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Mar 17th, 2016, 12:06 am
The President's Book of Secrets: The Untold Story of Intelligence Briefings to America's Presidents from Kennedy to Obama by David Priess, George H. W. Bush (Foreword)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 10.5MB
Overview: Every president has had a unique and complicated relationship with the intelligence community. While some have been coolly distant, even adversarial, others have found their intelligence agencies to be among the most valuable instruments of policy and power.

Since John F. Kennedy’s presidency, this relationship has been distilled into a personalized daily report: a short summary of what the intelligence apparatus considers the most crucial information for the president to know that day about global threats and opportunities. This top–secret document is known as the President’s Daily Brief, or, within national security circles, simply “the Book.” Presidents have spent anywhere from a few moments (Richard Nixon) to a healthy part of their day (George W. Bush) consumed by its contents; some (Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush) consider it far and away the most important document they saw on a regular basis while commander in chief.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, United States Presidents


Download Instructions:
Mar 17th, 2016, 12:06 am
Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:44 pm
Dead links and inactive user.
Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:44 pm

Apr 22nd, 2024, 8:01 pm
OP and links no longer active.

New Release only, please. No mirrors.

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Thanks MsIrish
Apr 22nd, 2024, 8:01 pm