war with Russians.

Putin claims Ukrainians and the West forced him to "defend Russia". Ukraine has never threatened Russia militarily. The only way it threatened Russia is by showing that it can thrive without it as a democracy. Russia's claims that they are somehow provoked into attacking us is akin to this: a wife left her abusive alcoholic ex, took the children, and issued a restraining order- so he killed her cat, trashed her car, and now showed up in her new home with a gun, all while blaming this on her and the police.

"Current sanctions are enough:" In 2008, Russia annexed a piece of Georgia. The international community offered sanctions and a slap on the wrist. In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and started a bloody conflict in the east of Ukraine which had been claiming our lives for 8 years now. More sanctions followed. After Russia's total invasion of Ukraine the West implemented its most severe sanctions. And yet, they do not deter Russia from continuing the war. We're not looking for NATO to bring in troops, we'll do the fighting for our own country. Thank you to all the countries that are providing us with lethal aid and defensive equipment. We will use it for as long as we are able.

Слава Україні!

Edit 2/26: What can you do? (regularly updated)
Edit 3/1: The sanctions and support are incredible and greater than we could have hoped for when this began. Russian troops have not managed to take a single large city. Thank you to everyone who voiced their support. However, Putin is undisturbed by the collapse of Russia's economy and now fully committed to indiscriminately shelling and bombing our cities from afar, since our brave defenders have made advancing into them a nightmare for his soldiers. We still need anti-aircraft and diplomatic support. Please, we still need: viewtopic.php?p=9350765#9350765
Edit 3/4: Russian artillery continues shelling civilian areas for chaos and pressure. This is what Russia's "de-nazification" looks like:
https://vimeo.com/684782561 (Chernigov)
https://vimeo.com/684782519 (Kharkiv)
https://vimeo.com/684781822 (Kyiv)
Edit 3/9: Still not a single large large city has fallen other than Kherson (population 290,000). Russia is furious and bombing everything in sight, this is a children's hospital in Mariupol: https://vimeo.com/686409185
Edit 3/17-27: The Russians haven't been able to take any territory in over two weeks, instead indiscriminately shelling, bombing, and attempting to starve Mariupol into submission.
A majority of Russians continue to support the war. Those in the West like to see other people as good-natured and separate them from the actions of their government, but in this case it's pure naiveite.
Edit 4/3: Everything north of Kyiv has been recaptured as of yesterday, with Russians retreating across the Belarus border. They will refocus their efforts on the south-eastern parts of Ukraine. Below are scenes of Ukrainian soldiers entering Bucha, which was under Russian control for a month. The corpses are civilians, some tortured and with hands tied behind their backs. There are also a lot of reports of rape.
Edit 4/13: https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1514242356949704709
Edit 5/7: Russia has captured the majority of the ruins of what once was Mariupol but overall has had little success in the last month. That said, Russia's overall battle strategy has shifted from mindlessly pushing to entrenching in captured territory and using superior firepower. Unfortunately Russia continues to have significantly more tanks, artillery, airforce and missiles than Ukraine.
Edit 5/31: Russia has limited the scope of its operation to the Eastern regions, but has regained the initiative. It continues to have significantly more artillery, tanks and aircraft than Ukraine, and is using all of it to outrange and slowly push back Ukrainian forces.
Edit 7/4: The war grinds on. Ukraine has received more artillery, including much needed MLRS, but does not yet have enough resources to go on the counter-offensive in the East. For the time being we must continue to trade territory to bleed the Russian army. In the South we are on the offensive and pushing towards Kherson.
Edit 8/12: Russia needs to be held accountable for the murder, deportation, rape and torture it has perpetreated in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine and Syria for the last 20 years. Please visit https://russiaisaterroriststate.com to find out what you can do to help label Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.
Edit 9/9: We're on the offensive. The Russian front near Kharkiv has collapsed and we've retaken more territory in the last two days than Russia has in the last 3 months. Still pushing and liberating more and more.
Edit 11/11: Ukraine has liberated Kherson, the largest and most important city Russia had captured!
Edit 12/31: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANaVkRxDPCI
Edit 2/13: Russia has launched it's second large offensive. So far for Russia it has resulted in incremental territorial gains at the cost of huge manpower losses. https://deepstatemap.live/
Edit 5/2: The Russian offensive has failed, with Russia overall losing territory since February. All eyes are now on the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which should begin soon.
Edit 6/6: The Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun. To hinder the advance Russia has blown up the Kakhovka dam on territory it occupies. This will cause tremendous humanitarian, ecological and economic damage, some of it permanent.
Edit 6/23: There is an attempted coup in Russia by Wagner. So far they captured Rostov (1+ million pop) with no resistance
Edit 6/24: Looks like Wagner and the RU government have reached a deal. Wagner going back to their barracks after making Russia look like a failed state.
Edit 8/7: The counter-offensive is making slow and steady progress. Pushing forward quickly is impossible this time around because the entire front has been saturated with mines and fortifications. The two fronts are in the South and East. Green is retaken since the start of the counter-offensive, blue is recent.
Edit 10/30: Aid to Ukraine has become politicized in the US. I urge those not indifferent to contact their representatives - this will take 30 sec but can have a colossal impact.
Edit 12/5: Urgent Appeal to Americans
Edit 1/16: Three months have passed since further aid to Ukraine has stalled in US Congress. As of 2024, no further military aid is being provided by the US to Ukraine. In light of this I'd like to summarize three key arguments for continuing to support Ukraine:
- Ukraine is in a fight for its freedom, independence and existence. We have already liberated over 50% of the territory captured by Russia since the start of the war. There is no support within Ukraine for a ceasefire with Russia; doing so would condemn Ukrainians on occupied territory to rape, torture and deportation, while rewarding tyrants around the world and signaling that Western resolve is weak. We intend to keep fighting.
- US aid overwhelmingly consists of weapons from American stocks. Over 90% of the funds allocated for supporting Ukraine are then spent with US manufacturers for replenishing American stocks. The total of this amount is approximately 5% of America's annual defense budget. Without additional funding from Congress to replenish American stocks for weapons sent to Ukraine, there will be no more military aid to Ukraine.
- Europe has provided more aid to Ukraine than the US. The narrative that Europe is not doing enough is false. However, Europe alone does not have sufficient weaponry, while Russia has placed a huge portion of its economy on war-footing and is being supplied with weapons by China, Iran and North Korea.
Edit 2/4: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5523039
Edit 3/14: https://www.actionforukraine.org/usa3
Edit 4/20: After six months, the US has finally passed the Ukraine Supplemental, which will bring much needed military aid to our soldiers. Thank you!

This topic has become inconvenient for updates. I have started a separate topic for updates, questions and resources Here.
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:10 pm
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:19 pm
So sorry for your struggle. My prayers are with you and your people. The world knows that Russia is committing evil acts.
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:19 pm
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:30 pm
Sorry you're having to go through this. Hoping things don't get too worse before they get better.
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:30 pm
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:48 pm
My initial thoughts:
Maybe Donald Trump can give Putin the "help" he needs; since he's so impressed so far....
That I would love to see! I'm sure it would go well...

Now that my dumb knee-jerk reaction is gone:
I only have sympathy and well wishes for all the people affected by this stupid horrible thing...

Funding for Ukraine:
https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsion ... ebi-armiyi

If you are in Canada:
https://www.fool.ca/2022/03/04/15-ways- ... right-now/
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:48 pm
Last edited by alphega on Mar 15th, 2022, 4:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:51 pm
You've done so much for all of us by providing a site that spreads knowledge around the globe. God, I wish I could do something more than give well wishes. Excuse my language, but this is a fucking shit situation. I hope the people of Ukraine stop this tyrant in his tracks.
Feb 25th, 2022, 11:51 pm
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:01 am
I now have a much more personal reason to stay on top of the invasion.

I know you're doing everything you can to keep your family and yourself safe, but I'll still be anxious until this atrocity is over.
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:01 am

Use this. It's free. https://www.libraryextension.com/
A link to my family's fiction wishlist is posted in my profile.
Rules apply.
WRZ$20 each.
No PDFs, PDF conversions or archive.org scans (I can get those myself).
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:19 am
I am so very sorry for what you all are going through!
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:19 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:19 am
Huge admiration for the courage of Ukraine's defenders; all my thoughts for you and your compatriots. Am full of admiration, for heroes from Vitaly Skakun to your president, Volodymyr Zelensky. I have been to Ukraine, admired the culture, monuments, museums and charm of your wonderful country, and hope to be able to go back to a free Ukraine.

Слава Україні!
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:19 am

PM me if links are down and I'll re-upload.

Please click "Thank You" if you download!
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:46 am
Disk4mat wrote:Many of you don't know this since it's not relevant to the functioning of Mobilism, but I am Ukrainian. Mobilism also has Ukrainian servers (among others), Ukrainian coders, and is obviously home to many of my fellow compatriots. You're all currently using a Ukrainian site.

Ukraine has been invaded by a country that feels no remorse for dead civilians or human suffering, and is beholden to the whims of a tyrant and his pursuit of imperial glory. We are fighting valiantly and will continue doing so. We will not give up an inch of Ukrainian soil without a fight. We will stand as Europe's shield against the land that for the past ten years we've referred to as Mordor.

To clear up misconceptions:
Russia claims that they are not targeting civilians: so far, Russian shelling and bombing have hit a psychiatric hospital, multiple civilian neighborhoods and residential buildings, several ambulances, kindergartens and educational facilities; a Russian tank drove over a car with the driver (an elderly civilian) still inside. So, if they are claiming they only target the military, then either their aim is even worse than we thought, or they are blatantly lying, like they have lied for weeks about their intentions for Ukraine.

Putin claims Ukrainians are Nazis and his goal is to de-nazify Ukraine (this is a direct quote). Ukraine is the only country in Europe whose head of state is Jewish (elected with 73% of the vote). In the last election, a coalition of all far-right parties won 2.15% of the popular vote, and since that didn't meet the threshold of 5% failed to gain any parliamentary seats. What's more, I'm Jewish, as are my wife and many of our Ukrainian friends. One of the bomb shelters a part of my family is using is a gay club in downtown Kyiv. Trust me: the only likeness Ukrainians have to Nazis is that we are now at war with Russians.

Putin claims Ukrainians and the West forced him to "defend Russia". Ukraine has never threatened Russia militarily. The only way it threatened Russia is by showing that it can thrive without it as a democracy. And why is this "defense" happening on our land? Russia's claims that they are somehow provoked into attacking us is akin to this: a wife left her abusive alcoholic ex, took the children, and issued a restraining order- so he killed her cat, trashed her car, and now showed up in her new home with a gun, all while blaming this on her and the police.

"Current sanctions are enough:" In 2008, Russia annexed a piece of Georgia. The international community offered sanctions and a slap on the wrist. In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and started a bloody conflict in the east of Ukraine which had been claiming our lives for 8 years now. What did they get? More sanctions. You'd think by now it should be clear that sanctions don't deter Russia from war; while the international community is "deeply concerned" and says Russia "will pay" (someday), Russia continues to kill women and children. We're not looking for NATO to bring in troops, we'll do the fighting for our own country. Just know that the sanctions so far are a joke. Thank you to all the countries that are providing us with lethal aid and defensive equipment. We will use it for as long as we are able.

Слава Україні!

Love you all my brothers, I am bulgarian and my best friend is jewish. Stay strong we will defeat evil!
Feb 26th, 2022, 12:46 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:00 am
Admin, it was in the news last night (here in the Philippines), that adult men have to fight alongside the Ukraine military. A Filipina woman who's husband is Ukrainian was supposed to leave, and take their family back home here in the Philippines, but because of that she decided to stay and wait the war out as she waits for her husband. Is it true? Civilian men? If so, then I couldn't even imagine the pain all the members of your families are going through right now.

My heart aches as I type this. I feel like I couldn't breathe. All I can do is pray and pray that this will be over as it began.
I do not hate Russia. But only their leader and his cronies. Because I have people I knew that wouldn't want this war to happen.
But fear spreads like cancer, and I want to believe that they couldn't do anything to stop their own government about this.
I am hoping and continuously praying for the safety of those left behind. And all of you who are left to fight.

Stay strong. Hugs from the Philippines.
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:00 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:22 am
I am so sorry for the invasion of your country. My thoughts and prayers for the safety of your family, friends and compatriots - also praying that the international community will do more than just sanctions to stop Russia.
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:22 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:37 am
I hope you stay safe, and thank you for sharing this. My thoughts are with you and your countrymen.
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:37 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:48 am
I'm so angry and frustrated about the invasions of your country. There is no way they need to protect anyone from Ukraine, and the world knows it. And do not belive their disinformation! But only the few friends the Terrorist Putin has. No one else!
Pity that no one offers REAL peace forces! Sanctions and pretty words doesn't help. And I'm so angry that not even FN can do anything! :-/
It's Ukraine now, but more country's will follow to get invaded so the world need to get rid of the terrorist as we done with others.. He's even threatened my country..
I've donated ~700$ to Red Cross for helping the citizens earlier yesterday. I follow all news 24/7 and praying for you.
BTW, what a wonderful, honorable and admirable president you have selected.
That's definitely NOT a clown! (as Putin says) Wish your president stays alive for more awesome work.
I also admire the people for their will to defend themselves and their country!! <3<3
God bless and may you get peace soon!!
Best wishes to you from Sweden
Feb 26th, 2022, 2:48 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 4:17 am
Hoping the conflict is resolved quickly, with little loss of life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong, Ukrainians!
Feb 26th, 2022, 4:17 am