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Apr 9th, 2021, 12:14 am
Boahim series by Raven Oak (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.1 MB
Overview: Multi-international award-winning speculative fiction author Raven Oak is best known for Amaskan’s Blood (2016 Ozma Fantasy Award Winner, 2016 Epic Awards Finalist, 2019 Readers' Favorite Bronze Award Winner), Amaskan's War (UK 2018 Wishing Shelf Book Award YA Finalist), and Class-M Exile. She also has many stories in anthologies and magazines. She’s even published on the moon. (No, really!) Raven spent most of her K-12 education doodling stories and 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Amaskan's Blood
Her name was Adelei.

She was a master in her field, one of the feared Order of Amaska. Those who were a danger to the Little Dozen Kingdoms wound up dead by her hand. The Order sends her deep into the Kingdom of Alexander, away from her home in Sadai, and into the hands of the Order's enemy.

The job is nothing short of a suicide mission, one serving no king, no god, and certainly not Justice. With no holy order to protect her, she tumbles dagger-first into the Boahim Senate's political schemes and finds that magic is very much alive and well in the Little Dozen Kingdoms.

While fighting to unravel the betrayal surrounding the royal family of Alexander, she finds her entire past is a lie, right down to those she called family. They say the truth depends on which side of the sword one stands. But they never said what to do when all the swords are pointing at you.

2. Amaskan's War
Newly crowned Queen Margaret struggles with the loss of her father as the Kingdom of Shad’s army marches for her border. But when the Boahim Senate refuses to step in, civil war threatens to break out across the Little Dozen Kingdoms.

A harrowing journey reveals her greatest fears and unearths the Boahim Senate’s darkest secret, leaving Margaret sure of one thing–neither she, nor the Little Dozen Kingdoms will ever be the same again. Now to secure the balance, Margaret must fight corrupted powers, old and new, and step into a role she never wanted: War Queen.

Will she continue to follow the Boahim Senate’s orders? Or will she break the holiest of tenets in hopes to free her people?

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Apr 9th, 2021, 12:14 am

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Apr 22nd, 2024, 2:35 pm