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Jan 4th, 2024, 8:44 pm
I'm looking for offline Dictionaries for Colordict, such as Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English or Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Does anyone know where I can download them?

Thank you for your attention.
Jan 4th, 2024, 8:44 pm
Jan 9th, 2024, 4:42 am
So most of the the stardict dictionaries that were out there were on Russian or Chinese websites that are no longer available.

But, the Wayback Machine comes to the rescue!

This is one of the major sources:


Specifically look at these pages:

https://web.archive.org/web/20220813072 ... n/english/

This page is still "live" and links to Wikipedia "encyclopedias" - that is, people have scraped the primary entries from a Wikipedia snapshot and converted them to the stardict format:


Take the first link (dict.org)....

Choose a dictionary and click on the "tarball" link next to the name. It will download a file with a "tar.bz2" extension. This is an archive type that can be opened by WinRAR or ZArchiver or maybe WinZip.

1)open the .tar.bz2 file
2)click on the resulting .tar file
3) you get the directory with the data you need

For example,

stardict-cmudict-2.4.2.tar.bz2 - - > stardict-cmudict-2.4.2.tar - - > stardict-cmudict-2.4.2

(note, when I open the above on my Android, I see the three levels. When I open the original in Windows, it jumps directly to the data folder)

Copy this directory and paste it into your dictdata folder. Note the location of dictdata used to be in internal storage root, but has now moved into /android/media/com.socialnmobile.colordict/

Now do this for all the dictionaries you want.

After you are done, reindex colordict and it should load the dictionaries. Use the arrows to move the dictionaries in the order you want. To reindex, click on the folder at the top right, then on the three dots at the top right and choose "reindex".

Good luck,

Jan 9th, 2024, 4:42 am
Last edited by drjoe on Jan 13th, 2024, 7:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jan 9th, 2024, 2:48 pm
By the way, the order of the dictionaries in colordict does matter. When you use colordict in an epub reader, it brings up "hits' from each dictionary, top-most first, then second, then third, then..., then finally bottom most. So put your primary dictionary highest, then order the rest of the reference books as appropriate for you.

For instance, I like to see the definition from one or two dictionaries, then I have a thesaurus, then encyclopedia, then some of the reference books on mythology & the Bible. That way I can see all the interesting results. If you have five dictionaries on top, the reference books will be buried way down in the results and you need to scroll down to find it. When I first downloaded the stardict dictionaries, I put six dictionaries at the top of the list (the more the better, right?!?), and it was a pain to find entries from the encyclopedias, Bible dictionaries and mythology references.

Good luck,

Jan 9th, 2024, 2:48 pm