Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jul 1st, 2021, 3:29 pm
Gilded Knights Series by Emilia Finn (2-6)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 2 mb 425 KB
Overview: I live on the east coast of Australia with my 2 small children and my engineer husband.
Genre: Romance


2. Chasing Fire - Though he’s the youngest of five brothers, Lieutenant Nixon Rosa is the protector of his family. He isn’t afraid of the heat, and when he’s working as a small town fire fighter, he’s always the first on site, and once his crew is safe and accounted for, the last to leave.
But what happens when he meets Idalia Mazzi, the Italian beauty with too much baggage and a little boy who suffers from a traumatic past?
Idalia has a hotel to run, business to see to, and a high-needs son to care for. She has zero interest in a hotdogging fire chaser who’s quick to smile, and even quicker to tempt fate.
Idalia would rather be alone than date a man who seeks danger on a daily basis. But fate has a way of stepping in and pushing a single mom in the direction she had no clue she needed to go.
The problem is, Idalia isn't sure she can trust her heart to a man a second time, when she’s already been burned in the past.

3. Animal Instincts - Thirty year old veterinarian Beckett Rosa runs a small town animal clinic. When he isn’t at his beloved home away from home, Lakeside Animal Hospital, he spends his time mixing it up and basking in the beauty of the single life.
He’s an insufferable flirt, a proud ladies man, and completely incapable of toning down his over-friendly demeanour for the sake of not making a scene, but what happens when Tabitha Lawrence—plain, smart, and in a committed relationship—applies to work at Lakeside?
Tabitha breezed through her degree and boasts a number of years experience as a vet. Not to mention, she’ll be the first to point out the graduate certificate framed and hung on her wall—with honors, of course. But when she moves to a town that requires only one vet, she settles for the far inferior position of ‘assistant’, though she holds high hopes to soon join her new boss in the examination room.
It will only be a matter of time before Beckett sees her competence and begs her to join him.
Unfortunately, Tabitha’s plans go wayward when Beckett has no interest in bringing in a new vet. Instead, his demands lean more toward coffee collection, phone answering, and social calendar organizer, and he has zero guilt that the dates he forces Tabby to schedule tend to rhyme; Jana, Lana, Drama.
Tabitha refuses to play a role in Beckett’s disastrous circus act, but when she sets out to inform him of that, more than animal instincts activate.

4. Pure Chemistry - I’ve never wished for a knight in shining armor before, but today might be the day I let go of that pigheadedness and accept a little help.
I’m a biochemist with a dream to cure cancer, but in my quest to save lives, I may be the reason thousands die.
My candy cane scented drug brings pain relief to the sick, and energy to those still fighting the devastating disease, but with a dangerous cartel getting their hands on my recipe, I may lose everything I love when the youth of my city begin dropping dead within hours of ingesting the new party drug being handed out in clubs.
I want to fix the problem I created, but with all my downtime hogged by the tall, dark, and dangerous Corey Rosa, and a deadly army of foot soldiers tracking me down to fix the recipe they messed up, I might have run out of time.
I’m not done spending time with Corey yet, but the choice may be taken out of our hands before either of us are ready to say goodbye.

5. Battle Scars - They call him Romeo—though no one would accuse him of being a romantic.
Troy ‘Romeo’ Rosa has been a mystery for years.
A mercenary used to working away and taking orders from his tutu wearing, ruthlessly savage boss.
Her domineering ways mean his most recent assignment should be a walk in the park. The last thing he expects is a family so corrupt, it may destroy Checkmate from the inside out.
Troy’s target is a mafia princess.
She’s the heiress to an empire that profits from the horrors forced upon the vulnerable.
After a carefully orchestrated attack on their home, her criminal father insists on hiring someone from outside the organization to protect his most valuable acquisition—her.
They think they’re getting a soldier, but the man who arrives for the job comes with his own agenda—bring down this empire and put an end to the damage they do to women all over the world.
If Troy’s target should prove to be too difficult: bed her.
If she gets too close to discovering Troy's true identity: put a bullet between her eyes and get out of Dodge.
But what happens when secrets are revealed that have the power to break the Checkmate family?
And worse; what the hell is Troy to do when he falls for the mafioso’s daughter?

6. Safe Haven - Tyler Madden is a mystery, a sentinel passing through town and sticking to the shadows. He’s unforgettable to those who want to know him, but he prefers the darkness, and regularly seeks anonymity.
It’s how he keeps his younger siblings safe and off the radar of those who may come looking. Kaia and Louie are not his by law. He stole them the moment they left the womb, which means if they’re discovered by the wrong people, everything they’ve worked so hard for will come undone.
Arlo Reynolds is loud and goofy. She knows every resident in town, inserts herself in everyone’s business, and isn’t fearful of being the center of attention.
But since Tyler refuses to step outside his carefully constructed four walls and join her in the real world of lust, laughter, and a sizzling affair, she drags him out against his will.
He deserves happiness and a woman who makes his blood run hot, but could a single night with her be the reason everything is destroyed?

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6. Safe Haven

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Jul 1st, 2021, 3:29 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 23rd, 2022, 4:35 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Sep 2nd, 2021, 3:15 pm
3. Animal Instincts
Sep 2nd, 2021, 3:15 pm
Mar 14th, 2022, 3:47 pm
4. Pure Chemistry
Mar 14th, 2022, 3:47 pm