Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Aug 27th, 2020, 4:48 pm
The Beautiful Barringtons series by Kathleen Ayers (#1-6, 8)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 2.8 MB
Overview: Kathleen Ayers has been a hopeful romantic since the tender age of fourteen when she first purchased a copy of Sweet Savage Love at a garage sale while her mother was looking at antique animal planters.
Genre: Romance, Historical

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The Theory of Earls (#1): “Chemise. Stockings. Piano.”
Three words, uttered by the beautifully rakish Lord Welles, leave Margaret Lainscott speechless. His improper request, that she play the piano for him in her…underthings is as shocking as it is titillating. Margaret should never have asked his help in reintroducing her to Lord Carstairs. But his friend meets all of Margaret’s criteria for a husband; passably attractive, of below-average intelligence, and possessed of an obsessive outdoor hobby which will leave her free to pursue her own life.

Welles is one of London’s most committed bachelors, known for his notorious dealings with women and his part ownership of one of London’s pleasure clubs. He’s long admired Miss Lainscott’s unrestrained passion at the piano; a passion he suspects is not reserved only for her music. Welles is certain Miss Lainscott will not entertain his improper request despite the attraction burning between them.

A young lady such as Miss Lainscott would never ruin herself willingly.
And Welles? Nothing would make him compromise his heart…
Until a duet with a passionate pianist changes his mind.

The Design of Dukes (#2): Lady Andromeda Barrington is the most unsuitable young lady in London.
At least in the Duke of Granby’s opinion.
Granby doesn’t care for bastard relatives or tainted pedigrees and Andromeda possesses both. Nor does he like opinionated young ladies who enjoy hurling insults in his direction.

Andromeda is, in short, the most annoying creature he’s ever met.
When she arrives, uninvited, to a house party given at his estate, Granby can’t decide whether to kiss Andromeda senseless or send her packing.
Andromeda is the victim of infatuation and bad luck.
The infatuation is that of her sister for the Earl of Blythe, but the misfortune belongs solely to Andromeda after she is forced to attend a house party hosted by the Duke of Granby. She and the duke are previously, unpleasantly, acquainted. The entire party is bound to be awkward, and their mutual dislike difficult to hide. Her only recourse is to avoid the giant block of ice masquerading as a duke. Thankfully, Granby’s estate is enormous.

But instead of mutual hostility upon arriving, Romy is greeted with unexpected attraction. Insults turn into flirtation. Heated discussions become lingering kisses. Her heart is ruined. Granby may not even have one. And the duke has already chosen another young lady to be his duchess.

The Marquess Method (#3): Lady Theodosia Barrington is practically begging to be ruined.
That’s the assumption of the Marquess of Haven after spying Theodosia at a house party given by the Duke of Granby. After his father left him little else but a title and a crumbling estate, Haven is in desperate need of an heiress. Not only is Theodosia rich as Croesus and beautiful, but she’s also a Barrington. Her brother is Leo Murphy, owner of Elysium and the man Haven holds responsible for ruining his father.
Theodosia is the solution to all of Haven’s problems.
Lady Theodosia has long been infatuated with the Earl of Blythe. In an effort to prove her affection and perhaps induce him to offer for her, Theodosia paints a scandalous self-portrait of herself for Blythe as a birthday gift. The small token of affection is incredibly improper. Her behavior reckless.
She regrets gifting the miniature to Blythe immediately.
Desperate to save her reputation before it can be destroyed and escape humiliation, Theodosia makes another rash decision. Retrieve the miniature from Blythe’s study. Except the miniature is gone. And the only thing waiting for her is the Marquess of Haven.
And her own ruination.

The Wager of a Lady (#4): The notorious bastard of a duke.
Leo Murphy believes in playing the odds, as long as the house wins. As the owner of Elysium, London’s most exclusive gambling hell, Leo’s existence depends on predicting his opponent’s next move. Rarely is he surprised. Until he meets the Lord Masterson's young bride losing at cards.Georgina is beautiful, intelligent, possessed of a razor-sharp wit and a rebellious nature.
She is completely unexpected.
Leo is so struck by Georgina he doesn’t know whether to bed her or befriend her. He decides to do both.

A rebellious young American.
Wed to the scandalous and elderly Lord Masterson, Georgina detests London. Mocked for her accent and her family’s pedigree, she wants nothing more than to return to New York. When the wickedly attractive Leo Murphy offers to teach her how to play cards, she assumes he merely wishes to admire her bosom. She’s half in love with him before the evening ends.

A wager that ruins them both.
One unforgettable night with Leo leaves Georgina compromised in both heart and body. Now she’s keeping secrets from everyone, especially Leo.
Will he forgive her? Or let Georgina go forever?

A Recipe for a Rogue (#5): There are many uses for a good custard. Seduction being one of them.
Rosalind Richardson is in her third season, pleasantly plump and with an unrestrained passion for making tarts. Her dream is to become London’s finest purveyor of desserts and sweets. She’s certain the key to her future is a collection of unique recipes so exquisite, so rare, that her success and her independence is guaranteed. She only needs to find a copy of the cookbook. Marriage, especially to the much older, far too handsome Earl of Torrington would ruin all Rosalind’s plans.
No matter how marvelous he kisses.
The earl isn’t only breathtaking to look at, he’s well-versed in the culinary arts. And Torrington owns a copy of the very cookbook Rosalind is desperate to get her hands on.
Soon, Rosalind is being tempted with tortes…and Torrington. Flour and sugar become sensual when whispered in Torrington’s smoky voice. Custard, it seems is meant to be tasted from a man’s fingers. The mere mention of cherries sends Rosalind’s pulse fluttering.
Torrington, unreformed rake, and custard maker is seducing Rosalind…one decadent recipe at a time.
Rosalind might well allow herself to be ruined while learning how to make the perfect cake.
But does Torrington have the recipe to win her heart?

The Making of a Gentleman (#6): Miss Olivia Nelson has never done anything reckless in her life.
Determined to be the perfect young lady amongst a field of wild Barringtons, Olivia strives for politeness. Modesty. Restraint. But when Lady Phaedra Barrington declares her to be boring and goads her into venturing to Elysium, Olivia reluctantly agrees.
Elysium, part gambling hell and part pleasure palace isn’t the sort of establishment Olivia should ever visit. Her future includes paying calls, taking sedate walks in the park and marriage to a proper, somewhat boring gentleman hand-picked by her grandfather. When a handsome stranger nearly ravishes her on Elysium’s second floor, Olivia is thrilled to have done something daring.
Until she finds the same man seated across from her at the Duke of Averell’s dinner table. Winking at her. A proper gentleman, one with an ounce of decorum, would pretend not to recognize her.
But Mr. Benjamin Cooke, Olivia soon finds out, is definitely not a gentleman.
He’s ruthless. Unprincipled. Brilliant. Attractive. And worst of all, American.
Cooke wants Olivia with a determination that is as thrilling as it is terrifying.
Now Olivia is faced with an impossible decision.
Will she be bound by duty? Or sacrifice everything to follow her heart?

8. The Taming of a Scandal: Lady Phaedra is the Disastrous Barrington
Sister of the Duke of Averell, Phaedra has always been a bit wild and bold, even for a Barrington. While her sisters painted or gardened, Phaedra was learning to fence, run a gambling hell and now she’s taken up knife throwing. Everyone in London, indeed all of England, is holding their collective breath in anticipation of Phaedra’s impending scandal. The other half are making wagers on her in Elysium’s notorious Red Book.

Morgan Stewart left his morals and humanity behind when he dug his way out of New York’s notorious Five Points. Manhattan society gives him a wide berth, not only because his business rivals have a habit of disappearing, but the accusations of murder hovering about his broad shoulders have never faded away. Morgan finds a use for everyone in his schemes and Lady Phaedra is no exception. An enormous wager placed in the Red Book will set things in motion. She will be a means to an end. Nothing more.

But when Morgan glimpses Lady Phaedra Barrington striding about Hagerty’s boxing establishment, he is struck for once by something other than brutal ambition and revenge. One tortured kiss with such a ferocious creature and Morgan decides wagering on Phaedra may have been unwise. His heart, long forgotten, starts to beat once more.

Download Instructions:
Books 1-6:

8. The Taming of a Scandal:

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Aug 27th, 2020, 4:48 pm

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Mar 31st, 2021, 4:45 pm
Added: The Design of Dukes (#2)
Mar 31st, 2021, 4:45 pm
Jul 21st, 2021, 4:53 pm
Added: The Marquess Method (#3)
Jul 21st, 2021, 4:53 pm
Feb 2nd, 2022, 6:11 pm
Added: The Wager of a Lady (#4)
Feb 2nd, 2022, 6:11 pm
Jul 6th, 2022, 4:11 pm
Added: 5. A Recipe for a Rogue
Jul 6th, 2022, 4:11 pm
Oct 31st, 2022, 4:51 pm
Added: The Making of a Gentleman (#6)
Oct 31st, 2022, 4:51 pm
Mar 27th, 2024, 6:29 pm
Added: 8. The Taming of a Scandal
Mar 27th, 2024, 6:29 pm