Mainstream fiction, from all-time classics to contemporary novels
Oct 20th, 2020, 3:07 pm
3 Books by David Laws
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Overview: David Laws is a national newspaper journalist who has written two thrillers, Munich The Man Who Said No! and Exit Day, with a third novel on the way – this last has just won the Yeovil Literary Prize.
Genre: General Fiction


The Fuhrer's Orphans - Could you find hope during the darkest time?
In an overgrown industrial area of wartime Munich, 27 children hide from the Gestapo scared and hungry. Their parents have been sent to concentration camps and they have nowhere else to go.
Teacher Claudia Kellner discovers the group when she first takes in two homeless victims, risking her own safety by giving them shelter.
Meanwhile, Commando Peter Chesham, a spy working for the British, succeeds in entering Third Reich territory. But his top-secret mission is threatened when he discovers the hiding place of the orphans.
If he continues with his mission it will have fatal consequences for everyone around him, but if he doesn’t, the Nazis could win the war. Peter faces the agonising dilemma; obey orders or save the children.
Will he lead the ultimate escape operation or complete the task he has been given?
What he decides could determine the fate of history…

The Martyr of Auschwitz - A researcher seizes an opportunity to find out what happened to her grandfather during WWII—and discovers a present-day threat as she retraces his steps . . .
Munich, 1938: Two men successfully infiltrate the notorious conference at which Prime Minister Chamberlain will hand Czechoslovakia over to Hitler. One is an American radio correspondent determined to stop the gullible and dangerous act with a dramatic protest. But the other pulls a gun, and pandemonium ensues.
Britain, 2013: History researcher Emma Drake has always wondered what really happened to her grandfather. The infamous Munich agreement was signed and Bradley Wilkes disappeared from the pages of history. Ever since, the family has avoided the topic and let the mystery linger. Now, through her academic work, Emma has stumbled onto an opportunity to investigate. Her quest will take her to America, Germany, and beyond—and into a present-day plot that could have explosive international consequences—in this novel of suspense and adventure from the author of The Fuhrer’s Orphans.

For the Children - Helen Fairfax is a ferry pilot and the mother of Peter, aged six. From Monday to Friday she flies from factories to airfields, then returns to the family farmhouse where her parents look after the boy. She feels torn being away from her son so much, but after her husband died in the Battle of Britain she vowed to live up to his example of courage and strike back at the enemy.
Now the Germans are about to launch the V-2 against London, and MI6 is desperate to get its hands on an undamaged prototype of the rocket to discover how it might be defeated. One has fallen in Poland—and Helen must pilot a secret flight into enemy territory to obtain it, accompanied by Leo Beck who, ashamed of his part in building the rocket, volunteers to assist her.
But after a successful landing, they find themselves pulled into another mission. Parents beg her to fly their kids to safety, far from Nazi squads that have begun kidnapping children. It will mean defying military regulations—but that is far from the only risk she will take when she agrees to this unofficial rescue operation . . .

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Oct 20th, 2020, 3:07 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Apr 24th, 2024, 3:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
May 23rd, 2022, 3:13 pm
The Martyr of Auschwitz
May 23rd, 2022, 3:13 pm