Section head: Crackalicious
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:17 am
Because you are Ukrainian
You are in the best place to tell us (all over the world)

(Make a new post with only instructions to follow)
We are a power and we can help!!!

Even small actions put one after the other can do great things (and effects)
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:17 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:29 am
I hope Ukraine wins!
I pray to god that you and all Ukrainians will stay safe.

I support you, mobilism and all Ukrainians and I am very sad to see the conditions there of explosions :(

Let's be united!
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:29 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:33 am
Stay strong Ukraine!! I hope the universe aligns all its powers on you
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:33 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:35 am
Putin witters on about de-nazifying the Ukraine but is it really about that.
Nothing to do with the Ukraine's vast natural resources?

Russia think they can walk in and take whatever they want under the guise of Nazi-ism.
Hasn't anyone learned anything from the Second World War?

I hope that all of Europe throws its weight behind the Ukraine.

Hold fast Ukraine.
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:35 am

Twitter: Fatima99@fatima99_mobi
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:37 am
I am from Poland (east of country, actually, Lublin). Sending deepest thoughts to you and all my Ukrainian friends! Thank you for creating this amazing site too!
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:37 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:44 am
I am on your side! My prayers to you and stay strong! I hope you get the support you deserve and kick the Russians out of your land! Take care and be safe!
Feb 26th, 2022, 8:44 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:14 am
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:14 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:32 am
I can only offer you my prayers for you and your loved ones. My thanks for this site.
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:32 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:37 am
Stay strong and stay safe Ukrainians!
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:37 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:40 am
My mind is completely blank. It was such a shock when I heard the news. In today's world something like this happening was unfathomable to me. It makes me so angry that people don't want to learn from past mistakes. In my opinion men like Vladamir Putin who believe in war, destruction of mankind just to gain more power should be put in mental asylum to be 'de-war-fied' rather than allowed to run a nation for christ's sake. This man has become a stigma to world peace. Both Russian and Ukrainian people are suffering because of him. I mean already covid pandemic, curtesy of dearest chinese government, has claimed millions of lives. And now this! I'm sorry you have to go through this idiocy. Unfortunately, we dont have any world leaders who work for the betterment of people. They all are corrupt and greedy. They make the stupid decisions that masses have to follow and get killed in return! Why don't Putin fight it out himself rather than sending his army if he is so eager for this war. This whole situation is preposterous just like it was during ww2. Mad men become the leaders and boom, WAR happens. Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un are another two great examples.
Please try to be safe, think wisely before taking any decision. In the end we all have to take care of ourselves and our community. No outer force does that for us no matter how many promises they make. I cant even imagine the pressure your president must be in!
May god be with you!
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:40 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:46 am
I cannot believe this is where we are in Europe in my lifetime.
The overwhelming feeling is of rage, of fear and of compassion, and all that that does not come close to how people in Ukraine must be feeling.
My thoughts are with you all.
Feb 26th, 2022, 9:46 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:02 am
Absolute tragedy while other countries including mine, UK stand back and watch. Putin should have been sorted out a long time ago.
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:02 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:11 am
That this can happen now is unthinkable! Unbelievable, the cheek!

And nobody does anything... I hope they don't get what they want and you are able to repel the invaders...
I will think about you all and hope this will end soon and you are the winners!

Go, Ukrainians! Stay strong and prosper!
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:11 am
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:42 am
Geopolitics is the most horrifying thing that exist in this world. In the End, Leaders will change their statements and decisions & move on, but only the citizens & Military suffer for a long time. I wish safety to everyone in Ukraine & peace in this conflict. We are with You.
Feb 26th, 2022, 10:42 am


Stay Blessed, Stay Happy & RTWOFTW.
Feb 26th, 2022, 11:02 am
Just a thought, annexing one country, taking parts of an other and then starting a war. It seems I studied about it in my history classes.... Or yeah, WW2 and Hitler. As I remember, it took a better part of decade an ~90 millions of life's to stop it. Let's hope that Biden and all the other world leaders will not be remembered in the same way as Neville Chamberlain
Feb 26th, 2022, 11:02 am