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Apr 30th, 2024, 4:31 am

matina, cool and rainy today . . . but with beautiful red and orange leaves all around the house. Have the fire going already. Fed the fuzzies and birds. Now waiting for a firewood delivery. Hope you're OK.

Katy, I'm still waiting for that phone call. My son texted me and just all that all was OK. So glad to hear that your new coffee machine is working well! Am going to schedule a meeting with my bushwalking friend this week, to have cappuccino at either Katoomba or Leura. Haven't seen him for a while.

Today is a day to stay inside, in front of the fire!


UPDATE: Firewood delivered!
Apr 30th, 2024, 4:31 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on Apr 30th, 2024, 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 30th, 2024, 7:51 am
PJ fire wood they are wonderful fires but i just cant be bothered with the lugging in the wood and then cleaning it all up afterward we have a gas massport heater which we hardly use as we like it cold we use blankets on the couch. but having said that all our doors are open day and night we love the fresh breeze. the only time our doors close are during summer with the airconditioner on lol ;-) no doubt your shaking in your boots now.
I hope your granddaughter is ok keep us updated it has been a while now since her original injury i do worry, very concerning.
KATHY I hope hubby's appointments go well, mum's eye appointment went well and whilst there i did ask the optometrist to check my eye if she could she says it has healed nicely but to be cautious for up to 6 months as cornea injuries can reopen if the eye dries out at night causing it to tear again so i was given some ointment names to keep the eye lubricated at night and use some refresh drops on a regular basis. I didn't think it would be an issue for so long its rare but it can happen i guess i did a better job than i first thought;-? :? :?
we had lunch at my aunties as she baby sat Yogi they get along so well its so cute, we came home and we painted our red Easter eggs ready for our Easter.
Tomorrow after the cleaner comes we are off to do Satan duty and visiting my aunty to drop off Easter goodies to her too then going past my cousins place to drop off her a plate of goodies as she bought up her famous carrot cake for mum's birthday, then coming home again.
be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all
Apr 30th, 2024, 7:51 am

May 1st, 2024, 2:21 am
Hello :wave:

Morning Pj lovely photo of your yard I envy you your views just gorgeous :D I hope your granddaughter is doing well :? Oh I love hearing about your bushwalking friend what he's been up to :? is he still going on his walks, :? It'll do you both good to catch up :D all the best cuddles for the fuzzies :D matina busy bee as always :D I use Systane eye drops regularly especially if I've been reading a lot :D have a happy day visiting well except for Satan get in get out :? Take care everyone :D
May 1st, 2024, 2:21 am
May 1st, 2024, 9:13 am
PJ your MIA today whats up with you? I hope all is well.
KATHY we had a full on day haven't been home long exhausted bacon and eggs for dinner tonight, yeah i know i should be on a lent but with all the medication i am on and the running around i do it isn't feasible for me.
time to get dinner organised and then settle in for the night.
be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all
May 1st, 2024, 9:13 am

May 1st, 2024, 9:54 am

matina and Katy, sorry to be so late today. I don't know what happened. I actually thought I'd already posted. Took a little walk and took more photos of autumn leaves. Arranged to see my bushwalking friend tomorrow when I'm over at Katoomba to see my GP. Will hear how much walking he's doing these days. Texted him today while he was on the phone. Will write more later.
May 1st, 2024, 9:54 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
May 2nd, 2024, 2:24 am
Morning everyone :wave:

Hi Pj we were wondering what you were up to you usually post earlier :? never mind as long as your ok :? totally enjoying coffee on the deck watching the market gardeners harvesting some of their veges, cabbages, spinach etc they provide produce for the local shops and restaurants :D enjoy your cappuccino with your friend I hope he's doing well :D matina off to do some grocery shopping maybe lunch at the Cafe see how we go :D god bless :D
May 2nd, 2024, 2:24 am
May 2nd, 2024, 4:34 am

matina and Katy . . . checking in before I forget! Off to Katoomba soon to see my bushwalking friend for cappuccino, and then to my GP to get my various test results. Sun in and out today but only 13 degrees. Sat only briefly on my patio with Sunnya. Just too cold. Bye for now!
May 2nd, 2024, 4:34 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
May 2nd, 2024, 9:33 am
PJ nice picture as usual, have a nice time out.
KATHY it is so nice to have such fresh produce nearby very lucky indeed.
we went to visit my aunty and i took some batteries along to fix her garage remote as the battery had gone flat. we picked up some chinese food for lunch and we had a nice afternoon. Filled the car up with petrol.
tomorrow off to the bank and visiting a few more folks then home.
time to think on dinner.
be safe take care and god bless you all
May 2nd, 2024, 9:33 am

May 3rd, 2024, 2:51 am
Hello :wave:

Morning matina and Pj were going to Costco to buy bulk my daughter and I split a lot of things it helps us and we freeze a lot of stuff :D plus I like to wonder around they have scooters too :lol: Pj how is your friend any new adventures for him :? very rainy cold saw a few cockatoos out in the farmland i told them Pj's buffet in the mountains is what you want :lol: anyhoo time to go have a good day both of you bless :D
May 3rd, 2024, 2:51 am
May 3rd, 2024, 4:49 am

matina, I hope all your errands and visits go well today. Sending lots of good wishes. Take care!

Katy, yes, they all turned up here this morning and had to be fed twice. I told them to go over to the golf course, but they said it was too rainy! Wish there was a Costco here in the mountains. As it is, it's too far a drive. My friend's knee is much better but he doesn't dare to take long walks. He thinks he might get stranded in the bush. I cautioned him to ring me or another friend before he sets out on any expeditions.

9 degrees and rainy here. Getting to be like winter. Lots of beautiful leaves everywhere.

May 3rd, 2024, 4:49 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
May 3rd, 2024, 9:08 am
PJ yes your friend had better be careful out and about in the bush with a crook knee ;-( So glad the cockies had a good feed and all my errands went well i got a nice compliment from the manager of the bank that i am doing an excellent job with dads finances. ;-) it is nice to know that people notice even if Satan never will ;-(
do you not have any friends who shop at costco that could help you out by picking up a few things for you??
KATHY yes buying in bulk is the way to go if one can afford it and splitting it up in half is always an extra bonus. cooking in big batches and freezing it is always good too it saves on power too.
well it has been a long day time to think on dinner some spring rolls and pasties will be on the menu it is our good Friday. I would love to go to the Easter service tonight but after all the attacks lately on religious events mother and i don't dare venture out at night,sad indeed ;-(
be safe take care and god bless and be with you all
May 3rd, 2024, 9:08 am

May 3rd, 2024, 1:11 pm

Good night, everyone . . .
May 3rd, 2024, 1:11 pm

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
May 4th, 2024, 2:27 am
Hey everyone

Matina we only do a Costco shop in place of a normal grocery shop it costs less because you get bulk like 60 rolls toilet paper for $10 where was Costco when there was a tp shortage :lol: :? We only buy things like milk bread etc during the week even my coffee capsules are cheaper cause we split them with my daughter :D we only ever do a Woollies shop when we run out of stuff :D Hi Pj atleast your friend is responsible when heading out bush :? he sounds like he's knows his limits but still goes and enjoys his walks good on him :D not like some silly tourists who think they can handle the bushwalk :D is rishi under the covers best place in the world I say :D but I'm off out with the girls of the family my granddaughter wants to browse some new and used bookshops :D I'll just sit and people watch while they look :D enjoy your day all.the best :D take care everyone hugs all :D
May 4th, 2024, 2:27 am
May 4th, 2024, 4:38 am

Autumn continues!

matina, here's the latest view from my kitchen window, over my back deck. Such beautiful autumn leaves everywhere. Sitting in my recliner at present, watching the gray mist drift through the trees. A couple of tourists walked by but there aren't many out and about on such a cold and gray and rainy day. Keen young bushwalkers! Rishi is behind me, watching the world through the window. Fire going already. I have such nice hardwood now. Hope you'll have a good Saturday.

Katy, I signed up for the Woolworth's 'Rewards Extra' program which gives me 10% once a month. So I do a big shop on that one day. I also bought a 'Seniors' free delivery plan, which I costed out and see that it saves me money. So for the price of an extra few dollars every month, I save $30-40 or even more . . . so it's worth it. I rarely go out to Woolies in person any longer, through it's next to the PO and right across from the chemist. I now know that if the PO is closed I can still withdraw cash from the Woolies service desk, free of charge, and not have to drive to the nearest ATM in Katoomba (though that's very close). So I'm always on the alert for savings! Hope you've had a happy outing today with your girls. Take care!
May 4th, 2024, 4:38 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on May 4th, 2024, 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
May 4th, 2024, 9:02 am
i came back from my trip but i havent been active much. the weather is beautiful (hottt but also windy) so i've been hanging with my friends from morning to late night. Hope everyone is having a lovely spring!
May 4th, 2024, 9:02 am