Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Jan 7th, 2024, 3:02 pm
Diplomat’s Apprentice series by L J Dix (1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.9 mb
Overview: LJ Dix is an emerging author of sci-fi adventures. She is an enthusiastic reader across multiple genres and a lifelong storyteller, frequently inventing tales for her children and grandchildren. Many of her current writing projects evolved from those tales.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Diplomat’s Apprentice - The best laid plans . . . Fall apart when family gets involved!
Anwyn’s family has always assumed that she’d follow in the footsteps of her illustrious mother and uncle as a diplomat and eventual head of state. But Anwyn is an impulsive rule-breaker, and she’s made other plans: getting off her home planet and seeing the galaxy after training as a starship pilot.
Persuaded to go with her uncle on one diplomatic mission, Anwyn arrives at a planet in the midst of a violent uprising.
Space battles, daring rescues, dramatic chases, firefights and yes, even a bit of diplomacy, all make for a more exciting trip than Anwyn could have imagined. For her uncle has a hidden past that comes to light when they run into a small, specialized band of freelance agents with their own agenda, who know her uncle far too well.
Anwyn will find unexpected allies and dangerous adversaries. But she will need to learn to think before she acts if she wants to help her uncle and survive her journey as a Diplomat’s Apprentice?

2. Pilot’s Apprentice - Join the circus, see the galaxy. . . to Anwyn this sounded like a great adventure!
Anwyn Owens won her place at a prestigious starship pilot’s program on Earth and graduated with honors. But nothing in the curriculum could have prepared her for reality when she followed the advice of her uncle’s old friend and took a job as assistant pilot for an intergalactic circus.
The circus people became friends, she was learning new skills, and she was definitely seeing more of the “less civilized” parts of the galaxy than she might have if she’d remained with her politically prominent family.
Or maybe more of an adventure than Anwyn expected.
Not everything was running smoothly. The owner was ill, while the manager seemed to take an instant dislike to Anwyn. And what exactly was the manager doing on his late-night trips off their ship on various planets, anyway?
The circus had its own secrets, but now those secrets were about to blow up on them when a police force from the League of Free Planets becomes involved, along with Anwyn’s prominent uncle . . . and the team of special agents she’d met through him months ago.
Everyone is converging on the circus and Anwyn and her new friends are going to need all the help they can get!

3. Pilot's Quest - When you have a really old starship . . . things can break down, at the worst possible time!
With the old circus manager safely in jail, things should be going well at the circus where Anwyn Owens is assistant pilot. But when the ageing starship that serves as their home breaks down, all the ingenuity of Anwyn and head pilot Jemal can’t get things working again.
The solution: head for the pirate planet of Open Port where Jemal knows of a salvage yard that just might have the necessary used part for sale.
The solution just got a bit more challenging: Garcia, the owner of the salvage yard is missing, some threatening people are looking for him, and so are the team of special agents who seem to keep popping up in Anwyn’s life.
Anwyn and Jemal are drawn into the search for Garcia. Along the way they will rescue a dangerous pet, meet a hot-headed teenager intent on vengeance, and a notorious pirate who becomes involved in the search. And don’t forget about those threatening agents of a rival government who are also hunting for Garcia!
Anwyn and her friends might find Garcia, but will they get home with a replacement part or become victims of a brewing planetary revolution?

4. Diplomatic Decisions - Anwyn Owens, a starship pilot for the Malcolm Star Circus, seeks a new venue for their performances. The massive space station carved out of an asteroid seems like the perfect opportunity.
Her politically prominent uncle entrusts her with a message for the station's owner, while a team of operatives she's encountered before has their own agenda.
Anwyn must navigate these challenges while considering her future and a second chance to join the team.
An old enemy, still bitter from his previous defeat, sees her presence as an opportunity for revenge. With the help of friends in both high and low places, Anwyn must confront this danger head-on.
Anwyn realizes she has something to prove, not just to her friends, but to herself. Can she rise to the challenge and emerge victorious?
Will Anwyn's skills and allies be enough to overcome the obstacles in her path, or will her enemy's revenge plot spell disaster for the circus and its future?

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Jan 7th, 2024, 3:02 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Apr 30th, 2024, 3:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Feb 7th, 2024, 1:56 am
2. Pilot’s Apprentice
Feb 7th, 2024, 1:56 am
Apr 30th, 2024, 3:15 pm
4. Diplomatic Decisions
Apr 30th, 2024, 3:15 pm