Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Mar 31st, 2023, 2:35 am
Mail-Order Matings Series by Mazzy J. March (1, 3-11)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 10.7 mb
Overview: Mazzy J. March is a fan of all things paranormal--shifters, vampires, witches...dragons and all the many creatures that inhabit the world beyond the ordinary. She has been plotting her Academy stories for a long time and is thrilled to finally have them releasing and ever grateful to the readers who are offering such support and helping her dreams come true.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


1. Delivered to My Mates - No one makes me submit —no one. That’s why I was banished from my old pack. A pack where good females were second-class citizens whose decisions are made for them. And any who disagreed were cast out.
Most would call me rogue but I prefer the term free. Of course, free comes with a price. I work two jobs, barely making ends meet. My wolf yearns for a pack, for a community. She aches with loneliness. We have no friends. And no time for any. Scraping by. Broken and crushed with rejection.
While working at the local dive, a lady left a card with the name of an app on it. The Mail-Order Matings app. I downloaded it for curiosity’s sake but by the time I was done, I had applied to be just that —a female to be ordered like cheesy fries.
Never thought someone would actually make an offer. They had no social media presence. Searching on the web had no results. They were shadows. Still, they promised me a good life, luxury, comfort and most of all, freedom. I packed up before reading the terms. That may have been a mistake. Because when I get there, the two men who I had promised myself to weren’t men at all. They were bears. Shifters. Men who changed into monsters.
Everyone knew bear shifters were the worst. But I didn’t run. I could last ninety days. Then I’d run.

3. Delivered to My Alphas - My mate is gone. I don’t want another. Unfortunately, that’s not how things work.
Because I come from a royal shifter bloodline, I don’t get a lot of choice in who I am betrothed to, or arranged to mate with. That was the case with my first mate. We never shared a romantic bond, but I never wanted him to die.
It’s only been a year, and my father is already planning another arranged marriage.
I have to find a way out. I put up with the protocol once, but my life is my own and no one is going to tell me how to live it.

4. Delivered to My Koalas - The problem with being half wolf shifter? No one wants to be my mate.
Humans stay away from me. Some say I’m weird, and others keep their distance for unknown reasons. Shifters don’t like me because I’m half human and haven’t shifted. Hell, I might never shift.
I’m stuck.
My sister found her mate through Mail-Order Matin,g and I’m curious about it. But it wasn’t until another date went sour, one with a shifter, that I decided to try it. He didn’t want to have anything to do with a female who couldn’t shift and who stank like a human.
I don’t stink, for the record.
Nicole, my sister, said there’s all kinds of shifters on there, wanting all kinds of relationships. Maybe there’s a niche for someone like me.

5. Delivered to My Protectors - I was a hide in the hollows kind of girl until life caught me in a snare. One event, one stupid walk in the woods and my life was turned upside down faster than a nut fell from a branch. My life has always been very straightforward. Friends, family, and someday, if I’m lucky, a mate and family of my own to love. We stuck together, hanging out with other small shifters like squirrels and mice, and even cooperated with gleaning at the end of the growing season to fill out our stock through the winter.
Might sound like a boring life, but I loved it and never wanted it to change. But then, that’s not how life works, apparently. When I witnessed a crime, a target appeared on my back. Not literally, but the weasels, who we did our best to avoid, had committed murder and dumb me walked right in on it.
I took off running and never looked back. Couldn’t contact my folks and risk endangering them. They’d always wonder what happened to me, but at least they’d be alive. While sitting at a diner and trying to figure out what to do, I got an ad on my phone for the Male-Order Matings app, and it seemed too good to be true. If I found someone on there who would take me, I could use the few dollars in my bag to buy a bus ticket to wherever they were. A little research said I could afford to ride within a seven hundred mile radius, and so I brought up a map a drew a circle. If the male was not within that, I couldn’t go.
Did anyone else look based on area? I had no way of knowing, but it was a search criteria, and the first thing I got was not one but two males. A cheetah and a rhino. My heart was fluttering so hard, I was afraid I might go into cardiac arrest, so without any more delay, I sent them a message.
An hour later, I boarded the bus. I’d have preferred someone smaller, not a predator, but these two agreed to meet me, and worst case scenario, I’d be hundreds of miles away from here. Survival was key. I probably should have asked a few more questions before agreeing, but it was what it was and I could only hope they wouldn’t gobble me up the minute we shifted together for the first time. True love? Fated mates? Probably not.
What I did know was that weasels were tough and conniving but a cheetah and a rhino alpha would eat a weasel for lunch. They may not ever love me, but I would be protected.

6. Delivered to My Polar Bears - Marney
I didn’t mean to sign up for the Mail-Order Mating App. I swear. I was drunk, in my wedding dress, and my heart had been smashed into pieces by the man I thought loved me. Spoiler alert: he didn’t even bother to text to let me know he wasn’t planning to show up. Instead of the husband-and-wife hand-in-hand prance down the aisle, I did the walk of shame and horror.
I ended up drowning my sorrows in whiskey and rum while spilling my heart to the bartender. She was the one who downloaded the app on my phone. I meant to delete it. But I’ve heard that shifters mate for life and that their mates are their first priority.
I was never Claude’s first priority.
Ignacio and I have always known we would share a mate. But with our true natures being polar bears, we like to stick to our cabin in the mountains where the snow blankets are thick and there’s always a fire in the hearth. The only thing missing is a mate.
We know she’s out there, but going to bars or dates is the last thing we are interested in. One of Nacho’s cousins suggested the Mail-Order Mating app.
It was worth a shot.

7. Delivered to My Orcs - Iyla:
I have worked in the family business I was a teenager and planned to continue to do so for the rest of my life. But when my mom and dad died in a freak accident, the will listed my brother as the sole owner and CEO to avoid “dividing the assets.” His first act was to sell everything, including our warehouse and the storefront with the apartment upstairs where I live.
He’s always hated the janitorial supply business. It wasn’t showy or glamorous but it paid the bills for our family. The developer who bought the building is planning to tear it down in sixty days. I’ve lost my job and my home, on top of being overwhelmed with grief for my parents. They may have made a bad decision in their will making, but I’d never stop loving and missing them.
I am desperate and in shock, and I need a new start and a new plan. Somewhere I don’t drive past my brother’s new mansion every time I go to the grocery store. Preferably before the new owner puts my stuff on the sidewalk.
Menace, Saber, and Draven
Orcs don’t have mates. We wait for someone to breed with and if we’re lucky, she’s likable. From what we’ve seen of other relationships among our kinds mates never work out in the end so when we decide to sign up for the Mail-Order Matings app, we do so with no expectations of love.
Who could love an orc?

8. Delivered to My Tigers - Anais
I’ve loved tigers ever since I was a little girl in braids. My degree is focused on veterinary medicine, but my passion is cryptozoology. Tigers shifters in particular, of course. When I downloaded the Mail-Order Matings app, it was to learn more about them.
What better way to learn about tiger shifters than to be matched with one. Or two.
Rocky and Thad:
We’ve settled down after a life of building up our microbrewery and bar —and a bit of playing around. Okay, a lot of playing around. We’ve bedded or dated nearly every female both human and shifter in the tri-state area but none of them were our true mate. The truth was, we weren’t looking for a mate–just a fling. One of our employees found her mate through the Mail-Order Matings app.
We could meet our mate on the app.
Or karma could come for us, and we would get played like we’ve done to so many others

9. Delivered to My Bigfoots - Druscilla:
When my friend Anais was called out by the university to find actual tiger shifters or lose the right to defend her thesis as well as the lucrative grant she’d secured, I never dreamed the same thing could happen to me. After all, my subject of study was definitely on the mythical side. But I’m not going to hide it like she did. I’m making my profile on the Mail-Order Matings app clear. Looking for cryptid shifters and crossing my fingers I find one. Shifters are loyal. And my taste for human men is nothing less than sour.
Koa and Orion:
There have been many things said about bigfoots over the centuries, but only a few have been right. Our numbers are dwindling because of incursion onto more and more open land and the lack of females. But a bigfoot isn’t on the top of the list for females looking for a shifter mate. Because of romance novels and movies, they all like wolves and bears. So, when we join the Mail-Order Mating app, we don’t disclose what shifter we are. After weeks of nothing, we are alerted to a new profile that matches us. She’s a cryptozoology student, and she’s looking for a unique shifter.
She probably thinks we are some weird animal or a mixed breed. She couldn't be more wrong.

10. Delivered to My Wolves - Haven
I created the Mail-Order Mating app to help shifters find each other like my parents had. Right after joining it, I found mine. But he rejected me on our first date. One look, and he claimed I wasn’t the luna of a pack. Never would be. He proclaimed his rejection right there in a restaurant and then tossed his napkin in my face.
The joy in my life is from helping others find their mates. But I’ve given up on finding mine.
That is, until my best friend and assistant reactivates my profile without telling me and immediately there’s a match. Not one mate but two.
Collyn and Fitz
We once had a mate. We mated her knowing she had a rare shifter disease, and only six months later, she was gone. We cherished those few moments we had with her but we have never moved on. Our families desperately want us to. Our parents want grandchildren, and the loneliness is so thick that sometimes, it’s difficult to breathe.
We find the Mail-Order Matings app and give it a chance. But how in the hell can we find a mate when we’ve never stopped loving the one who left us?

11. Delivered to My Grizzlies - Monroe
I’m destined to be alone for the rest of my life. Me and my books and my cats and no children. I don’t think that, but my parents and family can’t stop talking about it. The Mail-Order Mating app seems like a way to appease them without actually mating. I’ll make my preferences impossible to fill. But I get a match. Two grizzlies.
And they are hot. Older, daddy-type hot.
So I give it a shot. It’s not like I’m going to fall in love. I’ll go there. Meet them. Then leave. No strings attached.
Ansel and Edward
We love our life just the way it is, traveling and doing whatever we want—whenever we want.
Sometimes things get boring and we long for female companionship, but we gave up a long time ago on a mate. After we got older, we really gave up.
After a few too many and joking around about the idea, we sign up for the Mail-Order Matings app and then promptly forget to cancel it. Until we get a match. Several, actually.
But only one young female catches our eye.

Download Instructions:
1, 3-9

10. Delivered to My Wolves

11. Delivered to My Grizzlies

Trouble downloading? Read This.
Mar 31st, 2023, 2:35 am
Last edited by juandelacruz on Apr 28th, 2024, 3:37 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Jul 5th, 2023, 3:09 pm
3. Delivered to My Alphas
Jul 5th, 2023, 3:09 pm
Aug 5th, 2023, 3:08 pm
4. Delivered to My Koalas
Aug 5th, 2023, 3:08 pm
Oct 9th, 2023, 4:10 pm
5. Delivered to My Protectors
Oct 9th, 2023, 4:10 pm
Nov 24th, 2023, 3:19 pm
6. Delivered to My Polar Bears
Nov 24th, 2023, 3:19 pm
Jan 7th, 2024, 3:16 pm
7. Delivered to My Orcs
Jan 7th, 2024, 3:16 pm
Feb 8th, 2024, 3:40 pm
8. Delivered to My Tigers
Feb 8th, 2024, 3:40 pm
Mar 5th, 2024, 3:21 pm
9. Delivered to My Bigfoots
Mar 5th, 2024, 3:21 pm
Mar 28th, 2024, 3:23 pm
10. Delivered to My Wolves
Mar 28th, 2024, 3:23 pm
Apr 28th, 2024, 3:38 pm
11. Delivered to My Grizzlies
Apr 28th, 2024, 3:38 pm