Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Aug 7th, 2020, 3:11 pm
Max Abaddon Series by Justin Leslie (2-4, 6-7)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview:He is a retired, highly decorated army major who has completed two combat tours in Afghanistan. Justin has focused on building his own magical worlds to share with readers, as well as enjoying ones created by fellow authors.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


2. Max Abaddon and The Purity Law - Twelve months ago, Max was living what one would consider a normal life. That is, until he-learned he was a little more than your average thirty year old. Together with a team of eclectic mages working out of an estate known as the Atheneum, they destroyed the Fountain of Youth and stopped a plot to disrupt the upcoming talks about the magical and Ethereal communities coming out to the normal world, known as ‘The Balance’, but only for the time being.
Since then, things have been quiet. Max has been settling into his new nine to five job with the transitions office, a division of the National Council of Traditional Sciences (N.C.T.S), registering Mages and Ethereals alike in preparation for the inevitable Balance. Unfortunately, things don't remain quiet for long. With his powers starting to finally take shape, the magical community realizes that Max is not your normal run-of-the mill junior mage. Max is faced with new challenges in his training and for that matter, his career, when he is visited by an old acquaintance hell bent on exposing what the transitions office true purpose is. His new job may not be as simple as it seems, as Max decides to rally the team at the Atheneum to investigate why the registration information he is gathering is needed, and even worse, what it's being used for.
Together with his most trusted pixie comrade, Petro at his side, Max realizes the group that they ran into a year ago is back. As he perfects his powers under the leadership of his new sponsor, will Max and the team be able to stop the Thule society and ensure the talks for ‘The Balance’ are carried through? Will he end up learning the true nature of the transitions office? Again most importantly, will Max find time for a drink or two at his favorite bar, the Fallen Angel?

3. Max Abaddon and The Gate to Everwhere - A lot has changed for Max over the past year. He left his job at the Atheneum, opening his own consulting firm. The Balance has occurred. With the Accords in place, the regular world as well as the magical community are getting acclimated to each other. What Max didn’t plan on, was his position on the Council keeping him in the middle of current events.
With Tom back and Ned now missing things are starting to get complicated again. A modified magical drug has hit the streets that can give regular humans a short-term boost of magic, even worse is it causing the deaths of several people. Max, Phil, Petro, and the rest of the team are again called to help solve the mystery, and for that matter prevent a possible new enemy from emerging. Or, is it someone they already know…
Will the crew find out who this new enemy is? Again most importantly, will Max and Kim find time for a drink or two at their favorite bar, the Fallen Angel?

4. Max Abaddon and The Dark Carnival - After losing two close companions, Max has finally come to terms with his heritage. As his job at the Atheneum continues to fade slowly into the past, his position on the Council is once again tested.
This time The Dark Carnival is coming to town, and with it, an odd collection of Ethereals and Mages. With Planes Drifter headlining the first co-regular/Mage music festival, things of course don’t go as planned. At least not for Max and the team.
Max and the rest of the crew are quickly thrown into the middle of a string of vicious unconnected murders. With all the deaths appearing to be at the hands of various magical creatures and beings, it seems to be a clear open and shut case. Or is it…?
Will the team figure out what is going on before the regular government intervenes? Again most importantly, will Max and Kim find time for a drink or two at their favorite bar, the Fallen Angel?

6. Max Abaddon and The Long Bite - While out solving everyone else’s problems and more than likely saving humanity, Max has forgotten about one thing…all the enemies he’s made along the way. Since traveling to the Plane and coming face to face with the Knights of the Old Gods, Max now finds himself in the crosshairs of a particularly nasty group of vampires.
With vampire assassins and foul mouth unicorns causing Max more than a headache, a personal matter has also risen from the grave. Once again, Max, Petro, Phil, and his closest allies are tested. This time it’s personal, and the crew has to quickly find who is behind the death mark placed on Max.
Between Max’s struggle to stay one step ahead of his new adversaries, and an emotional distraction, things are about to get bloody…

7. Max Abaddon and The Gates To Perdition - Max Abaddon was finally about to enjoy an extraordinary, unordinary life until fate had other plans for him. After beating the Soul Dealers, coming face to face with the Knights of the Old Gods, dealing with a rude unicorn, and taking on the Scarlet Vampire Court, Max and his crew of eccentric companions thought things were calming down.
Now faced with a little problem that landed him in a relatively hotter climate, Max must find out why his great-grandfather Devin, better known as the devil, has gone missing. With the scales of power in the Under at stake, Max must decide whether or not to embrace the dark side of his family. Even worse, answering the question of his own mortality.
With the help of a few familiar faces and a new, rather grumpy demon raccoon, Max must figure out a way through hell to find and save Devin, dead or alive.
Back home, things are also coming to a head with Max being out of the picture, as it’s time to explain a few things to the council…

Download Instructions:
2-4, 6

7. Max Abaddon and The Gates To Perdition
Aug 7th, 2020, 3:11 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Mar 29th, 2024, 3:16 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Dec 19th, 2020, 3:19 pm

3. Max Abaddon and The Gate to Everwhere
Dec 19th, 2020, 3:19 pm
Jun 30th, 2021, 4:24 pm
4. Max Abaddon and The Dark Carnival
Jun 30th, 2021, 4:24 pm
Oct 29th, 2022, 3:21 pm
6. Max Abaddon and The Long Bite
Oct 29th, 2022, 3:21 pm
Mar 29th, 2024, 3:16 pm
7. Max Abaddon and The Gates To Perdition
Mar 29th, 2024, 3:16 pm