Jan 7th, 2009, 6:43 am
Can someone please reupload the north america maps? Thanks in advance!!
Jan 7th, 2009, 6:43 am
Jan 8th, 2009, 11:12 pm
North America Map Links are dead :(
Jan 8th, 2009, 11:12 pm
Jan 25th, 2009, 4:15 pm
I have version 4.1.14912 that works on a PND in 480x272 and 320x240. It is NOT cracked. You can simulate routing and it shows where you are now. If you click navigate it gives "No valid license..." I have out-of-date 2007.2 maps plus some TTS languages that came on the 3.44 GB DVD.
Let me know if there is any interest.

This is the base program http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LYT13UZR . I like to work with someone to have the maps unlocked.

Languages: brazilian, canadian_en, canadian_fr, czech, danish, dutch, english(TTS), english_US(TTS), finnish, french(TTS), german(TTS), greek, hungarian, italian(TTS), mexican(TTS), norwegian, polish, portuguese(TTS), russian, spanish(TTS), swedish, turkish.
Here are all languages: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B85JM3PC

Maps: APAC (66.2 MB), AUSTRALIA (115 MB), BRAZIL (188 MB), EUROPE (1.23 GB), GULF (93.3 MB), HK_RC_MO (58.9 MB), INDIA (68.8 MB), MEXICO (120 MB), NORTH_AMERICA (1.10 GB), SOUTH_AFRICA (59.0 MB), UK_IRELAND (170 MB).

This is my Gulf map: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YC5W4FEP The version says 2007.4 but the file name has 2006_4 with no POIs.
Jan 25th, 2009, 4:15 pm
Jan 25th, 2009, 9:26 pm
Thank you very much rickgtx
But I can,t download from this site cuold your please up to rapidshare
and thank you Again
Jan 25th, 2009, 9:26 pm
Feb 6th, 2009, 10:47 pm
By accident I worked this week on a newer version from binatone (11 Mar 2008)
The archive below has the DEVICE.CFG from Nokia Maps 4.1.14912.
But the MobileNavigator.exe (cracked) and the RDAT are from a X430
http://www.binatone.com.au/gps/download ... %20AUS.zip

I think it is cracked now. But my Benelux map is too old to test it proper.
Anyone with a newer BENELUX map? That will be helpfull.

Q: how do I get it to pick the right GPS/TMC port?

Here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M8FLIER0

The map updater (one file CDT maps, not Nokia Maps 2.0)
can be found here. Perhaps someone can crack that (.NET)

feedback please!!!

EDIT: think it is not properly done yet. It now only bypasses the lic check.
Think the australian map with which I tested contains no lic (from 4PDA)
Feb 6th, 2009, 10:47 pm

The current laws of physics are like half the alphabet.
Nice words can be made but we are missing the story.
Feb 7th, 2009, 11:55 pm
OK, I have checked the hack and it is working OK :D

I also now found where all the system parameters are stored: DEVICE.CFG

Code: Select alltracking_info_overlays/speed

Now is the difficult task of decoding DEVICE.CFG and make it readable.
Developers must have an editor to do that :(

DEVICE.CFG constist of multiple parts: BMP and XML files but they are coded.

I will post more versions of this software if I (or someone else) has found a way
to edit the DEVICE.CFG There are a lot of very interesting options that are switched
of by default for every version I have seen of this software (and that are a lot.....)



The DEVICE.CFG contains only 1 xml file (coded) and 1 bmp (startup screen)
The header is easy:
36 30 36 34 0A 33 39 31 37 33 36 0A 30
6064 391736 0
Now if you go 6064 (dec) places from the last byte in the header you will find
the start of the BMP (Starting with BM8) You can write the block untill the end of
DEVICE.CFG to test.bmp and tou will have the Startup Logo in BMP format.

The block inbetween the header and the BMP is the configuration file in XML format (coded)

Now I have to find out what the number 391736 (also decimal I presume) means.

Feb 7th, 2009, 11:55 pm

The current laws of physics are like half the alphabet.
Nice words can be made but we are missing the story.
Feb 8th, 2009, 5:33 pm
Hi, I have a bunch of 2007 maps I would like to try. But
- X430 AUS.zip (MobileNavigator.exe) will not install on my PNA, Could you upload just the files?
- MN_Mar_11_2008.zip is password protected.
Feb 8th, 2009, 5:33 pm
Feb 8th, 2009, 6:41 pm
password is ppcwarez

The X430 update file is a windows exe file with resources. use resource hacker...
Better wait. I will post the latest cracked MobileNavigator when I manage to decode
the DEVICE.CFG file. I like doing this. It is fun cracking code....you must try....

I got something more about the xml part of the DEVICE.CFG file with IDA.

Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859"?>
<!DOCTYPE device-config SYSTEM ../device_config.dtd">
<!-- generic -->

<!-- device-id is an identifier that is use by the app to run code specific to the device -->

<!-- customer-id is an identifier used to enable customer specific behaviour of the app -->

<!-- Application name, shown in error/info messages -->

<!-- hw-lock defines the string that is used to lock the app to a specific device.
     This string is compared with the OEMInfo string return ed by the OS. -->

<!-- map-key defines a hexadecimal number used to as a magic number to
     lock a map to a certain device/customer -->

<!-- gps receiver provides the parameters to access the gps receiver used by this device -->

<!-- TMC receiver provides the parameters to access the TMC receiver used by this device -->

<!-- expiration date YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2006-12-24) -->

<!-- use Speedcam alerter -->



<!-- The exit button is no longer visible -->

<!-- do not show world at startup -->

<!-- map orientation during guidance and tracking possible values:
     auto: automatically rotates map to always point into the direction of the driver
     compass: compass defines the orientation of the map

<!-- show I agree button in warning screen, if not set the arrow will be shown -->

<!-- show remaining journey time, if not set the expected arrival time is shown -->

<!-- use software volume control -->

<!-- use battery status functionallity ( enable battery status icons )  -->

<!-- Enable empty battery overlay -->


<!-- use tmc status icon (Available only for TMC enabled) -->

<!-- show big speed indicator in guidance and tracking screen -->

<!-- Use the standard wait cursor provided by the OS -->

<!-- swap position of the zoom buttons -->

<!-- use built-in gps logging/recording -->

   <main-window topmost=no>

<!-- add this path to the cities search path list -->

   <splash-screen type=landscape>power_on_navteq_small.bmp</splash-screen>

<!-- Replaces location services button with recent button -->

<!-- Replaces choose map button with volume button and puts the choose map button in the map settings screen -->

<!-- Replaces location services button with recent button -->

<!-- Information displayed in overlays during tracking, the order cannot be changed -->

<!-- path to the internal flash memory -->
   <internal_flash_path>\Storage card</internal_flash_path>

<!-- path to the external SD/MMC/CF card -->
   <card_path>\Storage Card</card_path>

<!--  Number of caracters before looking for completion -->

<!-- Use Mean speed calculation and display warning -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

<!-- Do not use the time zone settting screen -->

<!-- Set the default voice skin (language is set by the System ) -->
   <use_voice_skin_only default_voice_skin=female output_type=prompt/>

<!-- Set the color profile (e.g. 1 = SANYO color profile) -->


<!-- Ask user to go online if necessary -->

<!-- Turn on internet usage by default -->

<!-- Enable online address search -->

<!-- Enable online poi search -->

<!-- Enable map download -->

<!-- Enabled navi regions, comma separated list of region ids from GGeoArea_navi_regions.h -->

<!-- Set the exit signpost background color (blue by default) -->


<!-- Use the system volume on app startup and not the prefs saved volume -->

<!-- Use inrix routing information -->

<!-- Hide zip code in address search code -->

<!-- Rescue path used to store rescue licenses -->

<!-- Offset in ms before playing voice command ( Used for devices that need to fade) -->


Nice isn't it. This file is decoded. But changed by me. Don't you love a good puzzle.....

Feb 8th, 2009, 6:41 pm

The current laws of physics are like half the alphabet.
Nice words can be made but we are missing the story.
Feb 19th, 2009, 10:38 am
hello! :D
does anyone know a link for the latest smart2go maps of Spain? :?

many thanks!!!! :lol: :) :)
Feb 19th, 2009, 10:38 am
Feb 26th, 2009, 3:22 am
Would you post the north_america maps, archives: (north_america_nt_map.cdt), and (wcities_en_usa_us_city_ct.cdt), please, i can´t find in any place, please, I have only the mexico maps, and I going travel to usa by road, thank you.

APAC (66.2 MB), AUSTRALIA (115 MB), BRAZIL (188 MB), EUROPE (1.23 GB), GULF (93.3 MB), HK_RC_MO (58.9 MB), INDIA (68.8 MB), MEXICO (120 MB), NORTH_AMERICA (1.10 GB), SOUTH_AFRICA (59.0 MB), UK_IRELAND (170 MB).
Feb 26th, 2009, 3:22 am
Feb 26th, 2009, 5:02 am
trucus wrote:Would you post the north_america maps, archives: (north_america_nt_map.cdt), and (wcities_en_usa_us_city_ct.cdt), please, i can´t find in any place, please, I have only the mexico maps, and I going travel to usa by road, thank you.
I have NA_v1.0.ver, north_america.tlv, north-america_nt_map.cdt, and nt_northamerica_en_50_standard_2007-02.cdt in my cities folder. Might not be compatable for you.

This is a 100MB Gulf map: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YC5W4FEP The version says 2007.4 but the file name has 2006_4 with no POIs. You could test.
Feb 26th, 2009, 5:02 am
Last edited by rickgtx on Feb 26th, 2009, 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Feb 26th, 2009, 6:06 am
how to make it work with new nokia maps 2.0 .. which comes in diskcache/cities folder with no of folders containing .cdt files not the single cdt file.
i want to make india map work?? does anyone have working india map ??
Feb 26th, 2009, 6:06 am
Feb 26th, 2009, 6:08 am
does any one know how to combine different cdt files into 1 ???
Feb 26th, 2009, 6:08 am