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May 9th, 2012, 3:16 pm
Garbage by Juan Gimenez and Carlos Trillo
Requirements: CBR Reader, PDF Reader, 54 MB / 21 MB.
Overview: In the discharge of toxic waste that covers the whole country, those "heights" watch people patronize the underzone wallow in the mud like rats. Yet both groups are aware of these old photos that show it was better centuries ago, in cities as modern as clean.But everyone thinks those days are gone, or that these are only legends ... The arrival of a man literally fell from the sky suddenly put them on the path to an old memory. A long way and the least painful ...

The world is desolate, destroyed by an Apocalypse that have ravaged the brightest part of the planet. For the survival of mankind, the great pundits have decided to sacrifice much of our good old Earth ... Outside, some people live in what looks more like a huge relief than anything else.Deprived of all, they risk their lives by making near the white city to recover everything that comes out, as radioactive waste food ... It is time to revolt! Someone has rightly excluded from the white city for serious misconductand the best way for him to return to this paradise is to raise an army, composed of the wealthy of the human race! But all is not so easy ...

Genre: Comics, Sci-Fi, Mature Reader.

Image Image

Garbage / Gangrène
    Juan Gimenez artist, colours, cover
    Carlos Trillo story, writer
    Published by COMICS USA, 1987.

    Reviewed by okilebo, 04/08/2005
      Once again, Gimenez proposes a one-shot very readable. With the story from Trillo, I must say that the result is rather successful.

      The S-F is once again in the spotlight here. The story plunges us into an apocalyptic world where a portion of the population lives in low-funds, in the middle of radioactive waste. An unexpected event will lead them to revolt. While not original, this comic is readable without problems especially if you're a fan of science fiction stories.

      Level design, as usual, Gimenez offers us a few large plates of great beauty. In summary it is to read for fans of the genre!

    Reviewed by xcorion, 01/11/2010.
      In my opinion, Gangrene is one of those comics who finished poorly, despite excellent potential and all the more frustrating as they are felt beyond doubt suffer an execution quality too poor to hold their rank and become references in their themes of inspiration. The scenario is probably not to blame: with the exception of the title which I still can not understand the connection with the plot, it turns out to be the strongest part of the work. Future land almost entirely polluted, a society divided between "sheltered" and humanity "abandoned": while this common theme through being crossed in every direction may involve risk of yet another repetition of all the topoi of the genre, Trillo manages to find its own way and offer a scenario personality strong enough to break away from what is done elsewhere.

      Regarding the "landscape" within which the action first, it surprises and delights: abyssal discharge of sight dotted Heights, sprawling network of air and waste drains, suspended by balloons, island-resort, and unexpectedly funny-face-of the great white god are the main elements that give the scenario a certain force.

      The characters and their relationships are also the subject of particular attention: Trillo managed to develop a compelling and complex human world, the reader is unable to guess the nature and consequences of these relationships disorders that combines manipulation, interests, bestiality forced survival, friendships, rivalries, kindness, disappointment and hope mystical-religious, humanitarian concerns ...

      The drama is finally pretty well under control: without unnecessary digressions or empty, the script is a whole whose parts are essential. Turning away from Manichaeism easy (poor polluted are honest,the rich free from any pollution're villains), Trillo us follow an uncertain crusade in which each side have been hauled by a wide variety of feelings: doubt the rebels, the Head of the White City attempts to reconcile the need to protect human civilization respecting a course of action against these worthy men and need to survive crushing by force those same beings.

       He returned to Giménez give this work a drawing at the height of the scenario. It is a failure, when the reader focuses on the boards for the pleasure of drawing after a first quick reading and recreation that it is very nice, fuzzy style with a power of suggestion in these extraordinary circumstances of reading.

       From the outset, it starts badly: no relationship between the cover designs and content of the plot. And if certain boxes or boards are well drawn, as the double plate 2 and 3, Plates 4, 7, 8, 9, 16, or 28-29 reflecting the flickering hallucinatory thought by staggering the straight lines of frames of the boxes, they are too rare. The design is too uneven to be summarizing a vague jumble of traits, which makes any contemplation of the painful detail quickly, unlike some boards or Moebius Water Mortelune of which lie in the same atmosphere of clutter or polluted apocalyptic landscape. The coloring ends to make this drawing quite unbearable: the same colors used constantly blur the wealth of some designs worked. The reader then passes over important details: the emblem of the heights behind the throne, the throne itself, for example, Yet elements that are important for understanding the history of these populations through the similarity with the benefits derived from exile.

      Therefore disappoints gangrene, Giménez him having to miss a deserved success, but remains in mind for some good ideas and impressions found overall that mark.




Carlos Trillo Stories:

Juan Gimenez Stories:

Download Instructions:
http://www.gboxes.com/6jx3lpl1cc0z -- Garbage (1987)

May 9th, 2012, 3:16 pm

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Jul 15th, 2014, 5:01 pm
Added French issue:



Le monde est désolé, complètement détruit par une apocalypse ayant ravagé la partie la plus claire de la planète. Pour que survive l'espèce humaine, les grand pontes ont décidé de sacrifier une grande partie de notre bonne vieille Terre... Dehors, certains êtres humains vivent dans ce qui ressemble plus à une immense décharge qu'autre chose. Privés de tout, ils risquent leur vie en rendant près de la cité blanche afin de récupérer tout ce qui en sort, nourriture comme déchets radioactifs... Le temps est venu de se révolter !!! Un être s'est justement fait exclure de la cité blanche pour faute grave, et la meilleure façon pour lui de réintégrer ce paradis terrestre est de soulever une armée, composée des nantis de l'espèce humaine !! Mais tout ne sera pas si facile...
Jul 15th, 2014, 5:01 pm

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
May 20th, 2024, 10:34 pm
Hi thanks please re up x)
May 20th, 2024, 10:34 pm
May 20th, 2024, 10:42 pm
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