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Mar 21st, 2024, 8:52 am
KATHY i wish your vegetable neighbours luck in chasing those ibis birds away. yes it is sad that we miss out so much because we don't have or cant afford the relevant mobility equipment to go out and enjoy family functions and seasonal events like Easter etc
PJ I hope your GP appointment is going well. let us know when your home safe.
we haven't been home long either wasted most of the day expecting 2 folks to come help out with programming remote controls for the roller door and alas nothing and no one came i am so pissed off i cant tell you. people just don't want to do their jobs anymore it is just unbelievable. I will have to try another company in future when i am down there again and see how we go. we were there from 10.30 till 3pm and we left after i sent a second text message asking how much it would be for that particular motor only to have him finally reply he doesn't carry those remotes on him why he couldn't tell me this when i sent the first text with the picture of the remote at 11.30am is beyond me. F**K ME!
We are exhausted time to order Chinese and rest for the rest of the evening.
be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all
Mar 21st, 2024, 8:52 am

Mar 21st, 2024, 8:55 am

matina and Katy . . . home from the GP and have had an OK report. Nothing serious. Check on my meds due. Still sore. Will write more about this later. Cool here today but will warm up tomorrow. matina, hope you survived your jobs today. So sorry. Katy, thanks for the windy kitten photo! Bye for now.
Mar 21st, 2024, 8:55 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on Mar 21st, 2024, 1:18 pm, edited 3 times in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Mar 22nd, 2024, 1:26 am
Hello everyone

Morning matina and Pj im off to do some shopping this weather at the moment is glorious 22c I can function just :) need 2 new bedside lamps my one just gave up n died well they are pretty old so needed replacing anyway :) Pj are the autumn leaves starting yet :? I hope your getting to feel a little back to normal each day is the gp happy with your progress :? matina I did ask about hiring a scooter for the day at the show yeaaahhhh $150 for 5 hours :shock: anyhoo must get moving hugs all :D
Mar 22nd, 2024, 1:26 am
Mar 22nd, 2024, 3:35 am

matina, feeling a bit better today. Not so sore all all. Hope you have a much better day than yesterday. Blue Mountains City Council workers are putting a new sign out in front of my house . . . 'Grand Clifftop Walk' . . . so I went out and had a chat with them. 14 degrees and cloudy. Sunnya and I sat for a while on the back patio, but it was just a little too cold for me! Nothing to do today. Will take it easy.

Katy, hope you enjoy your shopping today. Good to hear about your new desktop lamps. Autumn leaves starting to appear up here, but so far only a few and only on certain trees. None on my oak tree as yet. Will have lots of photos for you soon. It's so beautiful up here in the mountains during the autumn!

Bye for now . . .
Mar 22nd, 2024, 3:35 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Mar 22nd, 2024, 8:11 am
PJ so glad that your feeling better i hope that new sign wont mean that you start getting tourists knocking on your door for the grand clifftop walk. I would like to send a few folks your way that they can take that walk and keep on going! lol
KATHY OMG that is very expensive! is there a return deposit in with that or not? The weather is much more pleasant for the time being i am hoping it will remain so and get colder. I am so over summer and the humid weather that we have been having. so what type of lamps did you get may we see a pic? not worth repairing the old one?
we have had a restful day at home i am still having some kidney pain on the left side don't know if it is a pulled muscle or actual kidney pain I pray it isn't a kidney stone pain comes and goes and i know those symptoms well hmmmm;-(
time for me to rest up and do some puzzles and coloring to get my mind to stop overworking itself and allowing it to drive me nuts.
be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all
Mar 22nd, 2024, 8:11 am

Mar 23rd, 2024, 1:36 am


Matina my granddaughters friend won 1st prize for baking cupcakes under 18 at the Royal Easter Show :D they had such a good time lots of yummy food like crispy chips on a stick :D hope your ok today xo Hi Pj how are things with you :? Yes i hope that sign outside your house doesn't have tourists parking all over your street :? I'm still looking for some lamps couldn't find any I like , I may just look online they seem to.be cheaper :) a beautiful day 24c no humidity thankyou god I can enjoy coffee out back watching the farm :) take care everyone :D
Mar 23rd, 2024, 1:36 am
Mar 23rd, 2024, 3:55 am

matina, hope you're enjoying a peaceful and stress-free Saturday. 20 and sunny on and off here. Sunnya and had a nice sit out in the backyard. Took a photo of the above flower. Can't remember what it's called! Not planning to go anywhere or do anything today except to read. The 'Grand Clifftop Walk' has a gap between the Fairmont in Leura and the track at the end of my street, so bushwalkers will travel that distance on Leura streets and across in front of my house. We already have a few tourists walking around here, so I'm hoping traffic won't increase much. In due course, they say that they'll put in actual sidewalks.

Katy, great prize-winning cupcakes! Thanks for the photos. I have to go easy on such treats, now that I'm a (very mild) diabetic. Doesn't hurt to look, though! But I still have lots of good things to eat. Now sitting in my recliner and watching my cockies and rosellas eat on the front deck.

Bye for now, everyone . . .
Mar 23rd, 2024, 3:55 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Mar 24th, 2024, 1:14 am

Matina some Lilacs for you to make you feel better rest up today hugs xoxo :D Pj aren't there enough tourists walks tracks etc around the mountains :? without adding more, if your street has been a quiet up till now they want footpaths hmm i hope it doesn't change :? Are you and the girls ok :? going to do some gardening while I can a little trimming of some plants my camellias are ready to bloom lots of buds this year :D enjoy your sunday :D
Mar 24th, 2024, 1:14 am
Mar 24th, 2024, 3:47 am

matina, hope you're pain-free today. Going out? Pub lunch? Sure hope you enjoy a quiet and peaceful Sunday. 16 degrees and sunny up here in the mountains, and I sat out in the backyard for a while with Sunnya, watching the beautiful clouds sail past. Rishi slept in.

Katy, great lilacs! I have some in my backyard too. They also remind me of my dear grandmother. I'm hoping that the new 'track' (if you can call it that) linking up the 'Grand Clifftop Walk' doesn't attract too much traffic. Time will tell. The BMCC and the National Parks people have been absolutely determined to have a new trail 'all along' the cliffs, even where there's no place to put a trail! Sunday is usually a fairly 'busy' day for tourists, but I haven't seen a single one walk past my house so far. Lots of cockies have come and gone. I was excited to attract a kookaburra yesterday, who finished up all the old cat food in a couple of minutes. Wish I'd got a photo of him.

Bye for now, everyone . . .
Mar 24th, 2024, 3:47 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Mar 25th, 2024, 12:45 am
not well so till further notice i wont be posting in anything.
be safe god bless you all
Mar 25th, 2024, 12:45 am

Mar 25th, 2024, 1:31 am
Hi everyone

Pj do they really need more tourists getting stuck on trails surely not :shock: :? I do hope for your street it doesn't stop the peace n quiet :D we have a kookaburra around here he is very elusive only comes out occasionally he's been here since he was a baby he also likes left over cat food the neigbour often puts the cats bowl out back and she says he finishes it off :D matina sorry to hear your not well lots of love healing energy sent your way feel better soon hugs angel :D
Mar 25th, 2024, 1:31 am
Mar 25th, 2024, 2:49 am

Corner of my back deck . . .

matina, sending lyou ots and lots of get well soon wishes. Hope you're soon feeling better!

Katy, NPWS announcement made today, and also covered on national TV, that 'the Grand Clifftop Walk' is now open. No sign of any tourists so, though. They say it will take two days to make the entire walk, five minutes of which will be in front of my house! Will wait and see. Nice sunny day today, so I sat out in the backyard for a while. For some reason, Sunnya decided to sleep in. Tomorrow is Rishi's vet appointment and blood test. Am really hoping that her report won't be too bad. I think she's lost a lot of weight.

Albrina, good that you could stop by. Hope you're well!

Bye for now, everyone . . .
Mar 25th, 2024, 2:49 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Mar 26th, 2024, 1:27 am

Morning Pj a little baby kookaburra for you (not my photo) lovely weather so far enjoying the cool mornings no humidity for a change, we like to sit on the back deck with coffee it's peaceful with the farmland to look at :D I guess you'll see if the new trail gets busy with Easter weekend coming up im.sure there will be someone in need of rescuing :? Good luck with rishis vet appt let us know how she is :D matina thinking of you hope things are improving for you :D God bless :D
Mar 26th, 2024, 1:27 am
Mar 26th, 2024, 3:26 am

matina, hope you're feeling at least a little bit better this morning. Let us know when you can. Rishi sees her vet at 5 pm today. Hoping for a reasonably good report. Yesterday I made sure she had plenty of Felliway. I'm guessing that she'll continue on her steroid and maybe get an increase. Got family news from my niece last night. All are well there.

Katy, thanks for the photo! I'm adding my own from yesterday. My kooka was sitting in the shade on my front deck, so I had to lighten up the photo. So glad to hear that you're enjoying your cooler mornings with coffee. Warm and sunny up here today, but it's been going down to 7 or 8 degrees at night. Took another short walk yesterday. No sign of more pedestrian traffic on the 'Grand Clifftop Walk' . . . but it was only announced this past weekend. Must post a photo of the three new 'signposts' that the BMCC put up recently.

Bye for now . . .
Mar 26th, 2024, 3:26 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle