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Apr 13th, 2024, 10:16 am

I returned from my peaceful afternoon walk in the mountains just before sunset to hear about the horrific, murderous attacks on innocent people at the Bondi Junction Westfield Shopping Centre. There has been increasing violence in Sydney in recent years but this is beyond anything that might have been expected. Mental illness? No-one knows right now. All we can do is praise the police and ambos and emergency services who protect us.
Apr 13th, 2024, 10:16 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 14th, 2024, 2:21 am

Matina and Pj im so saddened by the events yesterday at The Bondi Shopping Centre :( :( :( people just going about their day innocently a mad man with a knife changes their lives forever :? As matina always says hug your family tell them you love them :( god bless all those involved :( :( including our emergency services :D
Apr 14th, 2024, 2:21 am
Apr 14th, 2024, 4:39 am

matina and Katy . . . beautiful sunny day up here, but I feel very, very sad for everyone involved in yesterday's terrible attacks at Bondi. At least the baby has survived. And high praise for the police woman and all the many people who helped. Am having lots of trouble with the Mobi editor, so hope this post gets out. Will close and write again later.
Apr 14th, 2024, 4:39 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on Apr 14th, 2024, 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 14th, 2024, 9:51 am
PJ I hope the finger is feeling better, how is rishi doing i hope she is responding well to the steroids.
KATHY I am shocked beyond words and i am so sick of hearing the old cop out of mental health reasons, since he was known to police then he was on their radar they would have known he was possibly non compliant with his medication. the government should have better facilities to keep folks like that in a protected environment for not only themselves but for the general public. I am sick to death of hearing that they have rights what about the average persons rights.
I am going through this exact fight with the government trying to get Satan into permanent care but apparently he has rights to not be forced from his home and to stay at home and apparently he still has the right to sexually assault female workers grabbing them groping them and kissing them. the male workers he verbally abuses and chases them off scaring the crap out of them and they don't want to go back. He has the right to start yelling and howling like a werewolf at 2am at the neighbours and banging the fence with a hammer telling them to stop making noise which is his own ears (tinnitus) but neighbours don't want to cause a problem and call police.
Even with the care providing company we all have to petition the sacat board where a court hearing has to occur apply to get special powers to be able to forcibly remove him from his house and restrain and to put him in permanent care and we don't know if we will be given those powers. In the mean time he could actually kill someone the stress this is giving me is inconceivable. The total embarrassment /humiliation to hear of his inappropriate behaviour.
If he was of sound mind he would have been arrested and jailed for the offense but because of his dementia we have to go through all of this crap. why isn't that instant grounds to have him committed is beyond me. these are the issues i am dealing with at this very moment day by day i get more phone calls of his antics. Even with all of this and the care company backing me up and a social worker we now have had the geriatric multi disciplinary board involved and another geriatrician go around to evaluate him even with their backing we still have to have a court hearing with the sacat board to allow us the special powers to remove him from his home. Which isn't a given it is pot luck if they will give them to us then the real stress begins to find a placement for him applications etc getting the house ready for sale to pay for his ongoing care and the ultimate, the actual removal of him from home and that isn't to say if he is reassessed later on he may be allowed to go back home. there is no assurance whats so ever.
This is why i haven't been able to post a lot lately as i have been swamped with all this red tape and bureaucracy. I can understand when parents know they have a sick adult child, they cant do anything as they( their adult children) "have rights" not to be medicated via force or detained against their will and yet they are allowed out into the public, where we have no idea of what is going on and what to expect and all social behaviour & proper etiquette goes out the window.
Unfortunately from my experience with the legalities of all this crap, we are going to see more and more of this type of behaviour occurring as they will have more rights than the average person especially if we cant put our troubled loved ones into the appropriate facilities (ei because of not enough space /vacancies) 1 to keep them and the rest of the public safe 2 so they can get the proper care that they need.
That's my rant for the day, yes i know it has been a while but i cant keep silent anymore, you want nightmares and stress live a week in my life. ;-( :( :( :(
Be safe everyone and be very aware of your surroundings at all times. may god bless and be with us all. tell the ones you love how much you love them as our time on this earth is limited we never know when it is going to end.
Apr 14th, 2024, 9:51 am

Apr 15th, 2024, 2:37 am
Hello all :wave:

Matina it's a lot to deal with I pray for a,solution for you every day I can only hope that common sense will prevail my love and support always with you :D Morning Pj I'm sitting watching my lovely neighbours doing their work in the gardens my hubby loves to talk to them and they always want to give us veges I told them thankyou but we just bought some but they won't take no such lovely people makes me smile :) are you doing ok :? Rishis photo is gorgeous I love it when her eyes are open :D a lovely day 25c all the best hope your finger is better :) take care everyone :D
Apr 15th, 2024, 2:37 am
Apr 15th, 2024, 5:06 am

matina, sending you more good wishes today. Hope things work out soon. Just took my bandages off and checked on how my finger is healing. It's been three days since the biopsy. Sunny and coolish up here . . . with a little breeze. Perfect autumn day.

Katy, I'm so glad to hear about your neighbours. It makes all the difference in life to have people around who are friendly and positive. Same up here. I have wonderful neighbours. It's hard to photograph my fuzzies. I'm told that they close their eyes to show that they aren't angry. Anyhow, that was a good one of Rishi behind the TV.

My little maple tree is looking its best right now . . .

Apr 15th, 2024, 5:06 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 15th, 2024, 8:06 am
PJ hope your finger is healing well, hugs to rishi i hope she is gaining weight like you want her too. good luck with the surgeons review. let us know how you get on.
KATHY nice to have neighbours like that. It makes all the difference most of our friends who were neighbours have all left or passed away so we are only 3 original neighbours. Very sad ;-(
We have had a nice quiet day today thank the lord hoping for another day like that tomorrow. before the business end of the week comes around.
Be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all tell folks you love them.
Apr 15th, 2024, 8:06 am

Apr 16th, 2024, 2:37 am
Hi everyone

Pj I know when your maple tree changes colour were heading into cooler weather ahhh 19c at the moment :) yes we are very lucky with our neighbours we are surrounded by caring people sure makes a difference :D matina the kids are sick with head colds we were taking them to the skate park but will have to avoid them now :(
So couch potatoes it is xoxoxo
Apr 16th, 2024, 2:37 am
Apr 16th, 2024, 5:31 am

matina, all pretty much OK here. Was 14 degrees earlier, when I sat out in the backyard with Sunnya. I took my second Band-Aide off an hour ago, and my biopsied finger lesion is looking OK and healing up. Stitches are supposed to dissolve. Tiny bit sore but it's only been four days. Back on the blood thinners now. Rishi seems OK and is eating well and may have put on some weight. She sees her vet next Tuesday. Hope you have a peaceful day!

Katy, yes, autumn sure makes an impact up here in the mountains, with colourful trees lining all the streets. I'm so glad that my little maple tree survived its accident years ago and is now strong and healthy. School holidays always see more tourists around here, but not too many have been walking past my house. Very quiet right now. Sorry your grandchildren are sick but kids always bounce back quickly. Have a restful day!

Apr 16th, 2024, 5:31 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 16th, 2024, 9:52 am
PJ It sounds like your well on the way to recovery now. I pray this will be the last of your medical issues for a very long time as i totally understand how they can overtake our lives.
KATHY I am so sad to hear that your grandkids have fallen sick, bugger! It is these times that you share with them that makes all the memories and the fun they have. I sure hope they recover soon.
we have had a nice relaxing day but had 2 visitors this afternoon and a couple with their grandkids and they have worn Yogi out lol he is totally nackerd laying flat on the floor total exhaustion. he did more than a few mad minute flat out runs. i am sure he wont move all night.
The couple invited us for Easter which is very nice of them ;-)
well time for dinner, be safe everyone and god bless and be with us all. be hyper aware of who and what is going on around you at all times. The poor bishop attacked in his own church (absolutely atrocious) Again he was known to police! GROWL!!
Apr 16th, 2024, 9:52 am

Apr 16th, 2024, 10:50 am

matina, so glad to hear about your peaceful day. Yes, I know I also feel worn out from visitors . . . though I don't get many these days. Had another walk this afternoon and then a nap. I'm feeling the stress of these two recent stabbing incidents in Sydney, even though they were far away from the quiet mountains and National Park. I've put off having my shoulder ultrasound and x-ray, even through they'll be easy and painless. Seeing my surgeon in Penrith on Friday . . . again, very easy apart from the morning drive. Rishi is stretched out on the table, looking quite normal.

Good night, everyone!
Apr 16th, 2024, 10:50 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 17th, 2024, 2:04 am
Morning :wave:

Hi Pj i understand how you feel with all this violence around us , I refused to watch TV these last few days, I think sometimes the media go overboard replaying these incidents over and over its distressing enough without the continual repeat :( thankgod I love to read takes me away from the crap going on :? Hug your girls lower the bp they'll make you happy :D
Matina yeah we were going out with the kids just to give my daughter some peace she still has to work from home though they both are in their rooms coughing up a storm :? Hugs always :)
Apr 17th, 2024, 2:04 am
Apr 17th, 2024, 4:59 am

matina, coolish but sunny day up here today. Just made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon to have my ultrasound and x-ray on my shoulder. Guess I shouldn't put it off too long. Hope you have a good day.

Katy, yes, good advice. I live right next to a beautiful and quiet wilderness and I should just enjoy it. Nothing planned for today, so I'll take it easy.

Bye for now, everyone . . .
Apr 17th, 2024, 4:59 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 17th, 2024, 11:04 am
PJ enjoy the tranquility and you did the right thing get it over with otherwise it would pester you in the back of your mind for forever lol;-) hug the girls good lick with it all. let us know how you get on with the surgeon on friday in my thoughts and prayers. hugs to the girls.
KATHY wishing your brood a quick recovery and oh lord on the school holidays too what a bumber. give them all my love your in my thoughts and prayers too.
we just got back from visiting my cousin she had to euthenise her poor cat and she was devastated we took cakes and had a nice coffee date and enjoyed the company yogi had a ball he was a great comfort to them all. time for dinner picked up a BBQ chicken and having chicken avocado dip sandwiches so time to get to mine before they get cold.
be safe everyone and god bless us and give us the strength to endure it all and to make us stronger.
peace to all
Apr 17th, 2024, 11:04 am

Apr 18th, 2024, 2:34 am
Hello everyone


Morning Pj I think you should really get one of these plushies for the fuzzies howcute is that :lol: or maybe one each so no arguments :D yes get those appts of the way then relax and enjoy your days it's beautiful in the mountains :D matina even yogi would look snugly in a banana plushie oh could you see the little angel in there :lol: house work today atleast the weather is behaving :D have a happy day both of you lots of hugs xo
Apr 18th, 2024, 2:34 am