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Mar 18th, 2024, 9:24 pm
jaydenjoo wrote:Given that Russia has an election next week, do you think it's possible that the regime changes which leads to some sort of peace deal or ceasefire in the war? I personally feel this is highly unlikely.

As expected, Putin stayed in power with an even bigger margin. I had some hopes that the winning margin would be slimmer than expected.
Mar 18th, 2024, 9:24 pm
Mar 19th, 2024, 7:25 am
Wow! Over 87% of the vote. I'm so surprised /sarcasm.

The average life expectancy in Russia as of 2020 is 71.34 years.

Tick tick tok, Vladimir.

(I mean, that's probably not a good thing for Ukraine or the world given the megalomaniacal creep thinks he's Peter the Great and he's probably going to get more fashy to secure his "great man" legacy but also F-you Putin see you in the ground bch).
Mar 19th, 2024, 7:25 am
Mar 28th, 2024, 8:06 pm
Lady K
Are there honest elections anywhere. Not in Russia as we seem to agree on.
Not in America for the last 100 years... Other than Trump breaking the system in his first election and making the Dems and Republicans try and tighten it up even more to weed out unacceptable candidates there hasn't been a president to win an election that wasn't pre vetted to answer to the people who pull the strings. Difference in Russia and America is that putin pulls the strings there and in america its an Oligarchy of the Wealthist people on the planet. Putins is more streamlined with Americas being very chaotic for everthing but the flow of money. You will notice that all the BIG spending bills there always get passed by both parties :) Everything else they are allowed to fight over.

I get people hating Trump, but he is the best president in a century, not because he is good but because he isn't part of the massive control system that has run America forever. Not much he can do even if he had his act together as american presidents have little power unless one or both the partys behind them. I knew someone that was on the outer edges but got some inside info from trumps administration when he was in office. What most people didn't and don't get is that the Republican party there hate him even more than the Democrats do. The people that like him are the base. Other republicans suck up to his campaign as it is hard to win their elections if they don't because of the base but they are constantly sliding the knife into his back otherwise. It's a controversial subject for sure. The base that likes him as president, like him becase everyone else in office hates him. A very large number of people that vote for him don't really like him at all, they just hate the traditional controlled choices more.
I found it really interesting watching the stuff he did, not the batshit crazy stuff he said but the actuall actions he took. Not all of them were great but he fullfilled a massive ammount of campaine promises he made, way more than any other president in the last 100 years. He did more to keep america out of new military conflicts than, Biden, Obama, Bush 2, Bush 1 and clinton. He inherited the war on terror and hit it hard and started standing it down, but kept us from restarting it several times against the wishes of his secretary of state and other people high up in both parties. Lot of people loved his stance on NATO pulling their weight. The peace accords in the middle east under him were amazing but no one paid attention and once he was gone the american government has made sure that stuff stays stirred up as it help weapon sales. Lot of other stuff.

Not a nice man... If was to describe him it would be as a narcisistic asshole :) but also someone that loves his country in his own special disfunctional way. During his first term you could tell he was even clueless about serious parts of the bill of rights which was not good, but he wasn't actively trying to destroy them either. To sum it up, he is the last person you want to be president other than all the rest of them. Horrible choices. Pretty sure he won't get elected again as it looks as if they have even tright controls on the election process than last time. There are court cases from 30 years ago when they started using electronic voting machines with testimony by the actuall programers saying that whoever controled them could set the percentage of votes the chosen winner would win by. The election that court case was for (in ohio I think) wrapped up 10ish years after the election. Conclusion was it was rigged but it happened so long ago that the issue was mute. They have only gottten better at it in the last 30 years. No different than Russia or Most of Europe, or Canada, Britain, australia, Most south american countries, Most of the countries in Africa, For sure China.. The only thing, Democracy, Republics, Parlamentary systems have given us is a much prettier face to the control of the people on average, which is actually worth something, but its still a fail overall.
Mar 28th, 2024, 8:06 pm
Mar 30th, 2024, 10:04 pm
слава україні .
I support Ukraine where ever I can. I am not very well traveled due to lack of funds but visited Ukraine after helping a woman with her English throughout 2020. I arrived in a country where I did not speak the language and knew very little about it's history. Everyone made me very welcome. The hospitality overwhelmed me. I can not wait to return.

I wish I were younger because I could then assist in some way.

I wish I was richer because again I could assist.

I do know that Ukraine has a very bright future. It may not seem like it now but when the war is won its coming.

Ukraine is defending all of the world from tyranny. Trump and Putin will not last for ever.

слава україні
Mar 30th, 2024, 10:04 pm
Apr 6th, 2024, 8:02 pm
I recommend watching the clip, the Russian world in all its glory... Пустите В Харьков Тишину

P.S. I apologize to the admins for my words, but Russians and Russophiles are bastards - you will burn in HELL!!!
Apr 6th, 2024, 8:02 pm
Last edited by ogo2012 on Apr 13th, 2024, 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Apr 8th, 2024, 9:34 pm
ogo2012 wrote:I recommend watching the clip, the Russian world in all its glory...

P.S. I apologize to the admins for my words, but Russians and Russophiles are bastards - you will burn in HELL!!!

This is the city I'm from, Kharkiv. A city of 1 million, right on the border with Russia, indiscriminately bombed with glide bombs launched from Russia every single day. One day a school is hit, the next day someone's home. Kharkiv's biggest power station has also recently been hit, resulting in the loss of water and electricity. The goal is to make Kharkiv unlivable for its 1 million residents.
Apr 8th, 2024, 9:34 pm
Apr 16th, 2024, 7:14 am
Thanks for sharing this information
Apr 16th, 2024, 7:14 am
Apr 16th, 2024, 9:24 pm
ogo2012 wrote:I recommend watching the clip, the Russian world in all its glory... Пустите В Харьков Тишину

P.S. I apologize to the admins for my words, but Russians and Russophiles are bastards - you will burn in HELL!!!


No one said "Russians are bastards"???
Zionists are bastards!
Apr 16th, 2024, 9:24 pm
Apr 19th, 2024, 8:44 pm
MAD222 wrote:
ogo2012 wrote:I recommend watching the clip, the Russian world in all its glory... Пустите В Харьков Тишину

P.S. I apologize to the admins for my words, but Russians and Russophiles are bastards - you will burn in HELL!!!


No one said "Russians are bastards"???
Zionists are bastards!

Google never lies. Ask "Siri" what "huylo" is... And you will get an answer...
Apr 19th, 2024, 8:44 pm

Apr 20th, 2024, 10:28 pm
After six months, the US House of Representatives has finally passed the Ukraine Supplemental. Soldiers were watching House proceedings from trenches and cheered when it finally passed. Now it needs to pass the Senate, which it certainly will (likely on Tuesday), and then signed by the President. Thank you America!
Apr 20th, 2024, 10:28 pm
Jun 10th, 2024, 5:06 pm
Thx for sharing!
Jun 10th, 2024, 5:06 pm